2 bedrooms with a sea near close. I'm in one room and rach in the other.. between the 2 rooms are a funnel water/tube lift. With small sinks/ponds of seawater.
Dom there too we are in bed. I try to send a squid thing down the tube to Rachel but it doesn't fit I carry it down to the sea to let go.
Sat 30th Nov
A shallow wide stream in woodlands. I'm with lots of people who's names all begin with J. Jilly, Jack, Jo, Jon & James.
The stream is clear with sand and pebble bed and shallow banks. Above some construction, workers have flattened an area of forest and concreated it, there are metal fences around the area. Bits of concrete and tar are coming down into the stream and we are trying to get them to clear up or move the fence so we can clear up - They won't and are rude and unhelpful. I was also viewing something from above to do with homoeopathy.
- Second dream I'm seeing a cross-section of a river floating in space - banks and all.
Last dream, main dream area. Over the wall, the houses are all glowing in the dawn light. Doors are open music plays, it's warm. I have very long red dreaded hair.
Sunday 1st Dec
A big openplan kitchen I'm taking up the floor, it's layers and layers of old linos and then different tiles. Strange how many layers of different coverings.
Filled 14 pages in the dream pad.... Number 14 again!!
First part of the night, is thought confirming dreams, I'm a wave and a line. A bridge connecting reality's. Real-I-Trees.
I wake at just after midnight and get visions....
I see the dragon round the tree of life, that's me - spirit of the age... born as a fire dragon.
I see a symbol, I laugh... hidden in plane sight! It's been staring at me all my life! :D
The 2 snakes, the heart wings from the regression that went upside down... I didn't go anywhere I brought they universe into me.
I'm upside down!! The eye in the pyramid and it's it's refection. The dragon the serpent.... infinity, eating it's tail.
DNA, the tree & the cosmic carrot... Inside and out. The Totem too!
Back in June I was told in the dream I was Zeitgeist = The spirit of the age. I didn't understand it then, but there is only one spirit we are it, share it breath it, are made from it... it's the connection and I've moved out of the way to let it in to me.
Fire dragon, fire is spirit... I was also born as Aquarius. So lol Age of Aquarius.. how very hippy! It's brought me to experience the Unity.
My PArther is an Earth Dragon, but he's still in separateness.
Heart song a ...... You + ME Verse. = Universe unity.
As we re'member we are one we can co create harmoniously.
I wrote a poem about this in 2010 but didn't 'feel' it yet.
One drop in the ocean, one flight in a wing, One note in a chorus, in a song we all sing,
A rainbow heat of oness that holds us all like glue, For the now is in the everything, They're all a part of you.
Next was the medicine wheel again, how this fits with the tarot and the disk, alchemy, and the whole - this is coming together I'm not quite there with this yet, I know it's inside & outside.
Next it was the story of jumping mouse. Someone shared this with me when I kept dreaming of mouses... lol, that was the frog I was chasing in the Elohim dream, and integrated with the dragon.
The flood bible storys quantum too... it's was a flood on the round world, it's a flood into our bodys from the universe when we sacrifice the ego to the spirit.
Seems dream mouse still has more dreams to go!
Next thing that pops into my head is 'A space man came Travelling song' I've always loved this song.
I'm seeing the EYE in the pyramid, the illumanaughty.. we are the bit missing, we have been looking at 1/2 of us.
Reality..... real it tree.... The tree inside, the flat world/round world.
This dream is awesome, lucid.. It's a WILD (WakeintoLucidDream) It's soo real.
It's about putting bits back together, a future a past a game. A home! A game I play with friends...We are multidimensional ones were play hide and seek, have races to find stuff do stuff all across space and time.
We have finished a game I'm a tunnel running threw pages of a book the pages are worlds/times/possibility's/
A Grey tunnel with doors opens in front of me, I step in. It's got instructions and telepathic messages but I know the protocol I've done this lots. I step in close my eyes.
It's like superspeed elevator going up and down at the same time..... St-reaching then wooshhhh --- Then robotic telepathic voice says , 'Extracting consciousness now' ...... BLISS!!
