Showing posts with label Dimensions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dimensions. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Family Fall Out

Internets borked and is later now so recalls not so sharp.

The first part of the night feels like weaving long and wide - ideas... woken by kittens then crash again.. woken by kittens hr and a half later.

Was having a strange dream/lower astral experaince of a young boy/girl felt almost like a soap opera reminded me of the start of this dream.   Also the duality dream where I lived a life lasting generations in a pond with the water people (till it was drained). 

Also the duality dream where I lived life-lasting generations in a pond with the water people (till it was drained). The dream was just running swimming, the Male threw streets and woods, the female threw ditches/sewers and rivers.  Male/female parts of self (Last night the dream of contracts & male me) when they are as one again..and dreams followed on from last night too)

This track pops into head on waking :)

 When I'm with you, I'm a kid, I'm an animal
Taught me how to love, where we're from, nothing else to do
But live it up, we were kids, we were animals
Runnin' through the woods, now I'm tryna get to you again
When I'm with you, I'm a kid, I'm an animal
Taught me how to love, where we're from, nothing else to do
But live it up, we were kids, we were animals
Runnin' through the woods, now I'm tryna get to you again


Wake bang on 303

I’m in a dream with all the dream/story characters but we were just chatting/sharing… lol subjects were last night’s dreams/shamanism/aliens/dryads…  tree spine spaceship brain type stuff so symbolic but also all very interconnected and woven with story & narrative – Back to sleep for 313 but wake again at 333 very suddenly after an odd astral experience where our minds had been connected like the like the dew drops on the spiders web :P   lol  It reminded me of a mother duck leading babies  all in a line. 

Went back to sleep to wake bang on 444 after a really long fascinating dream – it was multi layered and fits with the other stuff from the evening and last night, my recall was hazy but for a few parts that stuck… which is annoying will try a dream re-entry tonight to try remember more.  

Starts of in space a battle/war with 2 main factions and many other involved most allied with one side or the other.   (This makes me think of the dreams with stasis and serial numbers)

I’m on a GREY ship lol  :P   ‘Symbols Ren’ 😉 Was some epic space battle but our ship had been ostracised from our own faction too so we were on neither side and instead hummm I had a feeling we were like a clean/up crew… scavengers we certainly were not under the command of either faction and distrusted/unwelcome by both sides, though we were tolerated rather than attacked. 

The next part I recall Is earth like.  I’m taken to a massive posh country estate/manor one of them UK stately homes, it’s modern and is being used as a wedding venue at the time of my visit there are 100’s of people there we see guests in the garden.  (Wired recall of being a guest in the garden too in another dream years ago).  I’m not a guest, I don’t like there and I’m not staff though it’s the staff I’m mainly interacting with and using the staff areas.   Along with the ceremony and the guests and celebration I’m aware that nothing and no one are what they seem… there are layers upon layers.   So many games in games and agendas – it was boggling and even while in the dream I was amazed and astonished, the staff there and the other people in the dream all know me – but I don’t recall them or that much about ‘me’ :P.  

Inka is Male me though telepathically linked / separate. 
He knows the score and I know this is linked to these dreams too. 

My Grans house and me siding with outcasts)  - and then these 2 dreams with Inka too off world controll
Setting fire to stuff.  Oh the Gran dream was on the same day as one of the others too 👀

There is another layer to this too…   It’s played as we split from the house.  We are there with others in this massive house taken threw to a hub, meeting place waiting on a mission/game start.   While waiting Inka and me have split into another dream/astral layer to close portals.   They have been opened and we are closing them down again, were elemental and Illeth meets us there too I think she was water, I was fire and Inka air, he closed his with lightening – we were depleted though and tired it took our joint effort to close the earth portal then we dropped back into the other dream we were splitting from. 

It’s a hub inside what appeared to be the massive estate.  It’s typically hubby large white entity’s coming in and out all the time   (On waking I realise this is also linked to the stuff from this Feb/March--- where I realised the Rog character came from in my story).  We are waiting on the ‘next move’ and assignments.  It’s not our turn….  There was something about weaponised insects … I wish I could recall better as it was totally fascinating.    Drugs/Cigarettes my actual bro was there too…. Lol just remembered he actually did get tattoo with a barcode and serial number years ago :P     

Oh the Organics v humans battle dream?    Anyhooo dream jumps and we are taking outfits/uniforms roles.  My uniform is more like underwear like shorts and a running bra but made of the weirdest stuff it’s almost reminded me of fly paper rolls :P    or thin sticking scraped animal skin… It was a little like the sealed confession from the Yew Are Accused… also the insect type armour in other dreams?  The stasis on and then another one in my main dream area?  Lol but this was more like fly tape.    Oh guess could fit with one of my Trump dreams… were I was clearing out a house with the Duality recyclers :P  Anyhooo at that point I was just alone there My bro, Inka had different roles I was going to get changed and wait jump/port.

