Showing posts with label World tree dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World tree dream. Show all posts

Friday, 7 October 2016

I am a Dryad! and other ramblings.... Oh and a Zombi dream!

Well wow,  I was getting lucid in my life and  now I've reached that place were I feel like I'm the punchline in a giant cosmic joke!

The Line/Curve & Mirror! lol  :D     Sooo   if there is creator & reflection.... what am I creator or reflection or the void in which they are looking at each other??   :P   Ooooo  I'm all 3, a triad or a Dryad cause I'm also the tree!

Going to have to make pictures for my thoughts.   Have sketched my own but no more yet. 

So I was sitting under my soul tree this morning thinking.    And a picture popped into my head.

Followed by another -

It's the world tree that I keep dreaming about....   and my dreams were I turn into a dryad.    WOW  I'm living a fairy tail    -  lol :P    And lol, Triad.... Dryad!   

When I was at my aunty Sheila's at about the age of 6 or 7...  I woke from a dream were I'd fallen of  the disk of my flat earth.

I'd been sitting on it, it wasn't big but the tree was in the middle the grass green....  

But it was wobbling to much  (I'd been indoctrinated into the world of the mind& matter  and left my heart& imagination)  
 It tipped to one side so much I rolled off the disk.  I fell for a long time and then I landed at the bottom of a big metal slide. So I was 're'mebering' all along!!! 

OMFG!! That's the soul fragment/ghost in the Aunty's house I've been tracking.... it's the part of me that re-membered the earth disk O.o     I left that bit of me there with the dream, that's what I was running upstairs to get when Zak woke me.   The child shouting to me threw 'space/time' 'You left me here'  

The spinal column along with the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems are this Tree within the body.   -  The vagus nerve.  

The image in that too....  when the brainwaves are balanced in the 2 halves of the head.... that's the middle, the trunk of the tree going down into our body.

It's all the same....  lol   see above...   The inside is outside and the outside is in :D   -  The vagus Nerve

The wobble on the spinning top is the axis on the earth!!   Soooo   lol dose that mean I'm a flat Earther.... I totally didn't get it till now. 

This is literally mind blowing....  That stops the wobbling.... like the spinning top.   When our awarness is balanced in the 2 halves of out brain and between the mind and the heart that's  what people tallk about the 4th dimention.    It's inside us   lol   The up down the balance....

Then I found this website.    -  That is the same as my thinking!

Sooo    IS this quantum too?    IS it flat or round?   Both and Neither :D  At the same time :P 

Next was word play...     With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.   

This freaked me out the last time I got to this part...  

So word play.  

Power  = the ability or capacity             (New house...  with more capacity!)    

Response  =   Re-Action a reverse moment - a reciprocal action
Ability = skill talent. 

Soooo   Balance??   To balance the action of other?    Who is the 'other' if all is unity?  :D  Only ever more questions! 

One-another  soo    One and Other....   again, mirror and reflection, this is duality.... but that is an illusion so there is only one, so that makes me creator, or triad? Or Dryad...  lol 

I guess Dryad as the trees inside too, in the story I was a tree so  as above so below....   

So who's looking at who? :P 

Is this the bubbles in the flower of life?   We are only 'aware' of self cause we are interlocking with other bubbles... that gives us the 'point' of self perhaps. 

Sooo If I'm the tree in the centre of my flat earth do I balance that?  IS balance desirable even?     The tree still has up down so still had duality even if it is balanced, but a world with out a wobble would have no seasons. 

Hummmmm :D     Will have to dream on that!

Sooo only last nights dream.

I'm in a strange country, Cambodia perhaps??   I duno though it was just strange to me. 
There was a talking bus, and zombies... the zombies were fairly harmless they just didn't seem to have any purpose  (had to google this to spell it.....  I'm beginning to think Dyslexia may be evolution too... words mean so much more than I thought.    )
Purpose---   the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

So yeh, these Zombies were just bumbling round. 
There were a small camp of people from my country, but they didn't seem to want much to do with me.  
Also something about a Tower, wired and dark.       -  I'm guessing this is going to be the 'Tower' Tarot so some archetype. -   Interesting! 

Oh lol..... the tower was letting  me know about the impending collapse of the round world that I thought I was living on!!!!     *Giggles*  Oh and yesterday the date was the same forwards and backwards....  meby I did hit the side of the bucket after all ;)

Edit.9/10/16 .. Oh lol   Just found this dream from August -  Hahaha  I'm slow sometimes :P    I've been telling myself stuff this for years.

Just found more links today.  10/10/16

Family split and a giant bird.

