Sunday, 11 December 2016

Ferry Filled with Poop, White Town, Bus with Fairys, and a Dig for Tendons.

First dream was of an old house, digging round in dark places and something about an apothecary.

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Next dream was of a long journey, it started with a white toilet that was overflowing with shredded courgette.
First part of the journey is on foot, threw beautiful lush green countryside on a sunny day, there is a stream and a we are walking threw fields and climbing over stiles.

The town is painted all white, all the buildings are sprayed.  It's a tourist town and they keep it all white deliberatly. 

It looks odd,  the second time I pass threw it's being painted, but it's like a water colour picture that's running... the dream is blurry. 

I'm in the town to get a ferry,  I get on and we are making a crossing, I notice that there are piles of poop all lover the boat.

I'm writing something. 

(Zak wakes me) 

Next dream I'm with a group of females we are mothers/nurses/faeries!  We have been looking at profiles of our babies blood and looking at immunology markers... we are getting on a bus to go to an orchard to learn about levitation and fruit picking!  The bus is very modern, quite futuristic, black and shiny with tinted windows.
While on the bus we stop off at an underground bus station,   from the bus I notice 3 people.  One is a male that I know, I know the other 2 people too.  The male I know best is captive, by the other 2 who are part of a gang/organisation.  I know that the male is being taken to be tortured and killed.  (I know that I have been with him in other places that we have died together and have at times saved each others lives) 
I notice some police near by, I realise while I can't free this bloke totally I can should be able to get him arrested where he at least won't get torchered and killed.   

I do something mentally manipulate stuff in the bus depot that causes a fuss the police notice and come over... they see the 3 people.   The kidnappers vanish, and briefly the male I know comes onto the bus and we talk... he's late 40,s dark hair and has spots and pock marks, he's in a bad way  (I think this is the male who attacked me in this dream)  He was also in another dream were he was totally deranged.  We chat, he acknowledges my help before the police come onto the bus and arrest him.

At this point I seem to take his place, and it is me with the kidnappers.  They give me a hunting knife and we all turn into rodents, they are showing me how to store the knife in my furr.  
They are going to take me somewhere to teach me about 'Harka'  

(Zak Wakes me again!)

Next dream isn't really like a dream.An uncle of Ians is having a bad time - he has chronic depression (his lefs not gone to plan)  he's lost faith in anything/everything...  can't make decisions and is locked into his own mind and now had been diagnosed with a cancer and needs surgery and treatment.

He's in a mess just pacing round apparently.

Well, anyhoo   I had loads of dreams last night, but in among them was a meeting with him.    We were in a beautiful summer garden, he was laying on a metal garden bench with a soft embroidered cushion under his head, he looked sleepy. 

I was just sitting with him  watching, just being with him. 

Last dream, 

An Archaeological dig, it's on a coastal shore line, and the pit is partly natural.
I'm helping people measure the depth of the rock to mark the approximate age.

We find what we are looking for, it's a bit of our ancestor.  
We take it back with us and then cook it!   It turnes white and rubbery like a split up squid, it's tendon. 

We are deciding weather to taste it!

make our way up and into a town, (I enter and pass threw this town 2 times in the dream - in 2 different seasons)

Hummmm,    I'm sure this is linked to the visions I had in a dream the night before with giant ankles/claws of ancient avians & reptiles some that had turned to stone. 

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