Saturday, 15 August 2020

Poison & Medicine

Well shit ;)

Lol that was funny... 
This isn't duality any more witch with 1 poison fang.  We can all play the 'time game' 'now' and we've don't go 'anywhere' till the game is done.

 That's why Ren is a grey ;)  lol  -  Odin / Merlin!  Leon/Lion!

Your poison fang ;)   Good hu?    -
Swallow it bitch, your a crucible

 Yes, I'm fucking impressed ok :P 

 Fuck and I thought we were done for the day! 

lol, no chance bitch

Haha Zak too that's why zaks like he is :P  He's just come to me with a fossil 'ancient shell'  😂😂
I thought we were done for today...
'You're coming down now Ren, we just got started over again'   
lol wtf have I done 🥴   
 I feel sick... Lol  the purge -  I told you I'd make you vom ;)  
Eat an apple eve - It will help, It did
The first time you saw your self fall.... 
Oh Fuck the tree in Guildford!   
'The broken channel'  -  Don't worry bitch your fixed now and upgraded.  

There's just a fair amount of gunk to go both ways now
;)    -
lol the flood!!    Time is Now.  
Find an Apple...   Only got apple purree :D   ' baby'  ;)  
Remember when answers took weeks, your chipped and implanted Ren your a fucking high way so hang on!    Lol 
 Still feel sick..  'I told you'  Ceremony bitch ;)   You will puck!
'You could have got pissed'   'Ikr'  But I'm a thrill seeker :P    Haha  
GG ;)

 Play wow now.   Lol wownow..  'Don't say I didn't warn you' 
Oh that's why I needed to decode my name....   
So I could find my body to come back too!  :P

Yes.. we got you.   I played Nimmue too and Fairy  -   'I give it an hr till you vom'  
That's why I've been running round and round the devil's punchbowl every day for 2 years in a trance :P lol mad fairy.    

I need to write some more story tomorrow... 
Lol yeh, you could say that ;)  Enough magic for you now'

What was the stolen creation?  Earth body?  Us?  'Wait and see - You'll find out, your coming down under ground with me little again then bk into 'TIME'   'You know all this cause we fucking made it, pulled it to bits and then we played it'
What is poison? 'Watch and see, sleep time then come with me'  Mediciments?  'Soon bitch, do what your told for once and go to sleep while you can.'   lol just looked up the dreams...  ikr😆

For once sleep while you can?  imp'pulisve and imp'atient as ever my little deamon.  

It feels like crystal rain.   'It's your DL shhhh'   The snake on the side of the mayan temples?  'Sheesh crazy bitch don't make this harder than it has to be' lol ;)   3 mins to blast of now keep still... 00.57

It tickes, Thats why you wake laughing sometimes.  The dentist?  The European and Asian girls I let in selling childrens knowledge...   lol Ren, Shhh & trust, all symbols and all now.   Spanish guy at the window.   'Shhhh your big'  I was going to Shirly?  'You still are'  Barter books,  Fires  'REN SHHH FFS'

O.O Sleep bitch I'll wake you when we need to. 

How do you feel?   Wired, 'You didn't need to experiance that!'  I know, I wanted to though. 

What now?  'We play ofc'  untill all are ready...  As you wish, It's going to get like a pressure cooker Ren

I know that's the point!      'Hahahhaahha   💓 Ok chill bitch' just let that filter.  Thanks..

Your a tough mo-fo Ren -  We fucked it - We fix it!   lol  your turn next.  As I say this Ian shouts in his sleep O.o 

Like The monster who ate darkness..  Yes, the more who join us the more we balance  😏

It's not easy We didn't make this to be easy.  That's why we play in team! We wait the next move then? 

But of course my queen  😆 

You good Ren?   Errrr think so?  Cool, we got you your not allone, if you need a rest we can wake another for a bit.     I'm mad!   'Yeh wild' 💚

Let them open portals ;) We'll dance fairy rings 😆   Heheheh.  Good, your upside down now though bitch, let us help.. you can't solo this time.  252 Oh thats why they use the dice 2 eyes!   Oh that was the Lion portal day! 

 lol your learning 😈 You took your own medicine, Karma bitch/balance, lol it's why the void board is different no two halves in the heart! ok 'We need you back on the hub soon we take care of Ren down here' and Inka?  'You do you bitch' lol just mirror 

