Thursday 17 October 2024

Buildings & Bricks


Help me Inka plx?  'Ren? FFS'  I know..... I just can't help myself.....  'I know that, Ren'

So plx?  'You know my help Ren.  Another time another space'   Yeh But?  'You act like you do to fit where you are, can't grow a shark in a goldfish jar'  I'm not a shark  'With my help Ren you are difficult here'

Ok.... Then meby just pat me to sleep and help me to dream?  '🙄' plx?  ...   'Ok'

Working in a building set into a cliff, the walls at the front are red glass and metal, it's an amazing looking place but the work is hard and stressy.  
The building goes bk into the mountain and it's some sort of factory or foundry but modern too.
I was suddenly hated by everyone there, I wasn't sure why.


Next dream was a party with Fay and her friends, they had decorated an plain apartment, it looked amazing as they'd done it with their own art.
Statues and wall hangings and paintings on walls.   Each room had a theme, the bathroom mosaics of blue tiles and then starfish and statues of mermaids like old ship figure heads. 
We were tying up small gift bags for the guests.


Dream was long, I was living in a space with other people, I shared a area with em, the rooms were tiny like sleeper train compartments or capsule hotels.  We had a shelf with a kettle and cups, then a couple of tiny bunks.
The communal spaces had shared baths big enough to swim in and odd art installation's that were movable.


It was like a collage dorm.   Travis was there too, and other people I knew and many I didn't.  We were on an outing, far up north via train, a connection we needed to make at Sheffield.


The journey was great, as we drove past the most amazing ancient surreal architecture, monastery's, castles keeps... But they were vast, beautiful too fractal patterns and stained glass, other worldly in how impressive they were.

One complex was made of what looked like a smooth red rounded sandstone, another was all small stone and flint pebbles, they were separated by fields and woodlands, but the train would wind in and around the castles and stuff giving us a view of the gardens and various doors and outbuildings. 


Last bit of the dream I was stuck at a broken elevator trying to get to the platform with the rest of the group I was traveling with.  
The waiting rooms had been underground.   I managed to make it in time, and joined the others on the dark small platform.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Campings and Covens




First dream was of a big weekend festival, just usual festival fun. 

Next dream I was joining the TA
😆  I'm not really sure why, but it was kinda fun learning to shoot a gun n stomping threw muddy fields.


Em was with me and being given anti-psychotic medication she didn't want to take.


Next an odd dream, a fire had started in a room.   It had been started by the cat vomiting on an unusual putty toy the kids had.
The building was a single story place.   The family had all left but I'd refused to get out of bed.   I was aware of blue lights and fire crew but had just hidden under the blankets.


Then a dream on helping someone I knew teatch another healing skills.   The new student was surprised how easy it was, I was explaining we wen't doing anything really - that the persons body did the healing, we just were reminding the body awareness of the original blueprint so it could adapt back to health.


Last dream I was with Jack n Foz, they had put tv screens in random places round the main dreamspace that was streaming people gaming.  After that we all crashed out in the same large bed.



Loads of very long involved dreams after no sleep for 2 days. 

First dream I'd been with Inka and he'd left me with a guy telling me to wait for him.  I'd not wanted to though and so had ported to a place I was unfamiliar with, it felt like a jungle but of unfamiliar trees not lush n green, more like scrubby bush but miles of it. 
The trees small more like big bushes.    They wern't dense and there we no set paths but room to wander between them.
There had been some sort of murder and I wanted to be alone and not found.   I'd been sleeping rough in this odd scrub area, avoiding anything I herd....  I wasn't even sure what way to get out of it or how to get deeper in. 
Inka was coming for me though, he was on a helicopter with a winch as there was no where to land.
I was avoiding him too, but he knew how to locate me so it was inevitable he'd find me n avoiding him was just likely pissing him off more. 

Angry Inka aside, it was a relaxing dream, I had a small canvas tent the weather was mild.  I'd found a small pool I could wash n swim in n camped for a while not far from that.