I'm in a light body, on a space ship, it's grey with a red glow... There is a broadcast.... it's telepathic the vibration message goes to mind.
'Good game everyone, lots of reds this time, then goes of to read codes and download speeds'
We all have coloured lights in our hearts... many peoples are pure one colour but mine are mixed like a yin-yang.... I can see it reflected onto the wall rather than in me. It's Pinky/Red/Purple/Blue we are also given a DL speed. We are discussing different creations and ways to create. I recall I'm a bit of a maverick 'here' I work alone,rather than with a team.... I believe in growth naturally for the sake of it.
I can see and remember 1000's of creations and reality's lives/games I've played.
The lucid dream I had with a robot and the VR robot demo for the vive are all reality's. The dreams I've had that lasted years are all real too. We are all in a locker room waiting to de-brief, I can't wait to go again there is lots of humour and friendly competition. It's like we've been DL'd from an MMOLRPG -- ( Oh, these are taken from 'inside' too O.o lol)
I come back.... This wasn't like waking up, it was like coming back :P
I'm back in bed lol and the time is 3.33!!
The experience is amazing vivid so real, so so real.......but my emotions are disappointed, my DL speed wasn't fast enough.... I'm judging myself!!
I realise this is another me in a con-current life (as there is no time) This reminds me of my Daughter role-playing a game when she was 3 with a friend... they'd been killed and were waiting in a space ship to be born into another baby body. She told me about it in the way home cause she didn't want to be born again and have to ware nappies :P (She also used to tell me that the aliens were watching us on TV)
I'm still disappointed, feeling I should have been better and DL'ed faster. O.o I'm recalling the Penguin dream that lasted a lifetime.. (I know I play lots of games at once .... the hive mind & CG hollographic dreams Time hopping . )
Soo recap - I ask the question and the answer comes....
Spirit took me there for a reason? (YES) ... Oh I'm judging myself there too!! (YES) I'm divided, I have an ego! . My ego separation was there in that reality... I wanted to be faster.. That's why my colour was dual! (YES)
This is also my competitive streak that comes out in gaming :P (YES)
This is a lesson?? (YES!!) Is this 'Spiritual Pride' (YES) lol ok..... Sorry :P
Ok, so I need to balance this?? Forgiveness of this multidimensional aspect of self. I need to re'member that bit of me... do I need to start collecting soul parts from outside earth reality's? (YES)
Ok.... feeling calm now. I need to forgive and reintegrate this, I need to learn Humility!!!
I disconnect and lay back and see another dream entrance, so go in.
I meet the girl with the red/orange hair the one that made the dragon on my palm, she's helping me make sense of the previous dream... she can see me and help me, it's the amber fire. Is this the chakra below yellow? (YES) She is me too.
This will stop the fire in my Yellow Ray if I re'member this too... I need to find my lots Orange soul shards. I start looking threw my dreams.. Bathroom dreams! lol the ones were I'm on the loo :P HAHAHA Ok
I find the ghost in a bathroom, it's invisible too. I can see the light cord movement and vibration that lets me know it's direction. I feel it coming back into me with a WHOOOSH! :) It's so bright!! I can see a group of lives associated with it. A woman, A few Men and a young boy.... I see them all before me, they have been feeling bad & guilty about things. They have various clothes on from threw the ages one of the females seems Russian? She can dance the Charleston (So 1920ish) :P Some of the men look like they are from the 1800's.
Wake again.
So wow! O.o I've a feeling the boy in the dream had something to do with Zak (my youngest boy)... We've had some wired quantum entanglement thing/karma/soul group stuff going on. He seems to have nightmares as I'm doing stuff. Wonder if this ties in with him yelling 'no don't take it back mummy' and nightmares about me eating his lolly, and being scared of birds?? When he was first born he wouldn't 'look' at me for the first 4 weeks.
This morning is the first morning he hasn't woke up screaming and shouting and demanding things.. he was just laying in his cot smiling and giggling!
This is all quite mind popping :D
Oh how odd.... O.o Zak kept saying to me. 'Mummy I got a good idea' 'I got a good idea in my dream' He's kept saying it all morning....
