Showing posts with label Time loop dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time loop dream. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Time Tunnel

Wake first at 111.

I'd been dreaming sacred geometry. Dream dust very organised... I've not noticed it so much downstairs I thought it was cause it's not so dark. All the dreams were very visual - and today everything still visually odd like I've taken mushrooms or something 😏

Patterns I'd been inside geometry again conversation/exchange in the shapes and patterns I'd not known it was 'my' dream though - I'm just part of the pattern.

Wake at 3.00 Been in a time tunnel thing 😜 Where visuals sounds/noises images are overlayed all going back and forth over each other and breathing in and out. - Where?   'Now or Then, Ren 😏'  lol Leon.   

Didn't you ask if I wanted to fix it?  ''You're  call😼. Jump to us when you're ready'

Got woken up 313 was confused that 13 mins had passed as I had a vast recall of stitting in the hub for ages lots of convos and stuff .  Eh???  'Haha Ren, TIME' 😆

When I wake next I have such a jumble of very detailed visual scenes that seem to have no order or connection. 

Laying in a bed and connected to lots and lots of other people/me's via a line and purple cloud at my head! 😁
One of the connections I wanted to be closer too and I was sad -  but then reminded, that I'm there too anyway & can jump the connection so I did for a bit. 

SO in one dream I'm with Kaylo who is male me and a young Will Smith in an utterly unfamiliar kitchen.
We are at a long worktop and a too-wide fridge is open behind us, guess it was the US-style larder ones as it's wasn't like we have here. We are making pitta sandwiches with salad and I am stuffing lettuce into them while we chat about the nature of time, time travel and reality!  

On the worktop is a small orange plastic beaker with water in... it's been there a while as there is dust on the top of the water and also a large black spider standing on the surface tension of the water. I accidentally knocked over the beaker and I flick the spider out of the pool of water where it crawls behind a fruit bowl.  

In another place, I was sleeping in a bedroom with blue fairy lights the room has a blue glow and dark bedspread. 

An old school desk. Single one made of varnished pine has a hole of an inkwell and ridge at the top for pens it's sloped it has names scratched into the varnish with a compass. On the desk is a single sheet of lined paper, a sharp yellow and black pencil with a red end and a small rubber. On the paper is a geometric detailed diagram. One of my male aspects had been drawing it, it was sort of multidimensional trigonometry.  

Then I'm sharing what we were calling 'Hand space centre' This was I know to do with Mudras.. the yoga hand-shapes that I don't know waking but have been taught in some astral yoga lessons - we were discussing how the shapes they made were opening stuff?  

Another dream of a sunny residential street a woman is outside with her older daughter they are sat on the pavement in old metal sun chairs an upstairs window is open with a radio playing.

I've been sent to pick something up it's some Mr Man greeting cards with small disks in like CD's but little I think they were a thing for a while.

The woman tells me where they are, and motions to the open door. I'm surprised at her trust as we are unfamiliar to each other and I enter her house following her directions.  

The house is not somewhere I recall. Perhaps mid-century feel with orange/yellow warm colours it's open plan, with an open wooden staircase, cluttered too with filled shelves.
Books, lamps plants and ornaments very homely.

I head to the shelf she described and get down a box filled with hand-drawn Mr Man cards, they are in small film packets with a mini-disk in each but the cards and disks are muddled so I get them out and start pairing them up correctly. I think I wanted Mr Funny & Mr Happy 😋 She came in to join me and we sorted thew them together.  

There were more scenes too but to vague to recall. 

Friday, 2 September 2016

Circular Time & A World Tree

 Yesterdays dream that I didn't get a chance to write up was another  time-loop.

It was was hazy on waking and I was in a hummm guild hall might be best description. . It was a place for our team. Our graves were there too. The dream was going back and forth in time ... in a ring .. of a lifetime. Doesn't make sense at all now but seemed totally understandable at the time.  Elements were a feature.

Last nights Dream

Beautiful dream, I'm in a magical conifer forest that stretches to a beach it's dusk and stunning, I sleep there and wake again and it's twilight I walk up and into the forest, the trees get denser and the sandy path turns to wood.
I realise I'm in giant conifer on one of it's branches the tree is huge with different worlds on it's branches all attached to a central trunk.
After that I turn elemental, swapping from fire to soil, and then air ect.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...