Next a dream I don't recall aswell with big stone terraced houses that were up for sale.  I know the style but not what they are called, more town houses than rural... But old.
A birthday celebration too and someone blabbering about stuff.

Then I was bk in the woodland again. I could hear the helicopter and was trying to make my way somewhere more urban so I had more chance of avoiding getting picked up.


Then something more surreal..   Was the same odd dream world, I was controlling a robotic arm large pneumatic thing with a drill, It had a sort of cable tube attached to the base I was using it from and that was stretched across a train track. 
A modern white train arrives and manages to slow, the driver annoyed with me as I move the cable bk, I'd been using the arm to unscrew something on the far track.


Then bk to the bday party dream, it's a kids party but the kids are magical. They have innate witch skills that it tunes out they had inherited from their parents.  The hosts were nice, a warm motherly woman and her eccentric hubby who'd made a sort of magical obstical course in the back garden.  I was helping the female remove stickers from her kitchen that the kids had stuck up.
While helping her she was inviting me to her coven.  There was a Samhain celebration she wanted me to attend, I could see it in my mind, it was in lush green woodland and we all wore deep green too cloaks and dresses it looked nice and I was looking forward to attending. 


Friday 11 October 2024

Games and Temples

Hectic week of 4 shifts in 5 days... 


I had an amazing dream at work....was so physical.. So for a while I've been dreaming about ghosts ... I call them that as I can't see them, the do stuff in my dream to get my attention. B4 my night shifts one was spinning bog rolls to get my attention... I'd gone to the wall where it was and was standing in the interference between... Trying to reach a compatible layer. So last night, came again.... At first a touch on my hand, then arm... and as I connected with it in sleep it was like half my body was orgasming.


Another dream bk here.   A battle between the planets, down to the few the sun would favor. 



Berwick and a star maker, smuggling stuff in an ice-cream van.



Very tired after work shifts.   Sinus headache too.
A dream with Dad & Simon and a school sports day.... We were being made to watch it on a massive TV screen, I didn't want to watch on the TV so I'd wandered of to try find a view of the sports field.


Moving furniture in a small room, a dark wood bunk bed and a sliver locker.


3 murders, and a man who was a prince and could turn into a rat.  He was implicated in another crime.


A longer dream in strange city, I'd taken a job at a supermarket was working in a sort of lab/kitchen.
The staff turnover was quick, but I got to know people there well enough, a mix of cultures.

A meeting was talking about applying to universities I was supposed to attend, but I was happy enough cleaning the kitchen.

Last part of the dream the space morphed into a high school library, younger children were arriving to sleep there waiting for parents to collect them, different uniforms from many different schools.




A hospital care home, mix of people from work and family.

Drs were in the middle floor along with loads of junk.

We had an odd party then an outing from A&E




A hospital game world, odd shoes... They were stamped on the bottom of the soul, sole with names and ID. 

Fake Dr's and big wooden puzzles, in a room of cushions.




Cyrus, large strange old properties and massive dancing cats like humans. 
House swap night, the houses were old and beautiful, like some of the expensive old cottages.  

They had belonged to famous political figures of the past in the UK.

The people living in them were swapping with one another.

I'd gone to visit Cyrus and see his home, then would travel with him to veiw the new one.
Inside was surreal too, beautiful but odd symbolic stuff going on.




Same dream I kept going into all night.
I'd been with Inka and Leon n Kaylo arrived and insisted I dream with them instead.
Pealing me from where I was crashed out next to Inka and jumping me to an unfamiliar plain bedroom, Inka came too and sat close by smoking.  Then I went in and out of the same dream all night.

The dream was amazing and strange...   It started like an rpg game in a dark world, I'd played threw the same quest 2 times... It was to do with a church, our actions depended the outcome.
We could either save the priest or not. 
On the first play threw we'd not saved the priest, ignoring the church and heading deeper into a forest.

The priest had been killed and his remains had been used to open a summoning portal in the church that was bleeding sort of wraiths into the world, flying ghostly things that were trying to get in at windows to feed on people.
As they did all the people were turning into the same iteration of one male.
The dream rolled bk as we were in a cottage in the wood with things trying to get in the windows.
The things vanished and a Nun from the Chapel came, begging us to come bk and save the priest. 
So we followed her bk into the Church...   It gets odd at this point.

