Friday, 14 August 2020

Dream a Good Dream.

Stretching, rising and falling I'm hanging in the consciousness and unsepratness of all that is... preparing to join it I'm astounded by Inkas voice. 

'I wouldn't do that yet'  Poke my awareness at him and ask why? 

'We're still playing' ;)   laughing I ask him when then? 

'Trust you'll know the right timing-you are the connection'  

But I know the outcome!!

'You always did'  


So at that point Ian walks into the room and I ask him.

'Were you playing, meaning on WoW and he tells me 'Yeh, mixing!'

I think Oh....  heheheheh we had had some wired stuff yesterday where he needed to integrate what I'd done not even knowing what I'd done in the astral.  Anyhoo we'd been chatting music and he'd sent me this t-shirt.  He allways knows the names of the tracks, I just remeber the tunes.    Then it hit me!   lol shit! my timelines the tracks all my life.  He's all of my male archtypes too,  I sort of knew it but this was like a smack upside the head :P 


I go back to 'see' but it's not sleep. 

I'm in the void again.    'The muse, your fears, the mystics the seeres, we are the shadow at night and the imp by your side the fairys the dryads the thing that you cry at tricking and playing the dark mirror'  


So I'm restless and can't sleep and I'm arguing with my archetypes and restless and then just zone out and am woken with this wired 'Ooo!' Inka laughs 'That's what happens when you go to sleep' 👀

At the same time, I'd had a strange white screen with the shadow of a black insect rubbing its front legs 'You see differently now?'  

Yes. 'Good, come' 'Where are we going' 'You'll see'  😈 

I know I need to do downstairs to sleep for this bit... the same thing happen 2016 it's to do with pyramid and kings chamber queens chamber but I don't understand anymore atm. 

I lay on the sofa and am told 'less DMT'.   I say I don't take any 'You make it!'    (Not the first time I've been told this)  'Won't be the last either' 😏


Straight into WILD

I wake with a 'WHAT WAS THAT?'     Laughing 'You'll remember at some juncture'  😏

Then I recall early on in the evening Fays voice in my dream saying 'Thanks for the nightmares Mam'

Cold I go back up to bed.   As I get there, I get the DL unpacked and start laughing.

The tabloids  SUN ][  MIRROR'    TIMES  ][GUARDIAN   lol  Mind & Earth Void reflecting each other...  Whooowww    Shit!  

Laughing 'Are you getting this yet Ren!   👿  This is nuts!!  The newsagent in childhood and all the dreams of it , ALL NARRATIVE, ALL ART, ALL SYMBOLIC   Trippy!  I'd known I had to go back to the news adgents and that the thing with the battries and missing energy.   

'Body dummy it makes DMT, we told you no fact/no fiction.  now please bitch stop poking it's healing!'      lol this cracked me up as it had dual meaning too :P    My wound, and my reality/timelines totality.

Oh, the dream he took me too downstairs I recall now.

I was a child sending gifts to Australia and all over very strict restrictions about what we could send... but we were children and we cared not for the rules of men and had sneaked in wildflower seeds with our packages of gifts' 

Ohhh   The genetic stuff!!  'Yup'

The snowseed dream, ANN and all other dest/blood genetic dreams I see now!!   It's 444  In the dream I'd left posting my package till the last min it was the DEADLINE!!!   Wowowowo    'The seeds, the insects they bite me for my DNA'  (I'd told Fay that... theyonly bite to lay eggs so they must like our blood)

Isn't there something of facebook atm about seed packets too?? 

'You dream big kid, now go back to sleep'  😈  Fuck Inka... I now need why I need to stop poking to hard..  I will wake them up :P     Free will.   

'They will wake up'  
💓💓💓Wow... thanks Guys!   'We got you Ren, trust and listen'  'Why now?  'When eles'     Oh   NOW  ][  NWO  👀  'SLEEPER ADGENTS'  Hahahahaha   Thats fucking hillarious!  'IKR' 😏

'Sleep Ren ride the dawn'  
This is wired as when he says this the light changes in the room the first light of dawn and I feel myself being scatted into the light from the east.  As I'm flying apart I have a thought...  'We have a new recipe book!' 

Come back, I've been riding in the sky with lines of pink and blue.   Woken by the noise of a car, tired of the cars when can we start flying & porting.   'Soon Ren, Soon'

 in another dream. Ian me Fay story all weaving the same tale/narrative in wonderful variations Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty and realitys all getting crazy - I'm watching Ian yell at Fay and I
interject and asks me 'WHY WHY WHY WHY' are you doing this to us.  I
tell him I'm tired of this crap it's time we owned our shit and moved
into ourselves'    At that point in the dream we are in our room and a
ladder pops up at the open window and a head pops in with a Spanish
accent passing me 'Yakult' threw the window'  He tells us 'Morning
Santigo' or something grinning at us.  I'm confused but I accept his offering thanking him.  He goes down the ladder and walks to his car and
 Ian comments do you think he had 5 penis's look at his gaite!   Wake up laughing.


Lol  I know this is linked to so many other dreams.. lol everything is connected... my dream diary serch things borked, good job my internal filing system is back online!!   

In 2016 I just couldn't intergrate this yet..  

Dream War! 

Holy shit... I'd forgotton about this one.  It's my book!  :P  Dream Hub!

Oh...  Early on I knew too about the other poems I found and the one from my Childhood too, why the nightmares :P  lol  (This one below from 17)       ---   Pffffffffff     -  I was a shuttle becoming a tunnle :P 


Strip me rape me see me standing there,
Standing tall, standing bare regard me without care.

You walk you watch each mask you meet with similar glancing eye,
Your mind is in oblivion your life simply a lie.

So afraid alone I'll brace myself,
You leave me standing bare,
Though stripped and hurt no grudge I'll hold that's not my chosen way.
With regrets disregarded and a lesson learnt I will still live for the day.

My gaze upon your faces greets similar everywhere,
Reinforcing your conformity with your cold collective stare.

My souls exposed, my mind is weak,
You've taken all you need
again I'll grasp my strength and will
to hold and grow like seed.

On what you've left I'll build once more an image that you'll see
For you'll never know as you just can't see,
The growing part, the changing spell
The yearning learning me. 


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