Monday, 13 November 2017

Multi Coloured Goat and Long Goodbye

My first dream last night was bizzar  I'd woken up coughing at 1.30 and had good recall.

I was on a spaceship with friends and we are travelling round also playing games.  Me and friend are discussing saying good buy to a home-world you know you'll never return too and different customs.  We are telepathically showing each other 2 humanoids parting  they look like black storm troupers  but there uniform is more of an exoskeleton (non removable) 

They are parting and know they'll never sea each other  one reaches to the others neck and says 'I''l take this for safe keeping'  she removes a serial code. 

It's both tender and sad - lacking in what is normally considered emotion but full of connection & love. 

Next we are on a space station type that looks like an otherworldly posh hotel.  The people from my ship are there we are dressed oddly.. they see something and all rush out together. 

I speak to the person with me and comment 'I struggle to follow the crowd'    we are watching sports or something from other planets, there are also cushions arranged for a music recital.  I'm floating now most people are sitting and standing but I'm floating cross legged above them  over there heads and the cushions talking to a female I know.   Sometimes I'm upside down  ---  I'm wearing a wired outfit of blue silk puffy trews and a cropped top in matching fabric.  It's blue embroidered with pink and gold flecks. 

Woke her coughing. 

Next dream I'm in my main dreamscape but I'm homeless I'm making my way up the coast to the castle... I'm discussing my last dream and how in this dream creativity isn't working well and it's hard to find well paid work for creativity... that I'm not at home in that dreamscape...  I pass an animal sanctuary and tiny male baby goat comes up to me.

It's adorable!  Ankle height with white blue and golden hair  it's coat is wooly matts and long like highland cattle it's got tiny horn buds.     I sit to play with it :smile:

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