I think I took the place of the priest as I vanished from that game world into another, I'd been collected by family...

As I materialise I'm one of them Anubis type dogs...   My skin was hard and shiny like obsidian with golden horns and channels running threw my skin. 
We were in a world of floating platforms, high arches, ornate and beautiful, gold and glowing, like an other worldly glowing cathedral open to the stars that shine around us.


I'd been taken to a father there who seemed more human, tall though.  I seemed to be the only strange Dog thing, the stars reflected in my hard skin.   I was a god of sorts, but young and inexperienced, I was their for training and it was difficult.   A kind of equation with a triangle, the brother I was with was giving me simple ones that I could intuit the answers too, but the father guy wanted them much more difficult.  
I was frustrated as I just couldn't do them, rather than be annoyed he was considering...  
He'd realised I lacked the processing power to work with numbers in my brain that way.  
My working memory wasn't able to hold all the numbers I needed to do the calculations mentally.

He was going to try and arrange an upgrade.

I understood the process though, and the way the triangular equation worked.


In the last part I was going in and out of a combat game with 3 rooms.
There was 2 of us to clear the waves of mobs from the 3 round rooms.
I was in one as my skills were less strong than my partner, and his magic damaged me as well when he blasted the area around him.

We had killed the mobs and were waiting for the game to reset, but I'd not noticed a moving shaft of light on the floor that stunned and damaged me, so I ended up being killed by the lights and not getting any credit for the round.

Friday 4 October 2024

Ethics Game


4th Oct

Better nights sleep.
First night a school bus, I was getting on and off at each stop.  It's dark and in an different version of my main dream space.  It's more built up, but with older large buildings crumbling. 
I was getting off and opening the back of the bus for people getting on and off, I'd passed my stop but kept getting bk on for some reason.
We go round the bk of my main dream house were there some amazing large old buildings, they are empty and crumbling, but incredible looking if some what spooky buildings.  I was surprised I'd never seen them before.


There was also a bed with incense and sex, but that bit I don't really recall.


Next dream was a game that was being designed, but I was in the world.  It was an odd concept that was ment to impart a moral lesson too. 

A family, 2 dogs... Bones and a corrupted purple/pink gem that altered the behavior of all in the dwelling. 

The older dog had become inpatient biting without warning.

At one point I'd gone outside onto a quiet track road were the other dog was.  The road is surrounded by rainbow mountains that look like them poured salt images. 
I'm watching a female who's made a flying suit with silk wings and a long peacock style tail.   She's flying over the cliffs and stops to wave at me.
Further down the valley I can see a large station hub and a dock. 


Last dream was a large camper van, converted from an old truck.  Mark & Lou are there and a small kid, I was looking for his toy monkey... That was like a cabbage patch style doll with blue skin.

The kid had got hold of some pinking shears and cut zigzag holes in the dolls blue fabric skin.

Thursday 3 October 2024

Too Hot & Too Odd


2nd Oct


A shed similar to here, I must have been semi awake.  I'd been dreaming I'd gone down to empty my pee pot.  But then recalled I didn't remember walking down there.  In the dream I'd been sleep walking and tipping it all over the floor.

Spent the rest of the dream cleaning up.
The dream was odd in style, sort of renaissance style.   Embroidery and old makeup but modern too, a mish mash of stuff.

A friend had a coat made from GSD dog fur and a seal pup hat.   In another part of the dream there was strange symbols in dew on wet grass.


Second dream was stressy too,  A strange old building, converted Chapel had replaced my main dream house... And there were animals allover the place that needed putting bk in there right place.  Tiny mice with no fur,, fancy rats swimming in puddles.  I had a fish that was too big for it's bowl I was carrying around trying to fill a bath for it to go in.
Also smashed pottery to make a mosaic.




Stressy dreams, to hot with menstrual cramps.

