Showing posts with label Rivers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rivers. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Looking for a big Kettle, A NDE & London Rivers.


First dream. 

I'm with people from our street.

Kelly/Ian Matt -  Kelly is pinning a book onto a canvas.  I'm weirdly bendy doing backflips in slow motion just spinning round and round in a wired hoop.   I could feel green & blue energy centre.

I stand on my hands - upside down dancing.


A big kitchen, industrial-like a school or hospital canteen.  A large family is visiting, mama has curly ginger hair and they have 7-8 kids. 

I'm making tea, but can't find a big enough kettle to boil water.  Susan g from school is there, working in the kitchen.

I wander threw and eventually find a large stainless steel kettle - It's with the camping stuff but I take it as I have time to rinse and return it before it will be needed. 


First dream is set in an NHS hospital waiting room, it was in a basement no natural light.   The room is busy and there is party political 'broadcasting' happening.  

This is a wired type of broadcasting in that it's going direct into peoples neural network so we are experiencing a patient 'dying' in the waiting room.  Each of us is experiencing the same thing, our vision gets wired and fuzzy and starts to diminish into a smaller and smaller fuzzy rectangle our ears are ringing and the floor comes closer as we fall forwards    - rather than hit the floor we are in a white space only white getting brighter and brighter no form or body.  

People come round again, talking that we all experienced the same white space, people are postulating it was blank white as we were not the person who passed.  -  We are puzzled that we all experienced it.    After that I went into a very crowded toilet... only it wasn't like any other toilet - it was metal and really high tech each compartment was like an airlock that needed to be locked down on entry.   People in here were talking about the NDE too. 


Second dream was a game/mmo type of dream.  A large army are going to take on a massive brown/red dragon and it's minions.   I'm floating above it all watching.   The commander is moving fast with lots of people to various points on the map while the dragon is approaching. 


Last dream is set in London only there are 2 rivers.  I have a pink rubber ring and want to play in the central river but when I get there the catacombs where you can access the water from are closing for the day.  I'm annoyed they won't let me in.  I walk back threw a churchmen and priests are there with boys, we all know they are pedos.  There is some wired interaction where I trick their leader with salty nuts, and a drink of water threw a reed straw - it was like an Esop fable type of scenario. 

After I leave I head to the south river which has sand and marram grass banks and go and play there with the big bright pink rubber ring. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...