Thursday, 6 August 2020

Dryads, Tunnles & Entitys.


What a crazy night did sleep lots but I recall most of the night. I was also hot, body temp warm and it feels like I was away for weeks.

I wake early at 1.45 and I've already had 2 vast lucid experiences I'm basically just a massive tunnel again.   The questions answered as soon as I think of a question but I don't even know the questions... there is a massive connection 'oversoul' feels personal and  shared.    Wake again and it's still not even 2am I'm just plugged into this huge awareness.  There were dreams too but that almost felt secondary to the connection and the flow of data/consciousness.
My dream dust was very organised, fractal patterns but not coloured.    Visions of a silver spoon and public bathroom.

I feel like the tunnel/connection is like liquid glass all is visible and like a glass grail filled with liquid coloured light - all inside.  Wake at exactly 222 very dizzy.

Back to sleep, I'm that singularity type entity again in the lower astral of the room the connection is now not just a tube but a network... am told.  'You serve nothing by being small, be-all'     I'm also splitting and a part of me is outside on the astral level of the street checking in on the neighbours!  The houses are sort of mirrored so up the lane is down and down is up, I'm talking with Donna her hair is long we 'see' each other  💓 this is an amazing connection.   Wake and it's now 3.20

First 'Dream' starts low lucidity at Sheila & Eric main dream space family are coming and going.   Bro & Iz have arrived from Canada but Izz is ill and needs treatment at a hospital in Watford?    Her family are flying in too maternal side in the dream these are native American - they will do straight down there.  My Bro is going to meet her and will fly down and I'm going too but via train (journey) 

I go astral here and split into me/male me using oversoul to triangulate and we move down the country and into a lol well!   It's  a shared dream hub, lots of people who know they are asleep dreaming/varying lucidity. 
We walk threw a bright area into the back hanger, me & male me joining and splitting.   This area is very dark, sofas, cushions and busy too,  mainly males it hums with conversations and telepathic exchange I know I had some amazing conversations.  At one point I'm talking to someone who has cancer and I'm filtering that out seeing the whole him used forehead eye for this and it's electrifying.

Lots of cryptic convos too, we are playing mind games with each other but it's all by mutual consent - amusing and puzzling.   Male me wants to have sex and we do him carrying me we are merging again - the room is full and I suggest we go outside as it's so busy and we walk threw a door into what is like a large dairy, cold metal and echoy a pool of milk on the floor and as we go threw the door male me turns into a small straw/stick man in my hand made of whittled wood.    Expanding awareness I can see beyond the dairy a dark cliffside a beach and vast sea filled carven (Underwater ruins and crystals)  that I know from other astral experiences.     Everywhere is crowded it's dark too, that kind of velvet purple sky, I consider porting there but instead I check the other way and there is a bright 'cafe' communal space also filled with people these are more lucid and I decide I'll go chat to them, on heading back there I realised I'd passed threw this space on my way into the dark hanger. 

This next room is amazing, it's one of them spaces made from living wood... the wood growing to form the room/walls corners and then filled in with stained glass.  Breathing coloured light. 

I go to a table of entities and say hey I'm dreaming and they all nod saying, yeh us too, I show them the totem wooden male me that is now broken and smooth like old driftwood and they smile and tell me I can put him on the shelf beside the teacups he will be safe there so I do.  I wander from table too table there are lots of kids there too, toys made from light and rugs on the floor.   Human and non-human and I have some feathers with me and I ask the kids if they would like one they all do, I magic them up they are deep blue/deep warm brown with vivid orange splashes and patterns soft and perfect and I pass them around to the kids who tickle each other with them the conversations in this place too were vast, about the nature of time and reality. 

I go back to the busiest table to say goodbye as I'm going to jump again.

I jump to a warzone, the UK is at war with the USA the sky is grey with smoke from burning b
uildings propaganda crap allover - people are being taught to 'hate'... I'm on the top of a bus, this felt 'past' rather than 'future' the propaganda posters were old fashioned. 


Then yet another long and lucid dream!

I'm going to a music concert and we have been allowed in early dream starts of lowish lucidity and then ramps up.  I'd journeyed there on underground tubes busy city feel.

It's a large hall venue the stage where the performance will be his hung with a red velvet curtain it has old theatre turned music venue feel about it.  To the right, a large sound rig mixing desk is being set up.   The room is filling all the time.   As we put stuff down in this dream it vanishes it was nothing of value but frustrating (My flower of life t-shirt and a towel I'd had on my damp hair had vanished as I put them down)  The female from the mixing desk is helping me look but they have just dematerialised other people are experiencing the same.    It's still some time to the show and hummm almost an indoor market appears but it's costumes from periods in human history that are on the stalls with people from various ages milling at each stall.    The people waiting for the new show are younger and we wander around looking at the costumes and the people (some of the outfits were bloody amazing!! )  I'm very lucid at this point as are other dreamers and me and a couple of guys are walking threw a religious stall various prophets, popes and religious leaders in ancient but perfectly preserved fine fabrics and garbs are milling around watching us watching them... there is an air of animosity but nothing outwardly unpleasant. 

The next stall is more medieval and again the fabrics and outfits hanging on the stalls are amazing... people are taking the costumes for rolls as their other things vanished.   I'd been wearing slippers one white one black and one has vanished.    I comment to a traveller next to me 'Who every is driving this dream is an ass hat' and he laughs agreeing with me as are others near by.

More and more rolls are being taken as the outfits are removed and we find ourselves moving down the stalls looking at more and more unpleasant things I and the others near me realise we are being shown representations of abuse of children and power - it's not something we want to examine but it feels like something we need to do. 

-  Wake again and wonder how all that could happen in one night!

So many places I've been to before I know this is linked to this dream for sure.  

Also this one.

The dark crystal series too.    

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