Showing posts with label colored feathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colored feathers. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Feathered Eyebrows

I've been camping again so dreams have been forgotten and interrupted. Last nights were clear and wired!

I was in a strange small village with a central village green.

 On the green was a big portal. The people in the village were playing a game, it was a last to survive type of game. We could take out the other players.
(thinking about it I've played these games in dreams before... usually I get 'outed/killed' early on and you get a sticker to ware)

On this occasion I was pretty powerful (It reminded me of my undead warlock many years ago in  vanilla WOW) I could point at people and cures them and then fear them so they ran away from me. I could fly too.

It was all in very good humor and there was a music festival going on too, I met a lady at a stall who was making false eye brows and she wanted to give me some.... they were amazing things. She made me these new eye brows out of blue and green feathers.

Feather colours

Feather eyebrows

Second dream, I live in a massive city it seems like Japan or Asian, I'm Asian too. I'm with a team of 3-4 people, there are many huge university type of sky scrapers again people are magic and can fly. I seem to be on some sort of mission to get a specific hamster delivered to a local pet shop for someone who is waiting for it 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...