Showing posts with label family/human history dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family/human history dream. Show all posts

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Is Lucidity only for Dreaming?

Was writing fiction last night got to the bit with station stasis and felt really sleepy just couldn't stay awake so Zzzzzz 

Strange nights sleep with many interruptions, kids, partner, cat's & kittens but continuous dreams and experiences with mixed recall due to being disturbed so much.

So following on from last night but lacking the sharper recall - I didn't bother to think about anything just keep sleeping and seeing.

Early I was woken at 11.11 by cat. I'd been watching a 'disaster' perhaps... it was a massive hole in a planet with buildings crumbling being swallowed into a huge cavern the buildings were not of an earth style I recognise it was almost like the rock-cut inner planet dwellings but they had been cut out too leaving towers and air between... like some of the old temples carved down into the ground. This was a massive city though, it was modern too - The scale was vast I'm at the edge of the cavern I don't recall a body more just an observer and I'm observing what is like a news broadcast of the event with 2 females interviewing a child about how she feels watching her home destroyed and I was sort of thinking 'what a stupid bloody question' the child was holding a soft toy and a fabric rug they had left with.... I could feel the sadness of the people seeing their home destroyed and the stupidity of the commentary from the 2 female broadcasters. I'd also seen another scene of people being rescued from fires.  

 Next wake at 00.30 by Ian getting a snack

I'd been dreaming of genetic manipulation, I was very adept at it - I knew I'd done this lots in other lives and had the recall of the other many other dreams too. How we had split stuff and then observed mutations and effects of development and growth I wasn't rendering this fully it was more 'knowing' I knew how it was tied with the 'growth for the sake of growth organic rambling vs reward/punishment more structured inforced growth' Oh.... the angelic soul review too? πŸ‘€

Genetics dreams.  

Then back to giants... I'm consumed by a giant again, like this dream with the Key from the other night. It was slightly different not same dream and I was more like me... but was chewed up again and dissociated I ....was also the thing eating myself too. I'm told 'Value fulfilment' .... 'Wanted by the sun??'

As I'd woken to write this I'm told 'Look Ren'  then instantly all the kitten's miaow really loud at the same time which made me laugh.    

Straight back to sleep.

Next dream is a school/lessons setting but I'm aiding the staff setting up work stations with paper and pens waiting on people arriving.

A canteen I'm putting clean cutlery into trays and on tables, the dinners are yet to arrive.

More stuff about journeying and different roles. A city with a fairground ride and a big meeting hub....

Wake at sunrise and bother to think this time...

Oh! Malico, The sleeping Ancient, 

Giants DNA fallen angels, when Leon told me We Are the ancients 'Yep 

Ren, good, it's settling in' 

The recall is in our DNA too?  'Mmmmmm'   


 all the dreams about schools/ labs, plants, DNA & genetic fuckery πŸ‘€

'lol Ren, we told you you are no one's victim but your own... no humans 

are'πŸ’š IKR ;)  

Do we all need to remember? Some guys are going nuts down here 😈  'hahaha Ren, YOU wanted them to wake up'.   Suppose... they need to stop letting themselves be played.   'Free will Witch, there is no shortage of gamers'  Hahah Inak πŸ’œ

Ohh..   'Yep Ren, we made it, we trashed it, we played it'.    We fucked it we fix it right 'OFC- We stay till the deadline, told you years ago, you're a guardian too'  

I'm nuts....  'Yep crazy witch in your crazy world..... remember to look around, it's a beautiful day and a beautiful game, just play nice' πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆ

Oh! My fiction story they just found the stasis/sleep bay. NOW?  'Hahah Ren, TIMING' Oh... the post on my feed the Matrix is a documentary??  'And your life is but a dream'   πŸ˜†


Future Station Ren isn't the only one who feels sick😜

Ok Giants dreams, or at least the ones I remembered to tag.  

Then the others are with the Key and Malico the 2 times I was eaten... Oh, the other dreams were I was kept as a food/energy source too 😏 

Have I been dreaming about this all my life?  'You're always dreaming, you needed the blog to search and recall how it fits together though'  

pfffff The story too, that you told me years ago I was writing!   'TIME NOW'   You know how wired this is when you're in a linear mind!!   'Yeh Ren, that's why your ment to listen to your totality!'  Hahahah, you know that makes you considered insane on earth right?πŸ˜†

'Your upside down, your earth you change it!'  πŸ‘€ It's so hard to remeber this when awake.... 'Get more lucid then'  😈

Hahahah   So the 'Value, fullfillment'... Oh and the wanted by the Sun 🌞
Sun & Reflection Planet and Hers
🌎 -  lol, the grump sun dream in 2012 too....    pfffff, back to fiction!!

So many lab/science lessons dream too way too many to mention but I recall so much more now!

Friday, 20 March 2020

Dream Weaving

First up is wild, it's like multidimensional dreams kind of an angelic soul review.  Psychic & physical guessing the nature of reality games.  It's like a world review where you're wrapping up thousands of lives but bigger... so your wapping up many worlds and their evolution.  

'VAST' is the best description, I felt dizzy waking up :P   Oddly I didn't wake strait up, I dropped back first into one of my main dreamscapes first.  It was the Craster one at night in the middle of the street.   I tried to get a perspective on stuff there before waking up here.

Numbers 1 threw 12 paired up in strings.   ???   Not sure what this means/ is yet... but THAT.

Oh, also ancient portals... allover the earth old ancient sites!  They are portals some of them are female some male   (Charge  Black/White)  Crumbled... but also Coming back online, or activating. 

Next up I'm dancing.... First, there are many of us and then the men sit down, go home but the women aren't watching we are lost in the dance/trance.  It's ancient and now, it's tribal and raves we dance for hrs and hrs all the women together. 

When the lights come back on we are confused and wondering where the men went, but all hugging each other and saying goodnight.  Makes me think of this dream from last month but with women.

Next dream is more dreamlike.

Starts in an unfamiliar street and I'm with 'my father' but it's not my waking dad.  He's elderly and I love him,  the street is wide the sky grey we are taking a tram.  He's elderly black African, stooped over with a stick he wears an old suit, green flannel thick and checked and his curled hair is mainly grey now,  he keeps farting.  I help him onto the tram with me and we find a seat together. 

Sitting we are now watching an 'overlay'  an image we recall of a mother, beautiful strong black African it's like watching a tube map, but it's fast and multidimensional she's whizzing back and forth weaving fast, the stops on the tube style map are realities places and time and we are watching her weave quickly pulling threads together into fabric. 

Seen changes and I'm watching a version of me, there is an elderly 'parent's right advocate' she's old with bright blue eyes (Like the architect has) she's fast and wise and talking and then she pauses to let me speak.

I watch a version of me speak, she's hurt, passionate too and speaks with closed eyes shedding tears...  She says

'Any other female (meaning the other species) would fight to the death to protect their offspring, we have a system disguised to make women and parents powerless, we are tricked into signing our children into corporate slavery at birth... forcing them into a system we don't ourselves believe in'

Wake up here  - 

People I've connected with suddenly and randomly posting things from my dream, Zak drawing the thing they posted, and then realising I'm at the last page of my dream book too with also the same image!!

I'm a dream weaver too....  time to weave a better dream. 

"The storm does not come to destroy their fruits, nor to break their branches. The storm comes to remind them that it is at the roots where their magic is. " - Arnau de Tera -

Then Zaks picture after I asked him to draw me a magic flower & the last page of the dream book bought by Josh

  -  The baby dragons, our babies, Earths babies.  Not happening no more.  πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...