First I was with Em in a School.  A guy was withdrawing cash from 2 different machines, running quickly between them.
The school had the feel of a transport hub too.

I was cleaning out a shared fridge, the only sink I could use was in a cafe over the hallway.  I'd picked a time after breakfast when it wasn't to busy to take the draws a few at a time to be cleaned.

The fridge was filled with veg that had gone to bloom.  Beautiful blue and purple flowers.  I was saving the blooms in a jar and getting rid of the vegs bits that were past good to eat.


Next an odd dream, my parents had been in car races.   Her in a female one him in a guys, he'd come first in his and my mam second in hers. 
There were vids of nekid people too, it was hard to identify the people involved but I was trying to persuade the person with them to delete them.


One another layer I was with Inka, we were breaking into a facility at the request of Leon.  It was dark and at night, Kaylo was in a vehicle outside hacking into their security stuff.  The team Inka worked with didn't like or trust me, but this just amused him and I was fairly indifferent to them. 


Next dream was a massive connection of stations, I was there from a school type place and helping a disabled woman who's residential block was near mine. 
There were groups of us that would help less able to and from the lectures and residences.  
The hub was confusing to navigate when using wheelchairs though.  The one we were using was odd, like an old fashioned umbrella buggy.

A small lift we were using was busy, and a guys brakes had failed.  A few of the volunteers along with me jumped down to save him rolling off.... But it was difficult to get back up to where we'd left the people we were with.
I'd also left my personal belongings at the top.   I had to go a really long way round to re-find the woman and then when I did, I didn't have the capacity to carry our stuff and push her. 
We were both tired, and while the maze of the hub was fascinating and busy it was frustrating...  Feeling more like a puzzle.

Last dream was supper odd!!   Inka was with me in the space, I was with a friend of his a dwarf with long curled orange hair and beard.  The space was a series of rooms with bunks and beds.  A dream and sleeping hub, the stairs and landings didn't all connect and we had to clamber between rooms.

There was a guy who was intimate with me too, he'd taken my hand and led me into one of the rooms were we kissed a bit.
Then the odd bit, we were going to have a piss drinking competition/dare game...  I wasn't keen, but seems we were all to take part. 

This ginger dwarf was really going for it, was going to drink tones of his own cause he wanted to win.

So I'd helped catheterise him as it was likely to fuck with his kidneys. Was an odd catheter, with a red odd pair of pants to hold it in position, comical too like a red elephant face 😆 
Inka wasn't taking part... Just amused and confident that his bonkers dwarf friend would win.... 
(Hummm, reminds me of when he was a dwarf once.... And that other dream where him n me were in a city on the run from Leon n he helped me escape to send a message to dwarfs.

We were supposed to watch the piss, but the whole thing was kinda icky. I was in the second round, along with the guy I'd been kissing.   We were all in the room with the first set of pee drinkers, another female was looking utterly unconvinced as they all sat around with there cups of warmed piss.

I'd decided that I'd drink mine out of a china teacup and saucer but I'd wandered off before I got round to it as I didn't want to watch.

I'd would up on the street outside, and unfamiliar town with old tall buildings, they looked like old mill houses and warehouses but had been transformed into dwellings.   Parts of the bottoms were painted where people could reach. 

I was floating by a telegraph pole next to a tree making a call on a phone there, watching kids kick a ball in the street below.

After that I'd headed by to a school residential hall, it was like the middle dream - same place I think.  I had a room, but I'd moved myself into the empty room next door to discover it was haunted. 
The toilet roll holder on the wall would wind it's self down and up.  It was annoying me as I was trying to sleep so I'd taken it off and put it with some other empty rolls were they all started turning together and stopping at the same time.
A guy came in and I was trying to explain it to him, but my tongue was heavy and words wouldn't form so instead I'd gone up to the wall behind the rolls, listening to the interference threw the wall.... Connecting with what ever was in there.   I woke up doing this - it was like I was pressing into static.


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Fractal Sky


An odd dream with Leon and Inka, we were pirates, I had a sore leg making me limp and Inka was pulling me around as I was slow.
We had a boat, caverns of fire and storms.  We were sheltering in the fire caverns that were warm.

