Showing posts with label Fox symbolism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fox symbolism. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


Didn't dream much but had a visit from Fox... a beautiful large one :) I remembered that Saturdays timeline healing dream at the start I was carrying a fox cub in my mouth. Need to ponder Fox -

Fox pic

Sooo, thoughts so far.

'Fox' and my thoughts on fox energy today :D

It's a playful creature who survives by it's instincts... a predictor in it's own world but Prey in the world of man... cunning in it;s escape, it won't just panic but will often run rings around the hounds leading them astray.

It goes to ground, it's den below the earth and is active from dusk - so it's an energy that fits with dream work.

Also a strong female energy tied to it's night time activity's and home in the dark womb of earth..... yet it's coat is like fire, blazing orange like the sun, so it also symbolises spirit and the element of fire, might be worth me pondering it;s link to the orange chakra.

It's a family creature, nurturing and protecting it's young and like wolf it mates for life so there is loyalty there.

I'll admit to being indifferently disposed to 'Fox' for a time after one killed our pet cat when we lived in London... but I can't ignore spirit animals.

It seems like quite a powerful spirit animal, The fact that a very healing dream started with me carrying a Fox cub in my mouth (like I was it's mother) seems now very intriguing, and another layer to the dream I'd not considered yet.

After the vision of fox I had a vision again of the pebbles from my 'clear water dream'   This time they were in a bowl with a spoon like breakfast cereal.  It occurred to me they are a very similar colour scheme. 

Update - 2-Sept-16
Thinking more on Fox, it seems fox might also be a mirror more than other animals, given our relationship with them in the UK they may well be subject to more than their fair share of projection.

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