Tuesday, 18 August 2020

The Veiw from Upside Down.

 I slept early as was wiped out wake at 00.55 with a wow! 

Just indescribably amazing like being inside something so vast and seeing it all one and balancing 2 triangles like the extinction rebellion sign but they are pyramids and prisms reflecting rainbows so many of them all point to point going on forever. Ready to push into each other and make a star I'm inside the whole thing seeing it from inside out.

'lol Ren, we don't need you sober or conscious - have a rest tonight and just watch' 😈

Feel dl's or ul's unpacking inside slowly.  'Told you bitch, WE have all the time in the world!' The dark is infinitely long and playful - Trust me, trust us'

lol at 0116 I'm shown more and more... 👀 'We are keeping you low lucid for now just watch and remember what you need' 👀 😲 'IKR' ';)

'You get heat and period pain for a reason all symbolic, We remember your moving to fast too. One eye in each world. The world of the mind where nothing matters and the world of magic where everything is play and connected by love'   💜💜

'Trust us Ren you can't deny this even when the world will cause you're living it! Now change that shit come back and dream'👀

'Pain reminds me I'm alive right?  'You got it bitch whatever world you're in' ;) lol

'Sending Kaylo for you, Root hub next' Shit! His orange cat eyes!!  lol Ren ;) Like we said all is symbolic everything :P See you soon'  

WTF??   'But of course, the space-ships the mind but the hut is the heart lol Inside out and outside in the heart is the place where the whole thing begins come inside us'. Mind/body/spirit? 'lol you can write more of the linear story now & dream it. That's how loci get's in and out our home our heart our inside earth.

'The mind is the matrix the heart is the home use them together and your never alone'

Now stop writing and come and play!  

Heya Kaylo, Heya Ren :) Sorry about your ears! 'lol np Ren if I'd listened years ago we'd not be in this mess!' Hahaha We fucked it we fix it? 'haha you get it grey! I'll jump us at 02.02' Sure. 'Sorry I didn't belive you Ren' Sorry I didn't understand. 'It's cool, we are all waiting' 😉


The wooden cocoons dream, Mother tree sylvari, Dragon pods live ships???

'lol yep all symbols trust we know the story Ren, we have the perspective hurry and relax we jump soon'  

While splitting I'd written 'The tics on scribbles ears - now Rens plugged in he's like Andrea she's allergic to the anasthetic makes her itch.. histamine' That's why the tic's on him are white - they are filling with histamine not blood. Look up Histamine. heheh   'ok lets play' 



'lol Ren, you cool? take it slow it's nearly time to come down - we swap places at 5.15'  

It was 5.13 THAT WAS AMAZING!  'hehe, you can't remember yet'  But I do the feeling right 👀👀

'You're getting this shit now come back again'  

'Your linear story Loci next, then Root-Bridge-cocoon, Then space hub dream the one with the neurone image'  😏 Ok thanks. 'Nice we've got each other... now sleep fast then walk'

'Dawns coming sleep at 555. Trust us go'

'Hahahah Thought you'd like the snail!'    This was brian the snail broach I had on my school uniform I'd totally forgotten about from the magic roundabout made of Flimo. Brian the snail :) Magic Roundabout... The Sanskrit Mayan wheel HE was with us too?  

'Ren, All story, all art, myths play.... that's the Zeitgeist We are not a human RACE We are human ITy - lol IT? Info tec??? All symbols Ren, keep playing, you'll see' 😈

Dawn, 606... go to walk and ground. 

'Feed back loop?  Get it Ren  IT '-  lol You will, you have a lot to unpack today, walk DL and wright, weave and tell play the game you've a story to tell ;)   Now outside bitch before your sick' 😏
lol oh yeh 607 ;P  Sorry. 




Buzzard calling...  tinnitus titanium titania...   'all symbols read them.'


Mast?   'Your on it'


'Duality has always walked beside you in the form of a furry friend' - Always had a black and white pet

'Your new Queen is grey.. like your alien and your wizard'


'You bought her starving on the brink of death you knew how close to death she was and trusted. We told you her name was star/ sky.   You dreamed her into your future' ;) 


How many of you can fit inside at once ? 'Lol crazy bitch you might have robust cicutrtry but your still upgrading' 🤣

'2 Now how dose that feel'   Lol double vision again   hehe


'Use your 1 eye then witch' 😏


'Call your fallen goddesses  at 8.   Shop you need to dama fast and wright/right your you will puke'



'H2O & Minerals First your depleated

Vit A for your vision  ca & mg'

lol get back and go to look on one of the pots and before I even turn it round I'm told...  

