Woke to a track playing that I'd not put on... Still it's a track I love!! 💚 it's what fried my heart center.
Drag me down, inside the earth, bury me deep to recall our birth, where we danced a planet and sang the air and then we formed hills and mountains without a care, we ran threw woods and swallowed the sea and we fractured ourselves into you and me.
We play in creation. We poke at the game. We stare at each other knowing we are the same.
We know this cause we made it! We ripped it up and then, We played it.
Come hold my hand, as we run back in. Come dive with me while in the air we swim.
To the time before, when our game was new and the shadow you're afraid of was the birth you knew.
Wake suddenly at 101 'How was that Bitch?' lol Inka, I'm so hot... I feel like I'm burning! 'Ren 😆' Had been in upper astral formless space holding watching being. Then a feeling of group falling/tunnel.
Wake next at exactly 333 I was aware but it was just sensation bit ripply nice flowing.
There had been a dream too.... In a plane in an electrical thunder and purple lighting storm, we are playing a new game. A woman is holding an infant she is talking and sharing roles.
The men leave first. It wasn't my turn yet I had to wait a bit longer.
Another dream a road had been totally flooded fields too, a guy in a canoe he was supposed to build a shed but hasn't yet.
Was still awake at gone 4.30 was told this dream is linked to the 'new game' dream here. Also told will will jump at 444... I did then it was strange jumbled visions and sensations.
I'm a flea! lol in thick purple fur the perspective is wired. I knew the fur as I sort of zoomed into the flea and then all was wired cause lol ....flea perspective!!
Back at 505 thinking that was bloody wired.. 'Come back Ren, all of you with me' lol ok... jump back and next wake bang on 515! Hahaha
Was warm dark/soft but hard too, a flea on a purple preditor 😆😋
A word - 'Emissary' and a feeling of Asia - Venus is so bright out of the window now and the almost dark moon rising below it.
'Come bk please Ren' Told again emissary and lol Leon turns my avatar back into a flee and pops me back into the purple preditors fur!
Felt really strang...'Yeh Ren, your splitting allover.. come bk and focus here please' 💜
Wake at 707. I'd been with Inka as a parasite in his purple fur....... I'm fucking nuts 😆😆
Also with Malico in that same guest house from this dream. He is in my story now dark hair & eyes that I'm more familiar with.
We were fighting, just cause we felt like rather than anything wrong.
After we had stopped fighting I fell asleep in astral and he changed my avatar into one he was more familiar with. It's a form I've taken in other dreams and I know it's tied to these below... I was very white/pale with elaborate horns and long white blond hair... I'm formless again just watching this from the room.
The horns from here... and here and preditors and data.
Trashing energy Grid.. and the play/queen dream that I just can't find at the moment.
Yeh finally found it from Last Aug 😛
This one that seems to be the opersit to the Scaly thing I was after the dragon dream.
More mirror number games all day 😏

'Keep playing nice Ren' 💚