So I’d woken at exactly 444…..   Mind was O.o   pulled back to the astral convo from before the dream with characters Inka, Leon and crew – we are chatting about the dream and they are explaining free will/shamanism agreements games different things people want to play with and experience.   The whole night was totally fascinating!!

Woke at 6.30 but was to late to go Run dawn
as I had to sort pets/kittens and packed lunches so run as later.    I know how this is linking so many other dreams.  

Oh on run had that wired DL/ recall, the battle and the boggart dreams, the baby bogart found as collateral damage in a war…   Also that strange dream with a woman withlong hands, I knew these were all connected too.. Trump & Honey

Oh wired... The Serial number one Nov 17... lol also upside down ;)   The dream wiredly similar, Goat too!.... 'Ren, just keep re'membering'  And the other.....   Stasis & an overseer

These ones from Jan with Rog that started here... Or meby night before

 DL was direct to root chakra O.o   lol  most odd never had a DL there before  hahah well not this kind >,<     ‘Ren’ 😏 Heheheh  Inka 😜 

Friday, 20 March 2020

Dream Weaving

First up is wild, it's like multidimensional dreams kind of an angelic soul review.  Psychic & physical guessing the nature of reality games.  It's like a world review where you're wrapping up thousands of lives but bigger... so your wapping up many worlds and their evolution.  

'VAST' is the best description, I felt dizzy waking up :P   Oddly I didn't wake strait up, I dropped back first into one of my main dreamscapes first.  It was the Craster one at night in the middle of the street.   I tried to get a perspective on stuff there before waking up here.

Numbers 1 threw 12 paired up in strings.   ???   Not sure what this means/ is yet... but THAT.

Oh, also ancient portals... allover the earth old ancient sites!  They are portals some of them are female some male   (Charge  Black/White)  Crumbled... but also Coming back online, or activating. 

Next up I'm dancing.... First, there are many of us and then the men sit down, go home but the women aren't watching we are lost in the dance/trance.  It's ancient and now, it's tribal and raves we dance for hrs and hrs all the women together. 

When the lights come back on we are confused and wondering where the men went, but all hugging each other and saying goodnight.  Makes me think of this dream from last month but with women.

Next dream is more dreamlike.

Starts in an unfamiliar street and I'm with 'my father' but it's not my waking dad.  He's elderly and I love him,  the street is wide the sky grey we are taking a tram.  He's elderly black African, stooped over with a stick he wears an old suit, green flannel thick and checked and his curled hair is mainly grey now,  he keeps farting.  I help him onto the tram with me and we find a seat together. 

Sitting we are now watching an 'overlay'  an image we recall of a mother, beautiful strong black African it's like watching a tube map, but it's fast and multidimensional she's whizzing back and forth weaving fast, the stops on the tube style map are realities places and time and we are watching her weave quickly pulling threads together into fabric. 

Seen changes and I'm watching a version of me, there is an elderly 'parent's right advocate' she's old with bright blue eyes (Like the architect has) she's fast and wise and talking and then she pauses to let me speak.

I watch a version of me speak, she's hurt, passionate too and speaks with closed eyes shedding tears...  She says

'Any other female (meaning the other species) would fight to the death to protect their offspring, we have a system disguised to make women and parents powerless, we are tricked into signing our children into corporate slavery at birth... forcing them into a system we don't ourselves believe in'

Wake up here  - 

People I've connected with suddenly and randomly posting things from my dream, Zak drawing the thing they posted, and then realising I'm at the last page of my dream book too with also the same image!!

I'm a dream weaver too....  time to weave a better dream. 

"The storm does not come to destroy their fruits, nor to break their branches. The storm comes to remind them that it is at the roots where their magic is. " - Arnau de Tera -

Then Zaks picture after I asked him to draw me a magic flower & the last page of the dream book bought by Josh

  -  The baby dragons, our babies, Earths babies.  Not happening no more.  💓💓💓

Saturday, 8 October 2016

The 6th Dimention! Well shit :D

First Dream.....
. Giant stone elementals, I think I'm one too. I'm shifting slightly to the right It feels like I'm in the foundations of being and the move is almost like cracking long stiff knuckles. The spider from the earth crone.... we are the net & web!
I wake feeling I need to be careful, Next bit is all awake.
I'm shown.....'There is no need for you to be careful you  already know the game and the outcome'
I just don't remember - I just need to move further aside and let the part of me that dose lead/drive' I laugh and surrender further into remembering.

