Showing posts with label Web. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Formless Awarness

Kaylo? 'Mmmm, just chill here for a while'.   Looks like a screen?  'Can WILD if you want too'  

151 not dreams as much just with people in astral, relaxing and healing... we play a bit too, chasing, jumping, following and hiding. 

A poem I wrote a while ago..... errrr here..

Breathe space then dance it wide, flow into the air inside. 

Root below so deep so dark, then stretch above out your heart.

You dance the pattern you beat the earth, you shower your space with the rain of rebirth.

As darkness comes breath it back in, own it, love it, all falling in. 

Cave into your self. Drop into your heart, rest in the perfect before growing once more. 

Wake again 252 Kaylo? 'Yep Ren, we're making stuff, chill we are formless'. Deconstructing emotions, pulling them apart like candy floss.  

Then a book chapter.  I'm taken into the hut & experience it. 


Sunday, 9 July 2017

Heart Problems another Web and Main Dream Area.

First dream -

First was dust...   it kept settling on stuff fast and I'd wipe it off and a couple of hrs later there would be dust over everything again.. no one seemed to notice it but me.

Next I was called to a dog that was sick...  (I'd given it a herbal capsule earlier that day.... though I don't remember this bit of the dream) 

When I looked at the collapsed dog it's gums were pale and tacky and it's capillary refill time was awful, tachycardic and pulse was weak and irregular     ((I'm not sure if this comes from visiting Ian's Dad yesterday.. both his parents are ill (once cancer and one heartfailier)  , his Dad has a pacemaker and is waiting on a stent but was visibly not good...   week, dizzy and struggling to do anything.    ))   So I'm wondering if that triggered this aspect of the dream of a dog with heart issues.

I'd taken the dog to a vets but once I got it there I was another of the nurses in a blue navy uniform and was called into theatre to monitor an anaesthetic.  The vets were giving the dog I'd brought in an antidote and told me the capsule was usually only used in abattoir's - they were trying to reverse it's effects... I don't recall what happened to that specific animal as I then ended up in a kennel room with many sick animals monitoring them.

Next dream was a web dream...

I've had others like this... one where I was a tree.....  Then this at the end of a night of dreaming.....

Then This Night when the last dream -Is a web with due drops like white pebbles.... when I wobble one I can wobble all.    .From this night of long dreams...  - Spirit of a Tar Feild.

So in the dream I'm in the centre of a web again this time I'm in a body and all the bobbles are other bodies.   I keep morphing into different bodies every few seconds... we all take it turns to be in the centre almost like a job interview..  lol  seeing which of us caused the lease disturbance to the others  -- we could all feel each other know each other. 

Then last dream... back in my main dreamscape this time again it's set in the estate rather than my house. 
The estate has just finished having work done, it's been changed and modernised... cars are not allowed and the homes are smaller the communal areas larger..   I don't go into any of the dwellings.  Most people are outside and the inhabitants are all quite new and unfamiliar a very eclectic mix. 

The roads have been replaced with that spongy stuff they have at playgrounds and there are people skating, playing ball flying kites.   I seem to be taking part in planning or have a say... some of the works been done poorly but there is good potential,   I'm planning to add a play area for kids, some small goal posts for ball games and swings and stuff for the smaller kids.    I also thought a outside cafe/bar/ would be nice for people to spend time together.   

There is also a wired sunshade above half the estate so it's usable in all weathers.   ((Quite a change from when I was last there and mining machines were ripping stuff up, the moon was too close and people were living in slums :P ))

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...