Last night I seemed to be analazing dreams as I was having them.
First a big round tree/spaceship with a trunk tail. The top was all lit up with lights and windows. (this was my brain and spine ) Duno why but it was.
A strange ancient myth/story of a family separated and coming back together. (my story/human story)
We were in an amazing Inca style garden in the garden was an amazing elaborate locked box (Inside is ancient special paintings )

We as a family have the key. One man in the garden wants the paintings to pay of a debt - but they are worth more than that most of the family want the pictures to 'fix' things, they want to help the guy out but the pictures are to valuable. He keeps trying to steal them/paint new ones so we won't notice.
I add a new picture into the box with the ancient ones - it's a photo of a young boy and girl getting married... (it's a pure version of opposing energy)

-- After that I was talking to a massive juvenile herring gull! He' was much bigger than me :P I was feeding him some bread while we talked about the many paths to the same destination.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Meeting with Intelligent infinity

Sooo full of Joy today! <3 <3 <3 <3 My dreams last night and the visions which confirmed and expanded on what I've been learning...  I also need to draw this stuff :D :D
The experience of intelligent infinity... and then straight into another teaching dream!! :P lol Let the new cycle begin!
First part of the night, I'm my triad.
Over-soul male/female I'm playing with and looking at the thought constructs of the last month.   The shapes/time/tunnels and the paper I wrote yesterday. I'm doing this in the void.

Wake and can't breath!! (Asthma first attack since last big growth in 2008-9) Get inhalator... I know some things happening between heart and throat centres.
Lay down and get visions/my old poetry/love/joy/everything pouring into me.

<3 <3 I laugh, and cry at the beautiful game of being a human I'm playing! 
The simplicity of it all... Scale, Micro-Macro, as above so below and vice/versa 
I'm the ocean in one drop of dew... part of it all but ever so small... but I'm not small -- I'm ALL! 
I'm reverse engineered...I'm surrendering to my re-membering that I'm all that is and all that is is me....... and it's so beautifully simple the only time is 'now' the only 'venue' is here.   We are the start and the end, the Alpha and Omega the snake eating it's tail the torus the infinity sign. 'We are' !
We are all ready are what we are looking for, we all ready are what we are waiting for! <3
Sooo fall asleep again, in a sea of tears and laughter and joy. 

The dream (Hazy recall as my mini control master Zak :P - Woke me demanding I get him an ipad)

Setting. A school... it's a sleep/dream school and it's full.

I've been 'called' it's time now. (I also know everyone in the school me/teachers/students are also me)
My recalls insane!! I can see my dreams of this live and other lives... I know I've been working on these issues in other lives too (I'm mentally a bit miffed with myself it's taken me to 40 in this life to put it back together lol) I have full recall of 'past/other' life dreams in this school.... though the ones I can access most readily are the lives I've re'memberd into my current working awareness.
The school has a wired name it's a jumble of letters.. there is a special unit??

I'm asked by our teachers to speak.... I am in a room filled with loads of 'other selves' I stand up in the middle of them smiling (I'm so confident and full of joy)
They are all talking among my other selves. I wait watching patiently amazed and in love with them all.... eventually an elderly black male notices me and motions to the others too shhhhhh.
I smile and I start to talk when I do I'm amazed, my voice is so loud and clear I don't ever really remember talking in my dreams certainly not like this, it's almost like the first time I've herd my voice.
They are all stunned that I've been there all along and they didn't notice me.
I'm amused and I teach/learn learn/teach with the other me's.
The Elder (me) teachers are impressed too they know I'm way beyond this class but I'm content and happy to 'be' 'here'.
 They start me on the same 'level' as 'we' have stuff to share :) I'm loving it and getting a handle on the symbols used in this school... the language used to interpret is a little different from what I'm familiar with.
I'm paired with another female at a yellow level.. (We all know I'm way more than yellow cause I'm the teachers and the classroom tooo... but yellow is good place to start)
I start 'work' I wait, learning my approach from the other me's what they are doing that's working or not. When I try it comes naturally It's fun and such a joy working with the other me's :D
I get my first 'field' trip with a quiet female, we have soft fabric buckets (to keep symbols, tokens and experience in)
 We are clambering up over smooth rocks to our right.... heading to a place were we will work threw together what's in our buckets. I notice that my buckets nearly empty but hers is very full of stuff... I take her bucket from her so she can concentrate on the climb and enjoy the view.
Zak woke me before we got to the bucket sorting

From August 25th 16.  Next was an image.. it was similar to the masonic symbol but it was on a mirror the square and the compass shape... I understood the meaning of it, and they should overlap... Time/lines and architecture and the mirror were all part of it and important -
Then this repeated again, same image. (don't understand this at all this morning so will have to look into the symbol) :P

Friday, 2 September 2016

Circular Time & A World Tree

 Yesterdays dream that I didn't get a chance to write up was another  time-loop.

It was was hazy on waking and I was in a hummm guild hall might be best description. . It was a place for our team. Our graves were there too. The dream was going back and forth in time ... in a ring .. of a lifetime. Doesn't make sense at all now but seemed totally understandable at the time.  Elements were a feature.

Last nights Dream

Beautiful dream, I'm in a magical conifer forest that stretches to a beach it's dusk and stunning, I sleep there and wake again and it's twilight I walk up and into the forest, the trees get denser and the sandy path turns to wood.
I realise I'm in giant conifer on one of it's branches the tree is huge with different worlds on it's branches all attached to a central trunk.
After that I turn elemental, swapping from fire to soil, and then air ect.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...