Showing posts with label Flat Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flat Earth. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Another Penny Drops, and another.. The heart is the Jackpot!

So I didn't really dream. I could see scales, the Justice tarot archetype and realised this is balance... like the yin-yang. I knew they were inside the hemisphere's of my mind. Then I was just a tree all night.
When I woke I had more revelations :)

The cross, the sacrifice (Jesus) The cross is inside.
The ego self dies , and is resurrected into the larger life of cosmic gnosis (also tarot archetypes)

The cross is the separation between 2 half's of the mind. That stops the connection to the heart were our home is... the key to eternal life.

I always thought he was an example not a saviour well he's both and neither at the same time! Jesus he's the lover!! The triad! when we are balanced and connected to our source.

The cross (hanged man) is the veil that separates inside our minds that then separates from the heart. (The hanged man! So when he said no one comes to the father except threw me...

Threw love & forgiveness we re'member' and re intergrate our 'larger' self into gnosis. By balancing the mind and letting the energy flow to the heart, were our connected home is. 

Jesus could do miracles cause he knew he was a game master... The cross is the flat earth, he as a creator in his own flat earth tree!  

This probably ties into the kabala thingy too that I've never got round to looking at....  Oh yeh it's 3 dimensional shapes isn't it... So it's dimensions Monad up.....  the other dimensions must be inside our body too, or in the space around them.       ( Oh yeh that's star shapes- shit....  I really do 'seem to be able to tap into O.o    gnosis  lol       -  The 8th dimension is that   below....       That must happen when I sort out my wiring properly.     

Another tangent....  wow  haha   I'm not ADHD, I'm just multi dimensional :P 

Anyway back to the Jesus thing,  so I was laying in bed thinking this and I let my mind go blank...  I could feel thoughts blowing thew my mind and re'membered this

 I wrote in summer 2000    -
I watched it wash straight threw me, I felt it blow away....
The part of me that 'knew' has gone I believe I rejected it.

and now I'm hear and watching and floating on my own,
leaving out the 'others' I thought my mind would be my home.

But I want it to come back now the bit that really 'cared'
cause now I know there are others who are happy to bare,
the pain that comes from loving and the grief that's of our 'mind'
We need our hearts to be open to enjoy being part of man kind.

--- lol, I was in a dark place back then but I knew I'd left my heart home and separated myself of in my mind!
The heroes journal, threw the archetypes. (or the fools :P ) lol wow!

Synchronicity s  too...  My life is now like a lucid dream or being on psychedelics. 

More wired stuff too.... My life is getting stranger than a dream :D

My Dad is here atm. He brought me something he's been keeping for me since I was 3 years old, it's a really old silver bracer that was given to my Mum for me by her sister... My Aunty and Godmother.

It was her house that I drempt of when I was on another planet saying good bye It was in her house I signed my 'deed of inheritance' The timing is so odd.... I think it's the universe telling me I fulfilled that life contract. --- It's also an Aunty close to death (the one I dreamt of telling her she'd been a second mother to me)

My Mum had it, and my Dad's kept it till now. He gave it to me yesterday. When my Daughter asked at Breakfast what it was, my dad replied
'I've been keeping it for her, I think she's big enough now to take care of it' O.o Daughter replied, ' Oh you can pass it on to me now, and I'll give it to my daughter after' O.o

I had such a wired walk too... I was just thinking how the synchronicity in my life are making it feel like a lucid dream or a psychedelic trip... and then I found a small patch of magic mushrooms! I didn't pick or eat them.... round the next corner Josh shouted for me - there was a tree covered in lots of yellow ladybirds & lave all at different stages of transformation. It was the most amazing thing to see, there bodys were morphing and changing as I watched - becoming something else. (when I was a kid I used to think I'd been a red ladybird ) 

Next corner was a hollow tree ....  this is what I'm doing, widening the channel 'trunk' of my own flat earth O.o  My asthma kicked of again the same time as my lungs expand further.

lol Soooo I've worked threw a cycle and I find myself with only more questions :D once more I'm the fool, to start a new journey!   

