Showing posts with label 222. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 222. Show all posts

Thursday, 10 September 2020

So much to See so little Sleep

Get up at 444 couldn't sleep again after the 3.30 kitten feeding... 

Before bed. 

Bring me back to hear and now, together as one were we share our power. The lapping of love at the shores of time a self-stretching into divine.

The home of the heart, the beat of life's drum, inhale again something to become.

We play in creation, the wind knows our name, we are loved and worthy we are welcome each day.  

Sleep time...

Wake suddenly with a jump at 12.12. I know I'd been chatting in astral, Inka Leon & crew.  'Come back Ren, now Hurry' 

Woken at 1 by squeaky kittens.
Had really long dream.
Was with Inka in a strange town, we are not liked, hated in fact and wanted and hunted. In hiding but not, as there is a building we pass each day to be 'seen'. We kept moving/showing. There was an us & they hummm who was the they. They were very like us too, us/them very similar almost gangs we battle and fight for something 'unseen'. I was 'cooking' I knew the setting had a strong undertow of anger and resentment between all of the people involved... yet I was more of an impassive observer than wrapped up in any emotion. I could feel it though it permeated the dream scenario.   

Back to sleep at 101 as not feeding time 😸 but when I was woken soon after by kitten feed alarm I'd had an experience like lol light bulbs all popping along a line with no circuit breaker bang, bang, bang, bang. It reminded me last night of the heads/minds on the web?? 'Wait and see Ren 💜, sleep b4 kitty feed!' lol Inka even in dreams where I hate you I still love you 😏 'lol Ren, can't be any other way - we are each other'.

This was from the first dream where we'd been a team but with contempt and dislike for each other, lol when I re'memberd him there was so many 1000s of dream experiences so many times we killed/harmed/healed/helped. 'lol, Ren wait till you remeber the rest'  👀
After this I get a vision of a white queen... this was from the first dream somehow. Also a rag & bone man on a cart on a track. 

Sleep.. then Cat wakes me scratching the floor at exactly 2.22 lol I'm sure I've been here before deja vu.

Next kitten feed alarm was 3.30..  

Dream was long, with different bits... my main dreams space with Inka but no real recall beyond that. Roz & Kelly and women and energy, how we feel it in our body and transmute it physically.. move and change it.  

There was a dream world game-like, a flying puzzle chase that I still couldn't haven't done but it was already underway as I entered the dreamscape and it's to big and strange for me to solo so I'll need to wait again for another group attempt.  

Last dream I lived in a cave lots of cats and dogs around, I'd gone to follow one of my cats and as I followed it into the sun there were people waiting for me, they had come to collect stuff from me but couldn't see me till I came into the light. I guide them back threw to collect the stuff for there dog (It was healing well) in my cave I had potions and medicaments.  

Woken by the alarm to kitty feed. 'Another one of your Witch lives Bitch' lol Inka.. I need an eye roll, I guessed as much... oh, the people wouldn't come down and couldn't see me - I had to go into the light to meet them 😆 Hahahah

'Symbols Ren, we see you!!💜' Was that one of the lives I was burned/killed?  'One of many as a Witch/seer shaman'.... didn't put you off though' - gives you a death wish when your empowered though!'  

Oh, guess that's why I was so scared of myself for ages, though not as a kid, oh as a kid I wanted to die too..... point taken..... lol so spending my life as vet nurse then setting up the website for babies with eczema, dance and poetry!  'Might stop the party but you can't stop the future'  😈
So I still do me no matter how aware I am, 
'keep telling you, we have always been with you'.   lol, yeh I remeber the people in my head.... you were louder pre internet and as a kid!   'Less distractions'   😆

Blugh... nearly 6, may aswell make packed lunches and nap after kitten feeding.  😴  Hope my shadow runt latches back onto Mama soon or next moth is going to be 😵😵😵

Monday, 10 August 2020

Zombies & Slow Mo

So for months, I've been waking at 2.22, 3.33 4.44 or 5.55 after especially vivid dream/travel. I've noticed different themes on how the 222 dreams are all linked often, same scenario people.

I'd been chatting with a friend yesterday about the 2.22 thing.

Anyhoo it's so hot here last night couldn't sleep at all tried upstairs  kept waking tried downstairs. Then suddenly knew where my story was going next and made notes, still couldn't sleep. Then think, fuck this I'll write, look at my watch it's 2.22!!


When I did fall asleep at 4.30 ish it was not really sleeping, more low-level astral stuff, splitting and jumping to various characters (Ironically what the story is about)

Anyhooo when I wake/come back I how much sleep I actually got last night. Check my band and it's 2h23m lol The unirverse is a funny place!!

Right, so it's hot to hot to sleep, I think cool triggers my sleep which is why I dream more before period that's when body temp is up..   anyhooo.

I realised Ren & Kaylo need to go to the Indian overseers dream..  not toaly sure why :P but they do!

Eventually gone 4 I manage to 'sleep' only it's not sleeping at all. It's straight into hipigoggly hallucination then WILDs.  Then all this below in tiny amount of sleep.

It's lower astral stuff, paying with time/space weaving and jumping.  
It really felt like I had an eye in two worlds and one in the middle... I could move in and out of views/change alter my flicker rate too. 

I'm splitting too part of me in the back garden just pre-dawn and I'm watching sparrows & robbins waking and I see them in slow-mo.   I'm also aware of a fly in the room and can join with it too!   I contacted Kelly as Fay wanted something.

Oh, then I was also down here on the PC too... only I wasn't lol I floated down and could see the room with lights on and my PC (I was in other places too)   There were messages I had to give to a few people and I did that.  

I wanted some fun too so I jumped myself into a game-type world, it was an MMO style game with NPC zombies that were trying to catch players but I didn't feel like hurting or killing them so decided to make them 'real' instead.     This was funny as they were sort of cartoonish... I didn't have many hit points so I could only do one at a time.   I'd have to split them then sneak in and hug one!  This made them real and then they'd look at me and the other zombies confused... They turned into tall blue people once real.

There was one area where they were all in a big huddle making it really hard to separate them and hug them... if I aggroed them they would chase me all flailing arms :P   and I didn't have enough HP to let them hit me while I was hugging other one.

So I was trying different techniques of pulling them to see if I could sperate one or two to animate at a time... It was really bloody hard as they all moved as a mob and their eyes were everywhere.   But I had the advantage of time hopping so every time I stuffed up a pull I could just run off then jump back in time pre-pull and try again from a different angle.   Was a wired setting almost desert-like at night or dusk for the first bit and then the pack of them were at the edge of a river on a small bright sand dune area. 

Ohhhh yeh at this point I was also on 'Twich' the gamer thing... and chatting there which is odd as I only use it for addons.     It was funny as I realised how twitch was like flicker rate too :P  I was having convos on there with people, I think I was asking if anyone was free to help me split the zombi huddle.

Next of I decided to go see Inka from my story!  lol  This was funny as he was there and real and was sort just like he is with a 'What the bloody hell are you doing here?' that made me laugh!   I also realised I'd jumped to him just before the part I wrote yesterday.. where he took me to Malico Necromancer style and he told me 'You know what happens next'  as if asking if I really wanted to go there!  lol   - It's wired as I didn't know why she was angry before that bit!    lol but I wasn't angry so I said not now and jumped again.  

What a wired night!!

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...