Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Dancing with the Moon Crone

First part of the night I drempt I met with Lorna & Tracy:P

We were chatting and playing with ideas. There were patterns and shapes, they were flowing in and out like breathing and woven from magic :D
I land next into a teaching type of dream...

My teacher is the moon crone.... We are playing with sacred space, and area of influence.
She shows me coloured markers round my self! How they move with me A swirling dance of energy, I'm playing the game, learning the steps of the dance and how to flow with the rhythm like a heart like breath.... we mix and twirl as we dance and become one only to part once more.
She brings me new shoes, my wellies must go! My hair we dye black like the night, magic we work and we weave...
two spiders her servants one to watch me, she's teaching when I'm not there she always can see,
She's got anger inside her, she wants us to grow!
'Shooo's out the others, we can learn at our pace
We are the women and our growing's no race!
Humanity's children, they already know, we can re discover and move into their flow,
The moons the reflection, the jewel in the night, the blood and two spiders and ancient birth right.
**Reality Bomb**
lol it was a fun night! She yanked of my wellies threw them away and gave me some leather foot wraps with a much softer soul

The setting of the dream is a twilight garden,   A beautiful tiara moon gems in they reflect white, soft leather foot wraps with souls that feel and channel everything. 

How our heart creates our energy feild and how it interacts and interplays with other across what we think of as time & space. 

Thursday, 28 July 2016

The strees are paved with shirts?

Wednesdays dream.  I didn't think to much about it in the morning when I woke,  It was when I was going to bed again in the evening that I took a moment to ponder it. 

The dream scape was a a beautiful sunny island with impossibly blue sky.  It had a feeling of a Greek island in the spring.   I was in a small rustic work shop, with a group of people waiting for a balloon ride.

The man who owned the balloon was an acquaintance, his balloon always stayed afloat and to get it he climbed way up into the sky on a brown hemp rope.   We waited below until he arrived with the balloon and a small wooden crate for us to stand in.  
Air Balloon
As we climbed aboard until the create is  full and we were hanging over the sides. I was aware way the distance there were very futuristic air planes fighting, triage shaped. 

As we started to move we were instantly flying low threw an empty city, the buildings appear modern and clean, as I looked below me I realised that the streets of the city were paved with a patchwork of fine cotton suit shirts.  

It wasn't until last night I realises how this image perfectly blended the sayings 'The streets are paved with gold' and 'The shirt of my back' 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...