When Ian appeared he said it again. 'Mummy I got a good idea in my dream, Daddy's a tree'
'Daddy a branch' O.o Hehe Ian's had to admit that that is fairly wired :D I also keep finding stuff round our house that I don't remember being her before.
SOo the pond dream.
The Duality Penguin.
Summer 2011 some time.
I had such a beautiful dream last
night. It felt like it lasted a lifetime...... hence it's long
I was myself, human and I lived
naked in a large deep lake were I was able to breath in the water.
The pool was in the most beautiful setting, surrounded by light forest with
perpetual low sunlight that shone on the surface of the lake.
One day a black & white
penguin appeared in the pool - at first we just imitated each other, but with
time we learnt to interact and play together. Our favourite game was fetch,
with a pink bath toy.
During a game diving deep for the ball, I happened into a tribe of human like
'people' living at the bottom of the lake.
At first they were a little
unsettled that I had found them - I felt that I knew them. (Then realised this
was a memory from a future, and that I would know them)
With time they accepted me and I grew especially close to one of them, years
went by I lived with them and learnt there ways.
With time they gradually faded out of my visual sight but I knew they were with
me still and I could always talk with the tribe even though I couldn't see
During this time the other humans
(ones similar to how I had been) had taken over the area where the lake was
situated. Eventually all that was left of the lake was a small dark deep pool.
The water there had become very polluted, the pollution didn't harm me as I'd
become part of the nature of the lake.
The water was harmful to the other humans though, they wanted to dig out the
pool and replace it with a swimming baths so that their infants could play
there. I agreed and left the lake.
After the lake had been turned into a small swimming pool, I tried to find the
lake water.
I found where they were channelling the lake water too - it was now flowing in
a dark underground canal, the water was now black and thick and was being
pumped fast threw massive turbines.
I could feel the tribe were with me though I couldn't see them..... I could
hear them telling me. 'Don’t be afraid, don't be upset'
I left the canal and the dark water and found a small stream I followed into wild
grassland.... I think by this time the tribe member I'd mated with had
materialised to keep me company.
We came to a small metal shed on the edge of the grassland, inside the shed
were 2 children working several computers. The tribe member I was with asked
about the door way.
The children smiled and said they would help us in a moment.
After a small wait they asked us to open a cupboard and press a blue button,
when we did so a doorway into another scene opened.
Looking through the doorway, I could see the tribe ‘people’ there.
In the distance there was a small beach set in a rocky cove and beyond a huge
bright blue ocean.
I hear them in my mind saying to me ----- 'you know how to swim now, next you
have to learn to swim in the ocean'
- I woke up then :) It was
such a rich beautiful world and it felt like I'd been there for so so long.....
literally a lifetime!
Hummmm Sooo much makes sense to me now!! This dream from below too, it is inside & outside us!
This from 29th 6th 16. -- Really amazing insight from this
dream. The setting is a huge high security science
complex, it's quite futuristic really clean and white, with huge cooling systems
and miles of corridors. I'm in there on a mission, I know I've
'done' this before.... I also know I'm 'winging' it but I instinctively know all
the people I need to go to to help me, and also know how past all the security
My mission is Crocheting - the thread is
unbelievably fine and organic in nature. I've got a pair of hooks they are a
size 7. I pass threw the security un-noticed and I'm
cleared for the bio security too. I'm connecting the few people I know in there
who can help and getting things from them. When I get into the place I need to
be, I realise size 7 hooks are to big, and I need 6. I remember someone who can crochet leeks and
that she has the 6, so I find her and bring her to the work station. I'm
watching my team work, they are making amazing tiny molecules and shaped with
the thread. --- As I wake up I realise that rather than
coming back into my body awareness from outside, I'm coming back into my
awareness from inside me. At that moment I realise that the complex was
representing my body, the 'helpers' were cells the security was my immune
system! We were making cells molecules and DNA! :P I've just quickly googled number 7 & 6
and 7 is intellect and knowledge spiritual awareness and 6 is balance, love/care
and connecting above and below. How cool!! :D:D I'm now going to reconsider other
dreams I've had in lab/medical/factory type setting
lol that’s without the awesome vision
I had
Hummmm One below too - I think this relevant to something too.
