Was cool again last night so first proper sleep in ages.
First was a dream about making soap.. and a horse in a field.. old 'gamers' I knew.
Then big long dream.
Starts in on a long haul plane journey we stop of at Newzealand a tall woman gets on and knows me. The woman pop's into the rest of the dream which at the start is set in a city (familiar from other dreams) It's got a 'meeting' hub where people can go and wait for people they have met online though your supposed to pay to be there.
I go there to meet a male he's tall dark haired and we get on well and become friends. I have a large Indian family that are humm either friends or my family I'm not sure. I also have a partner I'm with but who is distant or travelling away.
My life is in this city and me and the new male are falling in love... I'm aware I need to tell the partner that I have.
It's a very romantic dream not at all sexual. I'm planning a meal for me and the Indian family and my new partner I want them all to meet each other, the female from the plane journey will be there too. I think she's the sister of my new lover. I've invited them and am going to get ingredients when I look out of the window of our home. Our small apartment overlooks a railway station - it has 2 old chimneys and also an old water tower all now out of use.
One of the chimneys has fallen so it's balancing at an impossible right angle.. I call to everyone (partner and some of the family) who rush to the window to look. We watch the tower topple down crashing into the railway line and then the water tower lifts up and crashes down into a road on a busy street... it misses any cars and the car behind it manages to break and stop before crashing into it.
We watch stunned at what we are seeing and then low flying ultra modern 'military' planes fly in low and blast cars of the road.. tanks start rumbling in also blowing up buildings.... We are all amazed.
Next 'officials' appear in our apartment (and all over the city) announcing 'We feel sleepy and should all rest now' The other people in the flat with me are all going hazey like they have been drugged and start heading for bed, I'm wide awake but follow them to bed so that the officials leave. I snuggle up with my lover but tell him I'm not sleepy I'm going out to look around. He hugs me and tells me he'll be there.
So I get out of our bed and head out into the town. It's suddenly turned to night time, there is a massive 'clean up' operation going on and most of the population are drugged and asleep.
There are a few others like me who seem immune to the sleeping gas and they are looking around. I'm quite lucid at this point and am floating rather than walking round the city. The 'old man' I recognise from other dreams he's like a kinda guide is there too he's meditating cross legged and floating too. The 'military' are like a hive mind all working as one to clear up things have been moved altered/changed/destroyed but they are keeping the populous asleep while they 'rearrange' things to look normal.
I meet 2 Japanese twin sisters wearing happy panda/sad panda night dresses they are laying on some concrete stairs. I then meet an Indian brother he's opened up his market stall selling water and fruit for others like me who are not asleep. The night seems to go on for ages, I look up at the stars and meet a middle aged woman doing the same....
This is wired cause it's like the stars are shaking wobbling round. It seems like we should be in an earthquake but we are still and it's the sky quaking above us. She tells me she's seen it for a while but no one else dose. She'd gone to the dr's as she thought it was her eyes.. but the Dr told her it's the sky.
I port back into the house to wake my sleeping partner I want to get out of the city to get a better perspective on what's going on... I'm aware it's a dream now but I'm staying with the story.
He wakes and wants to take his car so we get in and drive out of the city... the city limits are strange.. lots and lots of railway lines and then massive containers of chemicals huge drums of stuff all lined up. Lots of the 'military type people too' tanks and war planes but very different to anything I've seen before. Frustrated with the progress of the car I again leave the male and tell him I'm going to fly up ahead and try to get out of the dream scape.
I fly threw the window and out into the sky above the road the dream scape is changing becoming white and faded... hard to describe on one level it looks like a nuclear winter but on another level it's blurring out like turning the contrast & brightness way up on a monitor.
I'm surprised when the dream doesn't fade completely and I find myself in hummm what. It's like a science complex/spaceship/broadcasting hub??
It feels like there is nothing outside it. Inside it's white and both very modern and also old fashioned massive machines and testing, reading stations are all over... it's familiar and I re'meber nightmares as a child and why I was afraid of engine rooms and it's also 'organic' in some sense.. tentacles can come down from the ceilings and into people. It's also all made from the same hard white plastic like the old fashioned BBC basic computers.
The people there are the military drone types they are now all tall, there have similar under shaved haircuts and uniform which is humm kinda cyber punk style... Black almost organic looking with ridges looking like chitin armour. I'm fascinated and looking round at stuff, a female drone comes and collects me to take me to the overseer as I'm not supposed to be in there, I tell her I need to pee first and we stop at a bathroom. On the way there I meet my lover... he's cut his hair and is taller now too - he's putting on the boots and uniform. He tells me he'd forgotten he's from here too.
The overseer 'arrives' but it's just his awareness that we can communicate with it's kinda telepathic and non verbal.. - he's perplexed by my being there I'm an older model of human - he informs me I'm surprisingly young to be of my specific design. (I got the impression I was same model as overseer but he was ancient) The drones/taller people are all human's mark2 or something :P I'm more primitive which is what's making me immune to the usual controls. I'm welcome to stay and move freely but I can't be permitted to leave back into the dream scape as I've seen to much now.
I wander around kinda board, I let them do tests on me but I'm frustrated I can't go back and play in the dream world again my lover is there but he's now distant almost robotic I see him from time to time and he acknowledges me but little more.
I start to receive messages that I can 'skry'. If I can find something organic I can use it to talk to my family back in the city, I find a moon stone in my pocket and use it like a mirror looking into it I can chat to the Indian family back at my old home... they are confused as they see my surroundings and want to know were I am my communications cut off by the overseer as it's contaminating the 'city' and I'm warned if I try again to contact outside my freedom will be restricted further... I accept that and resign myself to existence as an out of place specimen/oddity.
Next dream... a plot of land dug earth and winter vegetables There is sun but also frost, the earth is unusually warm. A deer has eaten all the sage.
A project me and another female are working together - we are contracting several men to help.
A strange fairground type of ride... it's made of 3 arms each with an old 1960's VW type coach attached to it. The coaches spin round like an octopus. They start of old and rusty but as I observe them the rust fades away and the bus get newer and shiner.
Last a journey I'm leaving, there is a big crowd waiting to get onto an air plane... there is also a train heading to the same destination, it will be slower. The doors are just opening on the train it's futuristic, more like an open tram.. the seat behind the control panel is free and they front window is huge with an amazing view. I have Zak with me and we board the front of the train excited at the view we are going to have.
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