Saturday, 24 June 2017

Space Transport and a Roof Castle.

I had a follow on dream re-entry try to last nights long dream :smile:    Again it was really long.

I'm still being held in the 'lab' type of place but am really board, the humansmark2 don't really notice me.  I live among them but they are telepathic but not on the same frequency as me so I have little interacting with them.  
I try to escape a few times, but I can't find any way out I'm not a prisoner as such but if I leave I'll apparently contaminate the dream world.
The overseer decides that I'll be moved with the next off world transport possibly to a breeding centre where I'll have more freedom. 

The space/transport thing comes and this bit's odd as it's a like a car park - We meet the transporters captain who is also the same human version as me and the overseer.   He's also puzzled by me as I have no serial number and am the wrong age..  my DNA confirms my Human version though so they decide I must be the product of an illegal mating. 

The only recollection of family I have in the dream is the Indian family but they are all a different human version so couldn't have been my parents. 

It gets odd again here when the overseer takes over the body/shell of the transporters captain - the captains awareness/memory's are transferred to a small well loved teddy bear.   Next bit I remember is waking up from stasis on an inter system transporter.  We are in this warm jelly like stuff I wake up and look around but again nearly everyone is asleep but this time it's stasis. 

I find one person awake on there 'shift'  one person will be the only one away for a few months then swap with another crew member.    We are in a vast empty area of space the views out of the windows are amazing...  I'm told I need to go back into stasis as there isn't enough supplies for people to be awake, I'm also injured and there is no treatment until we get to our destination.   The stasis isn't that effective on me and I keep waking every few weeks. (edited)

I had 2 other dreams too..  One was a music festival   but hummm it was just a boarded up farm house that was making a noise, most of the people there had come on motor bikes with a single person tent... I had our tent but was camped further away.  I found a missing kids sweater and was trying to find it's owner. 

Last dream was visually awesome!  I'd built a magic play attic/palace/home on the top of a large hotel/communal home.   (the building was big and massive, very nice inside)

My bit's right on top on a kinda roof terrace.
I'd made of thin wood but looked amazing (it reminded me of the Disney palace, quite hollow inside good for climbing and hide and seek.   All built on a huge platform that came out with water slides ponds and streams and a big climb on pirate ship - the whole roof place was filled with children playing. 

No adults other than me,   the platform over looked the ocean were we could watch the sunrise.    I had a small room with a little bed and a shelve of sketch/note books in the wired castle there was a girl of about 13 sitting there looking threw the books asking why I'd wrote them.   I explained they were all a conversation.

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