30 - Oct-2012
Me and Ian both had mad dreams
last night, his was about a telescope that was taken by of worlders and he went
back in time with American Indians to get it back.
My first dreams were about a
cottage near a railway junction in beautiful agless countryside, the house was
full of ghosts and demons.
It was some friends of Ians that lived there and they'd invited us round to get
our take on it.
I found the ghosts funny, they did stupid things like lifting up skirts or
playing with children's toys.
There was all kinds of weirdness outside the house too - big moving shapes.
I sat with Ian at the door, there
was this huge skeletal zomby thing running at the house looking fairly mean.
As it got close up I held up my
hand and shouted stop! It did.... I then held out my hand to it and I asked it
what it wanted and if I could help.
It smiled at me and said 'stay safe' then vanished.
After that some portal opened
outside the cottage, there was an alien metal road and Ian had decided he was
going to steal some of the road to sell.
The alien people were going to
kill him, I asked them not to as our kids would miss him.... and I told them
they could have me instead.
They seemed content with that,
but they told me they wouldn't kill me I had to take the road metal but accept
the corruption that came with it. I agreed... after that I joined some wired
alien group that were doing interesting but not entirely ethical things.... It
was kinda fun.
The 2nd dreams were about
volcanoes erupting outside an elderly relatives house, they were like 3 mini
volcanoes the ground kept shaking and they kept spewing hot stuff, there were
also dogs everywhere.
This one didn't have much story line it was just kinda cool and very real.
I duno :P It was like glowing metal path made of tiny metal pebbles... but they
were all shaped to fit together and polished. It was very pritty.
Some of them had markings on,
and others had holes in. It was like an iridescent purple metallic color.
Cause it was made of small individual bits and it was so cool looking Ian had
prised some bits of it up to take.
They were the bits I had to take of him and accept there corruption
A friend of mine Mark is chilling out a in a pebbly ravine, it's a really interesting setting.
The rocks in the ravine are an orange colour, on the ground are small
pebbles like small beach/flinty beach pebbles of the same colour. I'm
following a stream of the clearest water towards Mark, the water is so
perfect! I get distracted by the purity of the water, it flows up and
down bumps. When I get closer he is talking to my brother so I wait.
--- (I get the feeling Mark was the Magician of the major A cards in the dream)
It jumps from there into an unfamiliar house... same people in the dream.
part seems very symbolic but confusing. I now have a pool in the
house, it's not my pool but I need to look after it. I've never had a
pool before and don't know how to keep it clear. The chemicals that
came with the pool are empty and I don't know were to get more from.
make a partly ironic comment to the other two guys that 'The defining moment
of pool ownership is when you have to call another to ask were to get
the chemicals (for clearing) '
The house we are in is on the edge of
a city... now we are back in the house we seem to be selling 'drugs for
enlightenment' - we have no money, people keep commenting on the fact
we are on the edge of the city... we have no money but wisdom.
- Second Dream
A large Lorry is outside a wired other worldly version of our street,
this street is posh and well kept with painted iron fences round well
looked after front gardens. A large Lorry pulls up outside, it has a
friend Jack from my teenage years, he swaps a child's pushchair then
Fay (eldest daughter) works on the lorry, I go to help her.
The lorry is filled with clothing and we are sorting the clothing by codes and sizes.
Next I get text's and messages then Jack arrives back to move the lorry.
Dream moved on and the next part I remember is that we have to wash out large disinfectant drums, (these are similar
to the empty pool chemical containers in the first dream)
man arrives with cases for disinfectant wipes and then dream changes again to a
vet surgery and I'm working out disinfectant dilution ratios and sorting
out medications by date order.
Not sure about these dreams :) Both seem to be deeply symbolic in there own way with overlapping elements of /clearing/cleansing/sorting
Water in my dreams usually signifies 'oneness' rather than emotions.