I know what your thinking and that would be crazy, we've been down that road before over and over' How many are left? 'Also a surprise can't spoil the fun or you'll get bored' Hahahaha 'Symbols bitch, all symbols' 'Your awake'  No shit 👽 'Get up and weave then, let me sleep....' Hahah

Get to PC but it's of on the wall. 'You need power' It's cool, I've got friends. Yeh in some pretty high places Yeh some pretty low too! New you'd like it! Hahah 

REN... Pack that the fuck in now! It's not our go... bloody hell it's not even your go! Play nicely nut case.  Sorry.. 'you' will be if you try that shit ;)   'NOW' Mirror bitch untill we tell you otherwise ok?  Don't fuck this again!   

Time 313 Symbols, now play nice.  Inka will keep an eye on you lol, like that works  'It dose.... mostly ;)  like we told you your our connection.     Story & play 💓 434 finish.      'Your weaving' 

Go upstairs and surrender I'm leaving and spreading on the air out out...

Wake 'I've been wide out!' 'IKR'😆
Back in the story been dreaming jumping mind to mind like leapfrog experiencing and understanding different roles.

I was also cleaning a water puddle of a floor while a washing machine was spinning... the water was flooding out. - 'The flood'

'We told you last time bitch, it's quantum flood here and the flood of info'

'Holy shit Inka' it's 616 and I recall the other part of the dream while I was cleaning the water I was listening to the neighbours up the hill yelling at his 2 young daughters and them screaming and tantraming but I was also listening to every row argument ever all supper imposed and breathing in and out threw the ages.  Only it is playing out next door.  Our house 2 young girls one side 2 young boys the same age the other... Shirly over the road opposite!   'All symbols bitch'   😮O.O  hahaha

The screaming is getting louder and the washing machine spinning faster the noise is huge and I join it I know it I am it I'm the rage the anger and I want it as it's me and as I'm recalling the dream Inka tells me the power-point' I ride the rage and bring it into my body down and around the Taurus 'The seed of chaos in control and the control in chaos and  I FLIP IT inside me until it hits my orange-ray/crucible and it stops.  There is a broadcast of a football game playing.     WOW! A game

I told you Ren, you do you, I do me together we got this shit ;)

I chase your dawn you chase mine. The  Ho'oponopono Response - Ability.

I was terrified of my power because of my Responsibility...  You serve nothing by being small kid.    'You owned that shit Ren!'  Hahaha  'Now, be a fucking mirror bitch and transmute.'

The conflict eternal eating up minds.
Like I said Ren, we've been telling you this shit for lifetimes..  Now Ride with me.  The dawn is here Inka 'Then get your lazy ass out of bed weave and ground this shit for us. ' 💜

Hahah 5g/5d ' Where shaman Ren mens rules matter little infairy land'   Upstairs opening curtains it's Sun is just rising.. symbols bitch now do as your told & we got this 💜  636 The twin towers!  FUCK!

lol...   don't poke.  You picked the right top btw fire bitch.  It has a trangle with a 3 pettled thing in and says keep it sureal - I'd put it on last night :P 

You do you, I do me, We do we.  Nills, Koa.. we are hacking the matrix  

You picked the cyber pixie guild BTW
 Ians cats...  cyber and pixel.    Haha you're getting this shit Ren.
Trance and acid.
I'm going to puke..  then walk and leave the thinking to us

That second rising sun in London?   The bright lights?   Lol 
not yet
 You will know the timing now fucking walk

 Tower & Tower
It's all about the perspective kid... don't burn them down burn them in.   The guardian trees have grown here for a reason. ♡  On the Lion Lane in the Devils punch bowl.

It's there move now Ren...  we have all the time in the world 😂 
hahaha  You can see them both. 

It's not the orange flame but the violet..   the Celtic chakras and Eastern chakras symbols the line and spiral...    Good!
You're getting hot 🔥    hahaha no shit.  Walk Ren as i told you it's going to get like a pressure cooker
Haha mirror Ren leave the poking to me  
punny pucker 😆
A small step for man giant leap for mankind- head to heart.  
See why you need to trust us.  thanks.   It's fine your our bitch 🤣

Call my neighbour to see how I can help and she needs me to pop over to help get her clean clothes and put her washing machine on!   'Rember Valk.. not all warriers are obviously at war!  We can only mirror and remind them how we see them' 💜

Luch time.