------ I've a feeling Zak my 3rd child is here to help me remember telepathy - I've been thinking for a while he's from somewhere with telepathy and instant manifestation.

Sooo Next - check out Ladybird meanings... and Oh there's a poem I wrote last cycle that's coming back to me too.   It's relevant to now! lol and spell check kept changing relevent to 'reinvent '.....change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new.  (The lady BIRD Morphing)

Lady.... Bird?   Ohhhh  I used to shap shift into a bird in some dreams  ....And tangent!!

Wow, Vission from the 30th that I'd totaly forgotton!
'Visions, a huge wall of ice!! Inside is a magic holographic light chamber a tiny 'lady bird' comes and lands on the ice wall. It shatters and falls away leaving the entrance clear.-

Looking down onto a stone henge type of building it's all rock and built onto rock... all grey.'  

anyway, the poem from around 6 years ago...    

Smashing threw the boundaries, crawling deep inside, Hunting for the answers in our deepest self reside.

Reaching for a limits, searching for an end, unravelling a spiral, tracing every bend.

Up and out??
Or Deep within?
Missing the point were the whole thing begins.

In blindness we are searching, groping for a light, connecting with our renaissance the Hummmm that feels alright. 

A path to sure maddness?  A path that leads to sin? 
Grin and shrug of fear :)
Pull out all that's in.

Dose it just keep coming?  Your endless silly string?
What can you use it for? What answers will it bring?

You've tied yourself in knots now, and still no further on,
Put your questions in your head, ask your heart to sing your song <3

So of I go again, as the fool.... 

The Bracelet

OMGGGGG   The 2 last dreams here that I'd forgotten about! 9 days ago O.o  The Aunty & Lady Bird.. 

 The leaf pattern.     The fact I called her my Fairy Godmother cause she was my Godmother!  So my Dad thinks the braclet was my Great Great grandmothers...  but it found it's way to me, Gran had 9 children..  Ohh  9.

-  Also had another wired thing, this afternoon.  There was light reflecting of one window as we got out of the care earlier, it had the same pattern as the leaves,   I realised I need to do something with partner to help him 'Re'Member'  It was hug :P  lol  Just pulled a tarrot card, 9 of wands!   10 of wands :)   9 is the number of completion.

- When I was on the walk this morning I started to get bleed threws of other 'times'
A path I walk with the dog I always think of Highway men on it.   This time I could see them I was riding with them and hear the horses hooves!    My mind also flipped to a pirate life too, smuggling and packing stuff into a wet cave.

Friday, 7 October 2016

I am a Dryad! and other ramblings.... Oh and a Zombi dream!

Well wow,  I was getting lucid in my life and  now I've reached that place were I feel like I'm the punchline in a giant cosmic joke!

The Line/Curve & Mirror! lol  :D     Sooo   if there is creator & reflection.... what am I creator or reflection or the void in which they are looking at each other??   :P   Ooooo  I'm all 3, a triad or a Dryad cause I'm also the tree!

Going to have to make pictures for my thoughts.   Have sketched my own but no more yet. 

So I was sitting under my soul tree this morning thinking.    And a picture popped into my head.

Followed by another -

It's the world tree that I keep dreaming about....   and my dreams were I turn into a dryad.    WOW  I'm living a fairy tail    -  lol :P    And lol, Triad.... Dryad!   

When I was at my aunty Sheila's at about the age of 6 or 7...  I woke from a dream were I'd fallen of  the disk of my flat earth.

I'd been sitting on it, it wasn't big but the tree was in the middle the grass green....  

But it was wobbling to much  (I'd been indoctrinated into the world of the mind& matter  and left my heart& imagination)  
 It tipped to one side so much I rolled off the disk.  I fell for a long time and then I landed at the bottom of a big metal slide. So I was 're'mebering' all along!!! 

