Very very long!!
My night started with slightly remembered images (before the awesome adventure)
A cave. Then cutting and pasting time lines.. this was visual, it was
like errrr spiralising a pineapple into a spiral of rings and removing a
ring or 2. Then I was dreaming for someone else of a blue tit, I
painted it. Some jumbled stuff about Hillary, Bonds and Kate
Middleton.. future. A beautiful woman with blue feathers.
Then memory in walnuts (2 half's of the brain!) and information like onions.
The nuts/pineapple and onion were to do with storage of information in space/time... onion was layers of reality.
I woke really confused as I wasn't sure how this integrated with my
current view of this then I remembered my rainbow bubble of experience
that makes flower of life thing and realised the onion was like
that... it was being spiralised and stretched out threw space.
It made the pattern our solar system makes as it travels threw space, I
had a realisation that the planets have memory awareness and are leaving
trails of information too. They have archetypal memory/awareness they
leave a trail behind in time/space (this is how astrology works)
At this point I also had a feeling that J (middle child) was outside
reality and needed dreaming back in again.... I was feeling quite
disorientated as I went back to sleep.
--- Then the dream,
I went straight into a semi-ludic dream from the HH stage.. I was
watching a hole in my dream/dust and just lept in.
It was like I made a
whole threw my reality into space, I was falling threw space it was
nice, I was also 'dual' - (I was me and my brother but both me)
reached out a line to a passing star and hooked it to spin up from, I
traversed space like this (felt a bit like spiderman)
I see a
track, it's glowing and fizzing like purple/pink electricity. (It's a
memory/time/information line) We go to it, this time I'm both within
it and without, I'm inside but watching myself out of it and then I
become 3. (I melted my
train down )
I'm a triad or trinity and my awareness is 3fold. I'm an over-soul I'm female me and male me. (This was the tangled bikes)
We travel this tunnel into America - There are some native American elders we need to meet.
As we land I'm me and my brother who then turns into my childhood 'boyfriend' of 5
or 6 years old. He's also me though as I'm still seeing everything from
the 3 places of awareness... we are lovers/siblings/whole we are one,
we are magic... the sense of completeness was and is amazing.
meet the Native Indians, they are angry - call us plastic shaman and say that male
me just wants to f*ck people... my male side mishears and thinks they say
feed so he manifests a bag of cookies.
They walk away in
disgust, we need to reach them. Female me falls to the floor convulsing
and enters a trance where over-soul me can speak threw her.
Male me runs to bring back the natives, they are reluctant but don't want to leave female me
fitting on the floor.
As they get closer Over-soul calls threw time to them, I tells them 'I CAN SHOW YOU' They recognise the voice over soul.
They need to meditate with us, they still don't believe us but the
over-soul voice was familiar enough for them to agree... they are still cross
at female me as I puked on them while I was fitting.
They agree
to meditate, 'we' explain they need to forgive us, we are them too...
they need to let go now.
I take them back in time with 'us' and we alter
slightly some time lines. We all come back together, they are less angry with us now and trust us, we say good bye.
'We' open a reality gap and go back into space... using our over-soul
as an anchor we can teleport/shape/shift and dimension jump.. we're
I get a 'letter' from the Native Americans, 'We' need
to go back.
When we go back there is a box of gifts left for us... they
are all blue and white things, box's inside box's there is also
amongst it a handwritten letter, it's from one of my mums sisters to
another sister - it mentions her medication. (
Ancestors timeline dream )
We accept the gifts and take the hand written letter. The natives can't 'recognise' us as the
people don't remember/know any different now as the timeline is different ......but the
people we took back 'know' that there are people alive now that wouldn't
have been without the change, we can't meet them again but the gifts are their
Male & Female me are dryads now
and made of soft flexible wood, we travel again as a unit of tarot style 'lovers' and over-soul.
Falling threw space and time, meeting aliens to talk too.
We come back
to earth, one alien with bright orange eyes follows us watching.
wares a dark hooded cloak and is channelling stuff too, 'We' find it odd that they are interested.
