Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Gaia Awaken Project

First dream was hazy (Wine hazy) A very rich man had gone away a woman/lover left in charge of business.  Was wired... couldn't work out what she was doing, possibly stripping assets. 

Next dream is a weirdly long thin caterpillar it's white it's in a strange lush green garden, a huge bank of ferns and waterfalls, moss and green.   Ponds too and a water feature made from living Lilly pads shaped into bowls.

Last dream was very very cool

Starts of like an episode of Eastenders.   It's like a soap drama in a hotel.  Main characters are a man and his female lover and the guy has done something wrong.  Police are in the building to arrest him - he knows his way around and is hiding inside the building from the law enforcement. 
The couple escapes along with a friend in a roofless car - and head into empty warm sandy landscape.  It's like America I think, distant rocks and orangy sand stretching for miles.  

We take work at a mine (I'm all 3 people alternating my perspective)  
It's open and old, just wired tools... not even sure what we were looking for but while there looking into the distance we see the strangest sight of coloured lightning coming across the ground.   It's rolling towards us, huge lines of glowing electric light.

Predominantly purple with some slightly pinker or bluer.  Everyone downs tools to look at this amazing light energy it's incredible looking.  
At first, we aren't sure if we should move then very quickly we remember what it is and lay down in the paths of the coloured lines ripping threw the desert floor below us.   As it hits our feet we are electrified and zapped into darkness.  Then abruptly dropped into another body.  
A guide announces 'Gaia Awaken Project,  - welcome back, please reorientate yourselves' 

I'm struggling to open my eyes as I'm dizzy from the fast ride. 

I'm lucid AF now and thinking 'what the heck!'  Looking around me I'm in a large classroom with 15 or so other young people,  (Not dissimilar to my highschool form room but much cleaner and brighter )  a long line of windows to the right let in sunlight and beyond a large grass expanse, I can see a  strange very modern city.   A boy sitting to my right looks kind of familiar.  
Some people are standing to leave already and I notice several other guides/teachers in the room waiting and watching.  

I look down in front of me where there is a large school exercise book with a green cover and recognise my scruffy writing instantly though not the book or subject.   I rub my eyes a bit trying to work out where I am, also quite excited as this is unfamiliar but fascinating.   A few of us are struggling to orientate and the guides/teachers are visiting the tables speaking quietly with us. 

One approaches me and I recognise him as TV psychic from the previous dream world we were zapped from.  I ask him why he was talking shit on the TV and he smiles and tells me, people aren't ready to hear that they are the ancients yet.  He askes me if I'm missing '****'  a name of someone who was in the last dream world with me and I tell him 'No, I'm missing the male aspect of me though, I'm tired of playing a part in duality'  He nods sympathetically and leaves me staring at my handwriting covering a book I don't remember ever seeing before. 

Kitten woke me here.

Last dream I was in a dairy milking cows, thick very creamy warm milk, bottling it up for the delivery man. 

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