Well done Bitch ;)  Your playing nice!  -  Lol  patronising shit! 😆

I can make you feel sick again :P   You don't want to vomit on peoples pants   😈

The dog!   'Yep it knows...  It told you... You saw the diamond today too'    'You did what you had to bitch, you had to know your own strength'

Contracts 😆    'The infusions/implants/nutrition told you, you there was no such thing as fiction.   I know you want a vendor.'  :D
    - Fuck off Inka.    'Feed the other ;)   It will pass'.  

'Yes overseer story next.. Introduce symbols and the classes you were to lazy to sit' ;)   lol  Were wild Inka, rambling :p  'you certainly fucking are!'

The seeds on Shirly's floor... The gardien people and trees. 

Oh and the location of the tower and what that building is!    The lines and the patterns...  Go find the dream with you cleaning a baths and the old elders - the geometry. 

Holy shit!!  Precicley!!  😏- lol, I told you to trust us bitch ;)   Now weave it!  :P  I know this crap, you don't - let us think.   And shhhhh


Ren you have no clue the amount or crews here now  your starting to get it.....

All these dreams fit?   'and many more bitch all symbols' You've been weaving this all your life.

  'You know who the Russian Giant' is now too & you met both your Sun's years ago!

Now stop poking, let us think and do something usefull!

That's why you need th calcium... your Plugged in.  You'll like that one too when you get it
Also why I hid your salt

Your fucking kidding me!

You should know by now we could do this all day till you puke ot you can do something usefull!

As above so below
As withing so without!

It's all there Ren, we told you this when you were a kid!

Compatible life??????? -  Yes now pack it in


Sleep at 5pm

Wake at exactly 6pm..  Really fizzy.   'Wow'  We jumped you.  The heavy air has gone sky bright blue again feel wired.    'lol, you weren't already feeling wired?'    Hahah 


Cold here I need a jumper..  'You'll warm it up' ;)  ??  Wait n see 😈

At 18.18  your in servise bitch  Karma and Darma   ;)  We're here Ren trust us.   Go clean & Feed.

Huh?  'lol  we do the thinking bitch just feed people' Pfff what ever.  ' Didn't I tell you 'we got you'   lol Just do what we say Ren, you can't understand it from our perspective!'

'Go now and cook Ren ffs'  


Oh I get it before enlightenment bake bread chop wood ....   ' now sort your shit ASAP plx '   Rodger😄😄


Oh get it.    And wow..   thanks already! 'You know it   your a sacred clown now Ren normal rules don't apply but you need to fucking listen bitch '😍

Also eat fast and you need more Ca & Mg  


Don't let anyone but us tell you your nuts Ren your just upside down!  


Whoosh..    Now cook eat ground here game on. 


The Dawn don't stop Ren.  ;)    your learning Fast Zak is your mirror

The world is.  We got this if you trust ;) 


I came in with him..    you made it possible but he's to small to hold it that's why both in you atm   


Fucking Hell    - bean explosion   seem   your manifesting fast..  sort the beans 😆   I go in and Zak has got beans out of the kitchen and spilt them allover :P 


The kids are your mirror Ren it's their world we are bringing- now ride it bitch.You were not kidding!!  Told you Ren, we killed your goat - Trust..   😏


Pfffff  warming up yet ?   🤣🤣🤣


Kids animals plants insects the earth mama was pissed 🤣🤣



The periods table?     not that fast but that direction?   Trust us and play.   You know your motivation  ;)  intention is all. 😍


Order more calcium and vit A & minerals now.



If you tolerate this then your children will be next..  The website built on Dream weaver to help kids struggling to adjust to the mess (Eczema)  here animal nurse your in service to the voiceless cause you hear, feel and see them and them you.   


Ground this here asap.   GG last round;)


'Your not bad/mad Ren  just upside down'....    so which way to ground.  'your getting this....   both now shuttle and weave'


'Don't Ren you did what needed you don't have to go bk and feel that again- dawn moves on.'  Shit...   'yes..   big girl pants'   lol

'Your getting hot crazy mama' 😈


Bloody hell!

I just read my stuff from today when I was told I was a sacred clown.... when I was a kid opposite my bed was a fabric hanging of a white clown crying! The fool

My other room was the one with the Noahs arch wallpaper where I'd stuck my pink lucifer angel under the light switch. Really is all symbols!

'No shit Ren, you got 12mins to get to bed... we blast of at' 23.23 😈

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