'Monad' - I'm told. Ok - One? God? I check google on my phone yes.. Monad (Gnosticism), the most primal aspect of God in Gnosticism.

Then I think, ok... SO Triad.. that's 3.    

2, that's the Mirror!!

So I know I'm a Dryad, so what's that... A dice has 6 sides... so a Dryad has 6 points.

So what shapes that, it's 2 pyramids one top and one bottom. --- Oh that's the 2 interlocking stars, the Mekhaaba thingy... the star of David!

I laugh.... I know how the dimensions are ordered I see the North South East West the 4 elements the male the female... The mirror

I'm a 6th dimensional being!

I know it's inside too..... It's the tree of life, which is also the flat earth and also the story I wrote  for the tree.
My Asthma flare up.... I had the feeling my lungs were getting bigger... This was also the increased power supply I was shown in one dream (I was also told my electrics were shot... I'm fixing this)

I'm expanding into the branches of my lungs that I lost when I fell out of my flat earth when I was 6.
(this was a dream at my aunty's house and the thing I've been tracking in the aunty ancestors dreams)

-- It was when I was indoctrinated into the world of the mind, the round world and left the world of the heart the flat earth. They are quantum!  (Also left right   the air/water/fire/earth & fixed mutable)

The trees both inside and outside... it's the 2 half's of our brain the lungs, the vagus nerves the Veil is inside too.. it's stopping the bits of use re'membering what we are.   It's the Hermetica As below so above, as within so without! (Also told to me in a dream years ago)

Sooo I'm A dryad, a Triad and a Monad O.o I realise I'm Ra, I'm Dr who :P
I'm a time lord lol I'm a 6th dimensional light being That's the code I'm carrying - that's my group/collective.

It's at this point I'm a very awake mouse!! ....  I'm stuck in bed thinking.   
Oh the irony... I was sleeping to wake up and now I am awake I can not sleep! Lol why do I always get insomnia when people are sleeping down stairs and I'm stuck up here with the universe inside me. Lol and whilst that is factual it also appears to be metaphorical.      (Irony - alchemical too)

Soooo wow.... I'm thinking, ok well shit I'm a 6D elemental or something.....    but wow   So what the fuck am I doing here and now     (I know that that is all there is (hear & now)  so I ask
'show me'

I get purple swirls in my eye dust and know it's a dream so I leap in....

It's an action adventure type dream, there are so many different types of beings! Giants, Aliens, elementals, There is really BIG stuff going on! I can see in both directions.. I'm trying to get people to safety.

Then the scene changes, Its an upsetting dream.. there is Zak, Josh, A rat and 2 voles..... they all get into a cot together... I tell them not too as someone going to get squashed!
I see they are all mixed up together.. they are all the wrong size.
I can see they need to separate. I 'try' to help, I grab the 2 small voles but as I do the rat clamps on to one of them biting it, I open it's jaws and tell Josh to get the vole out.
He can't understand me, and as they move the rat clamps down again and kills the vole... In anger I bang the rats head on the side of the cot and kill it    I feel terrible and filled with remorse - they were all special and beloved they just needed sorted.     (Controll!  - Duality - Mover/moved) 

I wake up again,

WOW OK, Was it my error to separate or inter-fear ?? (another word play)
I lose 2 pets by interfering... (I got told about this in another dream too)  (With the crocodile O.o)

I realise this is Free Will, This is the prime directive!! This is why I was so afraid of my power!
This is the fear of re-membering'

Have I done this in the 'past'? I feel yes, I inter-feared trying to help and made things worse.   This is why I'm so cautious round free will.

I get the feeling... I don't 'Inter - fear' I just oppose the force! (OOO I'm yoda too! )

Natural law will do the rest. (The branch falling from the tree) I 'balance'

I now know I'm Lucifer too (The pink angel from my childhood remembered vision that wasn't gods angel.. it was me)    hahaha  I even stuck it under the Noah's arc wallpaper under the light switch on my bedroom wall!     --- (you couldn't make this shit up!)    That really happened!! 
I'm the illuminaughty too... all the stuff I've been teaching myself is the occult (hidden ) It's hidden cause we were not ready yet, it wasn't the time yet!   
Now I know why I had to forgive Christianity before all of this started.  

I've told myself all this in dreams, the 'time hopping for the perfect crime' .... I'm the balance... tooo. It's all happening at once, instant karma as I know that the only time is now.  The iluminaughty they are the branch in my story that grew to long.. and I'm the tree (cause I'm one) I'm down in my roots Holding on, forgiving them/me loving them... will they come back, or will they fall off.
I know this cause I can see


Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...