At one point I got bitten by a vampire so was turned too.   I had to enroll at vampire school!  Was odd, we wore long blue silk dresses with pinkie purple capes and waste sash. 

An old gothic building, the first lessons were on meditation.  
Inka had left me there and would come bk once I'd learned to control my vamp stuff
Was a bit Harry Potter



First dream I was with Sue from down the road, she was at my main dream space with me.  We were preparing for a formal evening, was a big ball or party.   Upstairs had been turned into a dressing room  and I was picking between 3 ball gowns, the downstairs toilet was a small sauna.


The 3 dresses were all different, a green straight dress with embroidery a peach errrr I duno, it was more like a soft mesh trimmed with matching fur/feathers and the last one was low cut long and a silvery grey colour.


Next dream was visually epic...   A Prism Puzzle world....   A spiral hill in the dark with animal shaped natural rock sculptures and an incredible star and planet filled sky. 
I would zoom my vision and perspective into the sky that glowed blue & purple...   So many galaxy's and systems.. And then deeper than that areas of dark moving energy some like serpent dragons doing a coiled weaving energy dance.
Looked very cool,  we watched a pink dawn arrive on the horizon too. 


Another 2 dreams one I was visiting Travis in an old style Victorian asylum and a second where I was with Shads in Sheila & Erics and was trying to sort the fridge that was filled with loads of butter. 


Wednesday 25 September 2024

Locked Down Alone



First dream was surreal, 2 hospitals and a Dr hub & wife he was called Dr Bill.
My main dreams space where one building was bashed into two and turned into a launderette the buildings were like massive front loading machines, one for washing one for drying. 
The street smelt like soap powder.
A courier appeared to give dot the latest iPhone.


Next was Sheila and Eric's main dream house, the inside was slightly different.  I had a small locked room with a tiny view of the sky.   We were moving stuff again and had stopped at a carpark to get some food from street venders.

I picked some hummus and fresh pittas from a stall next to a fresh meat butcher.


The next 2 dreams were sort of merged.
A world that was being locked down.   Roads were being barricaded with stuff, I'd been walking to a place and my route under the railway bridge had been blocked completely with old builders rubble. 
Other larger routs were still moving with people heading to there designations.

Dom was in the dream too with a new girlfriend, and Zak. 
We were all prepping for a sort of hibernation.  No more than 2 people were allowed to stay together.
Zak was hibernating with a young female his age.
I was trying to work out how they would get food supplies.

We were emptying out an old hardware shop too, taking things that may be useful for the upcoming lock up.


Wake but go bk into the same dream.  Dom Ian and the others were taking me and my Dog to the place were I'd be locked down.
It was a large island of the south coast of the continent.    A small bungalow that belonged to John the foot...  Reminded me a little of my grans old place.

On route we'd driven past loads of nearly empty double deck buss modern they were finishing the last of there routes as most people were at there space already.
Fewer cars moving on the main roads.

The cottage was strange, a morphing place with every changing views.   It was misty while i arrived so at first I was unsure what was outside.
I took delivery of a strange blue tub/tank that was brought in by the authorities and a gallon drum of liquid.
Once we were all separated we were to bathe in the tank as a kind of decontamination before spending our time alone.

The building inside was like a maze, bike parts and experiments were still running, crystals growing, stuff distilling, experiments on various typed of oils and battery's.
Large windows to the front and back gave amazing views of an ever changing landscape,    sometimes farmland, sometimes cliffs.   If I tried to photograph it, it would change too into amazing fantasy environments with Lord of the rings types of towers, castles and cities. 

I was quite looking forward to being alone there to explore. 

I recalled something on run too.  Inka was with me here last night...   Mind merging, but it took over as we joined and my bed was like a bubbling bath of rainbow fluff! 

He's being nice atm :)

Buildings & Bricks

  Help me Inka plx?   'Ren? FFS'   I know..... I just can't help myself.....   'I know that, Ren' So plx?   'You...