Showing posts with label dream world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream world. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Manifesting Lessons & More Dragons

Again awesome dreams!   They are so much fun, wired cause I slept in a room on my own again... and they defiantly seem so different when just me is in a room.

First part of the night was like watching a pixilated wave, the crest of it coming in and the first few bubbles riding it...  and as breaks more and more and more until it's big roller coming in :D     More dreams about 'the leading edge'     again just patterns though   0-0=0-0-0=0=0 like that
 but the 0's had dots in like cells.

Next at another Aunty's house, this is another of my Mums many sisters!  This is not a place I've drempt of much, I was in there house with helium filled balloons.   I was doing a demonstration of packing 'bad thoughts' into invisible box's and fixing them to the balloons strings to float away.  lol  
Outside were the coal door should be there was instead a small freezer..   Someone had left a fish platter out side on the ground so I packed it into the freezer to keep it fresh and stop a cat from eating it.

The next dream was with partner, we were in strange worlds looking at different type's of mushrooms (He also had a mushroom dream too :P )   Totoro was there too! :D

The last dream was the longest and awesome fun.  This was a wired mish-mash of fairy story, shape-shifting a spaceship and stuff I'd seen or herd threw the day before.

First part I remember is a magical forest it's beautiful and the buildings are tall tall magic towers looking out over beautiful valleys of trees, rivers and fields.  

Putin lol is in the dream and he's a king in one of the tower castles on one side of the valley.   In the dream he has a beautiful daughter that is a princess but she's not well liked as she has something like what could be autism, anyway she doesn't communicate well.   He cares for her and he is trying to protect her from something.  

There are other tower and also a space ship, that I periodically port to I seem to belong to a team who are mainly on the spaceship but some are in the world below.....

I'm a shape shifter again in the dream It's very good fun :P 

I'm mainly a long serpent type dragon (bit like the one in Spirited Away or the Never Ending Story) that is telepathic, I can fly up to the towers so am a messenger I am also one of the few people who can communicate with the princess but I need to shift to a humanoid to communicate with Putin and most people.

I seem to be somehow trying to help this girl, the full details of the plot are kinda hazy... 
At one point I've turned into a human to communicate with about king Putin about his daughter :P  This is really comical as he's dressed up in silk baggy pants like a brothers Grimm Fairy tail king.

We are outside the castle walls.
I remember that something is kicking of in the forest... possibly different factions bickering. 
I'm still with him but I start to lose control of the 'form' I'm maintaining and start to change into a wired golden thing.      I'm kinda big and made from very bright golden light with wing shapes - at that point I got wizzed back to the spaceship really quickly as we are not supposed to show our light form's.

I come round kinda dazed on the spaceship... I think this was from being teleported so unexpectedly, there's a bit of a fuss on the space ship with some people panicking but others thinking it's funny.

I think that was when Zak woke me up.  

Hummmm      Ohhhh  This last dream seems to be the 'triad' Lovers Archetype.    Brain Split,  the Male King.  Left brain...  The Female, Creative Side but with difficulty expressing herself and the Higerself!   lol  SOoo I was being my higerself :P  coool

Dreams for Friday nights were great fun but not not great recall, the subjects included Animal Archetypes & Spirit totems, elements drawing and painting with a sword.  Dancing, then a wired dream about teleporting people round various hot baths.

A while back a friend recommended this book.   
I went back to it this morning... it's funny I have this thing were I read a chapter or so of a book then decide I need to stop. Suddenly :P
I move onto something else. Then after a while I go back to it and I always find that I'm at a perfect place in the book to work with what I've been shown in dreams.....and it's now time to 'read' about it! lol It's brilliant!
It happens naturally now but it happened physically with the Michael Newton book in 2010 via a miss-print and 100 pages being 'missing' from the book :)
Anyway it's the 'Dreamer Who dreams You' and it's about the Element's and dots and lines! Soo just perfect to go over & reinforce what I've been shown in dreams.
Love how the universe helps manifest my lessons

Sunday, 21 August 2016

CG Hive Collective Hollographic World

Totally different them to last nights dream.

The setting is inside a computer generated world full of organic holograms, and some 'humans'
It's ultra white and clean inside, with large vast open bays and glass doors that come down and section areas off. The floor is white glass. Smooth white panelled walls, it's a highly controlled experimental environment, has the feel of a spaceship.

The humans are not permitted to leave.... in-fact I'm not really sure what would have been outside of it if we could leave, as it felt very self contained. The holograms that we humans can interact with are all part of a hive collective which is part of the program that we are contained within.

A group of us are moved into an outdoor simulation. It's a vast empty sandy plain with grey/green sky and no obvious sun/star light.
There is occasional tall rock formations. We are being followed by one of the organic holograms, it's a human/amphibian hybrid with frog like legs and human arms... it's got dull green skin and doesn't speak. Some of the male's in the small group decide to hunt it and 'kill/disable' the thing following us.
As it's 'killed' it turns to a dark liquid.... the floor below us starts to change to glass below the glass is a large pattern like we are standing on a huge circuit board, the liquid is absorbed back into the conductive track, and the ground changes back to sand.
Circut floor

Glass walls come up again and the projection changes back to one of the ultra white rooms, it slots it's self about to create seating and holograms appear from the circuit type floor. We are again being held in a small area. Our children have been taken on a 'filed trip' and we are waiting to be reunited. Some of the people get impatient and again destroy a hologram (This was wired as the hologram was acting like a children's TV presenter :P )
Again as they disable the hologram, they are reabsorbed... a red circuitry appears under the white glass floor and they are sucked into it. We are reunited with the kids but their growth has been accelerated and they have aged about 3 years.

Next dream was people made from polygons like the old fashioned 3D computer modelling, they look real but I can see the corners that are not quite organic and show were they were modelled. Someone walks up to me wearing a 'shamans crossing' t-shirt (this is the name of a wired fantasy book I read about 4 years ago) The dream starts to turn fractal after that, I'm inside unfolding fractals - no body, the fractals are unfolding and pulsing... I get the feeling 'we dance to the beat of a heart drum'

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...