Sunday, 19 April 2020

Wired Unity / Duality

Thank you for your service but I greatefully decline,
I will walk my own way, know my own divine.

I do not need owning and I will not be controlled and
I recognise and love you as a part of our one soul. 💜

Some big woosh going on at the moment!

First dream were early one and intense. Main dream area but ultra-modern wired timeline (AI/cyborg/Clone) type of zone. 
I'm in main dream house with a few black and white pets. My Bro is there Benny, and a few others were around. Me and Benny are last 2 in our house - it's white, massive windows sterile. Metal and wired stairs. We are being closed in on as some of the few remaining dissenters. A cyborg type woman has entered the house and I ask her who she is. She doesn't know who she is, like a program.

Benny & me are telepathic he distracts her while I go outside but I know it's pointless as there are cameras outside reminded me a little of the dream below (and another where I was a drug runner and was trying to help a woman who didn't know she was a clone)

Anyhooo - Once outside everything is concrete and cameras and I'm spotted by cameras instantly I can hear soldiers marching on me.

Wake here.   Ian's whimpering in his sleep again.  Focus on integrating the darker aspect of the feminine).

Go back into the same dream The house has turned into a strange boat.  The boat's in a storm in the sea east of main dream space....  in the middle of the boat is a huge instrument like a modern harp with lots of strings, it's double the hight of us. 
Benny is now male me, he knows how this wired harp works.  It's hung with woven fabric, beads and feathers a little like a dream catcher but is made of very smooth sliver metallic stuff.   The female cyborg military type thing is coming to 'arrest' take me to be punished.   I'm no longer interested in getting away from her and I go willingly. 

I know she/they/it is afraid of me as I know that they are me too.   They see me as 'other'  she makes me walk ahead of her so she can see what I'm up to.  We teleport and we are in a wired tall tower.  At first, I think it's a warehouse as there are huge box's like the ones clothing come in from Asia heavy dutied and stapled.  We are climbing threw them and in them are children in there pj's then we are climbing down into this bottomless pit/hole and we are climbing down what looks like wooden draws and in each draw is a child again in PJ's with blankets all asleep in these draws I'm using there draws as steps to climb down.  

(Wake here kitten attack)

((Wired aside.. Fay told me this morning she had a dream of a tower where all the children were in tiny cubby holes on the insides of the tower - Her and other friends were there squished up into there small box's!!))

The last dream was almost like a conclusion.. lots and lots of friends have all changed, they are seeing stuff they didn't before and talking about it to each other.   It was really exciting - there was a health check/new plants being grown. 

2 July 2012
The dream was broken up (due to Dotty waking me lots)
Each time I whent back to sleep though I was in the same place though.
It started with friends all being converted to this 'policy' for want of a better word - it was about a new leadership.
People would be against it, then thered be wired syncronicitys and they suddenly bought into it.
I had a feeling that they were being manipulated, but I wasn't sure how/why.
I left a house, it was the house I grew up in as a kid.
As I walked up the path outside my block of houses there was a kind of error in the matrix.
I'd walk up and in one area the flowers growing in the borders would turn to empty beds with soil then back to flowers as I passed threw it.
No one else seeemd to notice it. I worked out that I could possition myself in the seam between the 2 veiws and my vision would go wired and I could see crackles like lightning where the 2 veiws joined.
My vission started to get more wired and I fell onto the floor.
I could see a tunnle (like the ones that see to go between dreams) I traveled up it a bit and met a sun.
I was excited at first, but then it seemed this sun wasn't a 'nice' sun. It told me it was watching me..... it was going to get me to, and my definace would make me an intreasting trophy!
I fell back out of the tunnle onto the dream path.
The dream continued, at first it was robot like machines that were coming after me.
I seemed quite logical in the dream, and I kept trying to brush it of as paranoia... but sure enough, I was being followed by xray & lazer type medical machinary. Getting frustrated with it, I pushed them over off it's wheels so it couldn't follow me.
I kept trying to tell people in the dream what was happening, but they were really quickly also getting mind controlled then after me too.
I think there was about 6 people in the small town resisting one of them was a combination of 2 guys I was friends with as a kid (they were both neighbours).
He was trying to help me.... that was when we started getting assaulted by invisible things :P
It was trying to insert tube like tenticles into our backs between our sholders, we were evading by laying on our backs and trying to work out what to do next, we had decided to head to one of the Churches as we knew the Vicar there was also refusing to be assimilated.
--- Josh woke me
As I whent back into the dream it was same stuff but I'd hopped to an island were the new leaders hadn't got to yet.
I arrived the same time as there campain leaders who were giving out wired propagander.
The islanders were reluctant to join, so wanted time to discusse it and I was trying to inform them what was happening in my home village.
The campain leaders were really pissed off with me now too, but the people on the island were nice and we were trying to arrange a meeting for me with there shaman.
Then Josh woke me up again.
:) It wasn't a scary dream, but was very surreal. Especialy the grumpy sun and the wired dream matrix errors

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