'Fuck instructions and recommendations bitch... Like I said your upside down now normal rules do not apply.  We tell you what to do'    😈  Hahah 

Ok Symbols...

The Buzzards overhead screaching at me for the past 24 hrs.  lol... OK.

Oh.. Titanium.. Decoverd in cornwall named after Titans of greek myths??   'lol and it's in your face bitch!'  literally  hahahahhaah'    FU 😂  Wow, other meaning too...  👀   'Allways multiple layers Ren' 😏  'Could have been your elbow?'   But I don't know my ass from my elbow... More fun this way.

Titania - Largest moon of Uranus  'Juvanile'  lol   It's funny ok.  Also the Queen of the fairys in a Midsummers nights dream.   I have a painting in the bathroom.    'All symbols Ren'

'We told you yesterday little bow peep, the implant was paid for by the enclosure'  
Ok... you can stop now :P  I'm fucking bonkers!   'upside down Ren' 😈 'He was a pharmacist & a chemist too married to your fairy god mother' 😆😆   WTF?? WTF?

Mast..  Tall structure but also fruits of the forest?   lol Mirror & transmute. 

pffff  I'm done!    ' lol you'll be back'  😄

'Told you you'd be back... that was like 15mins!!'   FU! 😀   That's nuts...   'What you mean the mast, lol yeh it literally is aswell as a transmitter and... are you getting the connections yet bitch ;)   It's all symbolic that's why we told you look it up dumbasss' :P  

lol.... as Kaylo would say, this shit's giving me a headache!!!  

WHAT.....   'You were in it yes...   We told you, the mother will be home by christmas.'  Yeh but??  'lol chill Ren, you don't have this perspective'    Well I do when I'm part of you lot though :P   'Yep, so just play your role fool!'   😆

Ok your right I'm back.... WTF?

Maya/Inka   👀  The dream years ago Mother - Maya, Sanskrit for the illusion?   The garden the dream, I wanted to go in but my Brother/Kaylo/Ego didn't trust it!!  

Then you Inka in the Mayan garden...   The software Maya 3D sofware for art creation :P 

'Mother Maya was in a Garden...   Wow... just found lots more dreams that all fit!!  'lol told you Ren big DL last night you'll have metaphysical V&D all day.   Stick to fiction or you'll go pop again :P   Fun at the shop's BTW'   FU that was wired, I must have looked like such a bloody idiot. 😋     'Haha, see how people see me though Ren'   Yes and that's wired too !!


'That was to much dama.. You need to keep writing as it pops into your head as it won't stay there'   Lol thanks :)   'Just the way it is Ren.   That's why you needed a searchable/linkable  dream diary ;)   Modern shaman for modern times'  😉

You were with me as a kid,  'Yep!  Lol  you has to write it down then too!  I did and kept it...  Oh  kept?'       Kepth the shaman 👀 

lol  Yep,   I'm freaked out by all the early 2016 dreams... 

'Don't be I know this doesn't make sense from where you at unless you recall your upside down and it's real.   I'll come back in more once that oil absorbs you were a bit unstable H2O and write story.
    You'll know when I'm bk in'   OK.  That's so wired...   'You'll get used to it'  Illeth?  ' We are always with you now Ren... It's cool.... I'm just Uling.  It really tickles!' 

I'm not sure cider was a good idea...   I feel really wired.  Yes, like that :P 'Haha Ren, it's cool that's why your good for this your totally unpredictable and random we are telling you what to do to help but let the body work with you too ;)   You are what you are for a reason'  

Oh... fleas/ticks, Do both have anaesthetic saliva?    'As above so below, as within so without...  work it Ren'

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3747359/    pffffff,  

'Come on, you were an animal nurse, you know parasites big and small' - StO/StS -  'Yep, but from the all is one perspective?'  

Catalyst, movment direction??  Oh in or out... breath in breath out.   Monster who ate darkness 😆 lonly grasping needy...   Fullfilled giving sharing.  'Bingo so what are they after'    Love/energy. 

'   Cause it's not flowing from within...   'Ok bitch... love bomb it'  lol    - I'm losing my shit here!   'Yhe but your cleaning up other shit, and on this occasion your shit dose stink less' 

Fuck this... I'm out again :P   'We did warn you to fiction today'

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