Tuesday 6 December 2016

Onion World

First dream was a friend who has twin children boy and girl.  The boy was unhappy they girl happy - the woman had changed from a humanist to a catholic.

We were talking trying to understand.

Next dream I was getting told lots of things about reality... but I was sleepy and not consentrating so I asked 'show me' 

I swapped into Dryad me as ususal I have no face and am soft flexible wood that can merge into trees and become tree :)

I was making my way threw reality's like the layers of an onion.  

Big trees & volcanoes were tunnels in and threw to the other layers they also stopped the reality's slipping relative to each other. 

I was exploring deeper and deeper using root systems & caves to get threw to different worlds deeper in the earth.    Was not happy about having to wake up :P

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