OMFG!! That's the soul fragment/ghost in the Aunty's house I've been tracking.... it's the part of me that re-membered the earth disk O.o     I left that bit of me there with the dream, that's what I was running upstairs to get when Zak woke me.   The child shouting to me threw 'space/time' 'You left me here'  

The spinal column along with the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems are this Tree within the body.   -  The vagus nerve.  

The image in that too....  when the brainwaves are balanced in the 2 halves of the head.... that's the middle, the trunk of the tree going down into our body.

It's all the same....  lol   see above...   The inside is outside and the outside is in :D   -  The vagus Nerve

The wobble on the spinning top is the axis on the earth!!   Soooo   lol dose that mean I'm a flat Earther.... I totally didn't get it till now. 

This is literally mind blowing....  That stops the wobbling.... like the spinning top.   When our awarness is balanced in the 2 halves of out brain and between the mind and the heart that's  what people tallk about the 4th dimention.    It's inside us   lol   The up down the balance....

Then I found this website.    -  That is the same as my thinking!

Sooo    IS this quantum too?    IS it flat or round?   Both and Neither :D  At the same time :P 

Next was word play...     With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.   

This freaked me out the last time I got to this part...  

So word play.  

Power  = the ability or capacity             (New house...  with more capacity!)    

Response  =   Re-Action a reverse moment - a reciprocal action
Ability = skill talent. 

Soooo   Balance??   To balance the action of other?    Who is the 'other' if all is unity?  :D  Only ever more questions! 

One-another  soo    One and Other....   again, mirror and reflection, this is duality.... but that is an illusion so there is only one, so that makes me creator, or triad? Or Dryad...  lol 

I guess Dryad as the trees inside too, in the story I was a tree so  as above so below....   

So who's looking at who? :P 

Is this the bubbles in the flower of life?   We are only 'aware' of self cause we are interlocking with other bubbles... that gives us the 'point' of self perhaps. 

Sooo If I'm the tree in the centre of my flat earth do I balance that?  IS balance desirable even?     The tree still has up down so still had duality even if it is balanced, but a world with out a wobble would have no seasons. 

Hummmmm :D     Will have to dream on that!

Sooo only last nights dream.

I'm in a strange country, Cambodia perhaps??   I duno though it was just strange to me. 
There was a talking bus, and zombies... the zombies were fairly harmless they just didn't seem to have any purpose  (had to google this to spell it.....  I'm beginning to think Dyslexia may be evolution too... words mean so much more than I thought.    )
Purpose---   the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

So yeh, these Zombies were just bumbling round. 
There were a small camp of people from my country, but they didn't seem to want much to do with me.  
Also something about a Tower, wired and dark.       -  I'm guessing this is going to be the 'Tower' Tarot so some archetype. -   Interesting! 

Oh lol..... the tower was letting  me know about the impending collapse of the round world that I thought I was living on!!!!     *Giggles*  Oh and yesterday the date was the same forwards and backwards....  meby I did hit the side of the bucket after all ;)

Edit.9/10/16 .. Oh lol   Just found this dream from August -  Hahaha  I'm slow sometimes :P    I've been telling myself stuff this for years.

Just found more links today.  10/10/16

Family split and a giant bird.

Last night I seemed to be analazing dreams as I was having them.
First a big round tree/spaceship with a trunk tail. The top was all lit up with lights and windows. (this was my brain and spine ) Duno why but it was.
A strange ancient myth/story of a family separated and coming back together. (my story/human story)
We were in an amazing Inca style garden in the garden was an amazing elaborate locked box (Inside is ancient special paintings )

We as a family have the key. One man in the garden wants the paintings to pay of a debt - but they are worth more than that most of the family want the pictures to 'fix' things, they want to help the guy out but the pictures are to valuable. He keeps trying to steal them/paint new ones so we won't notice.
I add a new picture into the box with the ancient ones - it's a photo of a young boy and girl getting married... (it's a pure version of opposing energy)

-- After that I was talking to a massive juvenile herring gull! He' was much bigger than me :P I was feeding him some bread while we talked about the many paths to the same destination.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...