'We' rapidly
lose him by anchoring up to Over soul again and teleport to a huge
beautiful grassy plain we are riding in the air in an old style bus seat...
it's like a roller-coaster with no rails we control it by thinking of a
point to move too (this is really good fun!! )
After messing
around we start to port into hospitals, we are still dryads but
invisible made of energy... We are working beside Dr's we are de-ageing
cells around incisions and wounds so that they will heal faster.
I woke up as I was arranging 'meetings' with people....
Night was just amazing
:D Was obviously way to excited to go back to sleep!
I remember the dreams right threw the night.
First one.
I'm sitting in a small group some are helping and teaching.
We have coloured paper and pencils and craft stuff. We are making Animal masks, mine is Wolf.
One of the teachers in the group is a shaman, he tells us we are
honering the spirit of the animals focusing the energy and power by
making the mask... by wearing it we are inviting the spirit animal into
us, or asking to take it's form. There is a Wolfe with me watching, he
stayed with me threw the other dreams too.
The middle dream.
I forgot to write straight away, it's many things spreading out way way
out in different directions like ripples in a lake..and coming together
again long journey almost like circular waves but all separate parts
going way out - then coming in again to be reconciled. We finally
come to rest all together, Wolfe is still with me.
Next was just a pattern (I posted a picture... It's swirling slowly.
Last dream
I'm working in a garden centre selling small plants, lots of people are
sitting in a field I think they are meditating they are slowly going
down in number as they vanish from view.
As I wake I get told
to look for air element symbols. I didn't recognise the symbol in but
googling it it looks like a shinto symbol.
I also got another message to keep looking for the 'GPS' That was mentioned in Sat nights dream. Wonder what it can be :D
-- Thoughts on this dream.. aside from feeling very blessed. (Updated on 21-Sept-16)
I've been flat out since sat so not had a chance to catch up on
dreams... last night was quiet (which is good as I have enough to catch
up on from past 2 dreams)
I'm a
bit blow away, I just looked up the term 'over soul' As it's not a
term I'd ever used till Sat nights dream (I was clear that it was the
right term)
So just looked it up on wiki - it's from an essay on transcendental unity.
'We live in succession, in division, in parts, in particles. Meantime
within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal
beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related, the eternal
ONE. And this deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is all
accessible to us, is not only self-sufficing and perfect in every hour,
but the act of seeing and the thing seen, the seer and the spectacle,
the subject and the object, are one. We see the world piece by piece, as
the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these
are shining parts, is the soul'
More amazing is the bit below...
"Over-soul" has more recently come to be used by Eastern philosophers
such as Meher Baba and others as the closest English language equivalent
of the Vedic concept of Paramatman.[5] (In Sanskrit the word param
means "supreme" and atman means "soul"; thus Paramatman literally means
"Supreme-Soul".[6]) The term is used frequently in discussion of Eastern
metaphysics and has also entered western vernacular. In this context,
the term "Over-soul" is understood as the collective indivisible Soul,
of which all individual souls or identities are included. The experience
of this underlying reality of the indivisible "I am" state of the
Over-soul is said to be veiled from the human mind by sanskaras, or
impressions, acquired over the course of evolution and reincarnation.
Such past impressions form a kind of sheath between the Over-soul and
its true identity, as they give rise to the tendency of identification
with the gross differentiated body. Thus the world, as apperceived
through the impressions of the past appears plural, while reality
experienced in the present, unencumbered by past impressions (the
unconditioned or liberated mind), perceives itself as the One
indivisible totality, i.e. the Over-soul.
This is pritty awesome
as the the word 'Sanskara' --- That was the word I'd thought was
samskara.. It was the word give to me in the meditation dream were I
was showed the effects my thoughts were having on my reality!! (The meditation with nothing until I thought)
--- Last nights dream had a single word too that I was . Zeitgeist - spirit of the age/time.
How cool, I seem to be being taught directly from beyond the veil,
it's funny as I don't have many firm ideas about stuff.... other than
that we are eternal and are past of a whole. The only intention I ever
set for dreams is one of surrender and 'tell me what I need to know'