Saturday, 22 August 2020

Time & Timing

Ok, Hazy. Was still very sleepy on a walk around the woods so I'm sort of interested to remember 😕

Went to bed around midnight, someone had posted a Seth quote that was so like the trust thing Leon told me when Inka helpfully interjected 'Who needs Seth when your possessed bitch' making me laugh.  

Wake open eyes/yes at 1am 1 I am.. thinking Hu? lol 'Good we got you'  😏

Dreams had been discussions. Someone had been telling a story and only few were listning,  many wouldn't and then others like me had re'memberd and fallen into the story too. It was a tail of 'Manipulation, theft, abuse.. there was a government/official aspect' I'd realised the futility in trying to get others to see/listen so instead I'd 'gone in' 

'Bingo, You ready?'  Sure... wow.   'DL Ren lay back, remember, shut up, we drive, you feel, trust us we love you, we got you. 0110 to go, DL now though, Lucid/ non is up to you 💜. If lucid don't try to logic or grasp just watch' 😏  (That was Loci)

My neck felt really wired, buzzy arms and body too all very tingly. 'It's fine just chill like that' Woken 1min later at 1.11 girl next door screaming...  

I'm half awake half asleep, feels like crystal rain again. 'Yep will get more and more intense' ok 'Just lay wait and listen'

Feel really shivery and it's still building so get a jumper then I feel scatted sideways.

I wake before Ian 'He tells me his gamer level too low, needs to rethink plan'  

Back to sleep and I'm like floating senses. 

Wake suddenly at 0202 'Breath and watch now'. 👀

Wow, I'm massive feeling and flipping O.o 'Yes Ren we took the question and made it an answer' Hu? Leon? lol

I feel on so many layers free energy/ flo - Narrative too, stories. In Be Tween. Drift again... this was so strange like being air or something. Twins Bolt - on? 'Yep Ren symbols.. chill, no think'  <- Loci

Wake 3.22 feel frazzled :P

'You cool Ren? : Sleep or wake your call : if you want to WILD 3.33<-  Loci 

Head Ache Thirst get up for water. Back to bed... Don't wild but am woken again by Star (cat in the room jumping on something) So awake at 346 and feel 'full' saturated, bit yuck, head sore.  
'Not too long Ren <3, see how big?'   

Must have slept again as suddenly wide awake at 404.
'We transmute now, come' I knew I'd been with them, a dark mirror.. we were jumping too and in I was confused. 'Just feel, relax now'  

Next I'm wide awake and it's 444!   'It's cool Ren, sleep more we hold now till 515 when we transmute'   Jinya? 💜
I was ok so just drifted back to sleep I knew this was to do with the dream of the vomiting stones but they were keen for me to just and I felt wired so did. Zzzzz 😴

Wake look at watch and it's 616! WOW 'ikr' 😈 - 'get up and walk, we're coming up'  lol
So I sort of remember this... I know I felt really scatted and wide, but also big and full :P Felt fine at 6.16 just half asleep.

'Feel like I'm still asleep... lol you mainly are'   Told to meditate here sun come up, layers of sound and bird call.  

Unfamiliarity mudra v tingly... Wow I'd forgotten that too!


The tree telepathically are like dream tunnels... but flat?   'Lol Ren 


different not flat'


What is it?  

'Your learning' 🌳


'You don't have to know where you are going to reach a destination'   Lol Leon😒😉


'That tree didn't know you yet. That was why you needed to state intention' Oh.   Was fast too. I see patterns in the plain. 'Will get clearer'  


' One more tree then home and write'

Well errrr - The woods feels like part of the dream.  'It's all dreams Ren' 😏

I'm now an odd mix of brain fog and tingles, everything is slightly dreamlike  😋

Did you gus teatch me to split before I started writing the book?   'Hahaha. Ren, how linier of you, you've allways been in a s story and time is NOW'  😏


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Woods & Worlds

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