Decided to get up and write/right for a bit as astral wired :P It's 2.30.
I'd slept early Ian woke me and I'd been having a conversation but then him talking I forgot. 'You'll Re'member' ;) Hey, can we play soon please?
'Sure witch <3 chill for now'
Wake at 1.09 '0110, Ren get ready' I'd been dreaming, Hanged man tarot, Mirror, when? 'It depends how long till all is ready' :)
'Sure, split.. we are just hanging around', 😏 The ripple on the breeze. 'Waiting get more birds and insects ready. Not sure how many yet we will need to play'
'Gatekeeper, Hell guardian' Hheheheh 'See?' How many? 'How many, you want?' We need many we are ocean in one drop' ;)
Wake thinking WOW... was so wide again. It's 1.51 'You agreed volunteered' lol OFC 'You awake?' Very!!! hehehehe 'We told you, we took your question and made you the answer, come play Ren we jump you soon'
It's fun but so hazy wanted a drink. :)
Breath me in, then blow me out, I'm falling down yet have no doubt.
Free falling threw the air the ground can come I have no care.
I'll fall below and threw the earth, to eat my tail and wait rebirth.
The pause like death, the slow decay. Unravelling time, I turn away.
Lost and found yet not alone, in shadows long I found a home.
Woooo All, Here. 'Your playing Ren' Dream of 2 worlds shimmering breathing. 'Lots more than 2' ;)
Wake at 424.. lol Big Ren blob.. 'Hehe, Ren you'll be wired for a while'
Wake at 6. 'Not this morning, rest and reorientate.'
'Only real-life passes thew the middle of its temples, humanity travels around' hu???
Dreams had been guest/holliday home... big red ren blob?! 'Chill Renn, we got you'
Oh and main dream area... the white squares? 'Find Em's reference, symbols Ren'
It was big, that version of the main dream area I can recall other dreams/stuff... 'Astral layers' Was there 3? 'No 4, use google earth will help' Hu? 'lol Ren trust' Other dreams there, were they all last night?!?!?
'Now' 😏
I don't think I've written them? 'Probably not your weaving far now'
Feel like I'm in treacle. 'Hehe stay there you need tree UL this morning. Your jumped again, just reorientate'
'Then look at sun as it appears soon' Top of hill in a 2 mins.
There you go. 'Thanks Loci. ;) lots of 💧 water. Yoga Ajna 👁 asanas and kefir, you'll come back up slowly' What...That mudra is the one I was... 'Yep Ren, you learn this in astral remember?
Wow, accidentally found this dream from 2018 while looking for the white squares! 'We told you to look for white squares dumbass' lol So many relevant dreams on that page O.o
'Eye for an eye bitch 😈 One each now. We still have the perspective though, you can't remember shit Ren!!' 😏 Hahahah Oh yeh, I also found this last night!
'Point in case, you'd already forgotten!'
So Inka killing Goat me... Then I save him, this is the Odin/Odin UI/All father.
'Also find the London dream... buildings, Goat.' Hu? Hummmmm This is Puck too? lol Im going back to fiction.
Pffffff Archtype party in my head 😆
Wow, that was like yeday Quick/nap/meditiate... 'Yep, but Green' Was nice.. 'That's cause it's love lol' 😆 'You can trust us Ren, we're not going anywhere, your possesed now' 😏
This too from 2018, I feel it's linked to the night before last :P 'No shit Ren, your bloody liability whatever reality your in' Hahah, No god's no masters Symbols... 'Zak - the lord remembers/laughter' Hebrew.
I know, you've been telling me this shit for years 😆

Heheheh And this is a good thing why? Still not scared though!
'I know bitch, it's cool... it reads intention thankfully' 😈💜