Friday, 9 December 2016

War in the Heavens Dream.

Lots of very vivid detailed dreams.

First one the setting is very plain white we are a group of about 30 females from al lover the world, I don't know any of them.  We are creating a web site and have created the layout but it doesn't have any content yet.  We are pleased with the progress we have made and the place holders  we have put into place. 
Next we start to collect feathers, some of the females have already done this but some of us me included haven't.  I need to collect feathers (we all need feathered headdresses)  my type of feathers are long, they are dark iridescent blue and green, that shine gold when the light hits them. 

Colour wise I guess they were similar to peacock feathers but the shape and patterning was more like pheasant tail feathers. 

They get tied into a bundle for me by the other women.... once made we ware them, for a ceremony with lots of sacred smoke ( I think the images of them get uploaded too.)   During it I get visions of the claws and feet of ancient reptiles and avians... some have turned to stone.

(So my thoughts on this, the gold was them in last nights dreams and others with  over-soul in.... then earlier in the year I kept having dreams about blue and green feathers too, then there was the whole bluebird thing that kept popping up when I decoded my life. 

Gold, I've never really liked gold much :P  Makes me think of that dream that went on for days were the royal family.

18 May 2012
Lastnights dreams was epic crazyness, it seemed to last for days. :)
The first part I remember I was being hunted by a giant Troll thing, and some kind of ethereal sord assassin - we could jump over huge areas and the chase was threw a mountain range.
I'd managed to wiggle my way to getting them to attack eachother and forget about me.
I then found a cave - In the cave was a missing element from the periodic table, a ring that allowed for time travel and an old 60's sci fi novel.
The element was wired, it was metal like and was liquid till you touched it, if you played with it, it turned into a chewed gum state :P
As I flicked threw the sci fi book, I realised it was a book about my dream - and was being written as I did stuff, I could kind of comunicate with the author and they were giving me hints of stuff to do next.
After the cave and much travel I talked my way into a crazy underground city, really awsome looking Victorian industrial steam/punk style.
I had to take the element from the cave to the inventors in the city, but I ended up in a royal area filled with giant size wrought iron candle sticks.
They were huge like buildings amazing twisty designs and all under a large coloured glass roof inside a hill.
Next part of the dream that stands out, I'm on an open hillside with a royal coach pulled and pushed by 4 horses. I'm with some other people and we start to drive the coach supper fast down the hill and into a vally and river below.
We keep going into the river... the coach is made of gold and sinks.
I go down with it to free the horses. I'm underwater trying to save a huge chestnut horse, it eventually wriggles free and me and the other people make our way to the bank and help the horses out of the water.
I watch the bubbles from where they royal family had sealed them sleves into there gold carrige.
After that I woke up, I feel like I need to go back to sleep after such a long exciting night of adventure
Hummmm   wonder what the feather headdress means?  Crowns?  Crown chakra  they gold queens ones have that cross above don't thy...   wizards and the pointy ones?  Blugh..   duno :P    Oh there was also the night when I got all that gold light beamed into my 3rd eye - lol

Ok... next dream.

Forest dream, I'm a tree in a wood.  Then I leave the tree to move threw the whole forest....  I'm connecting it or am connected to it, I'm white lines like tendon or meby mycelium  fine and interconnecting. 

-  Next big dream

Starts of in a basement TV studio and we are waiting for a rocket launch - the astronaut is wired, he's in his 80's and looks like he might struggle physically with the launch. 
He also has fake tan and wired stuck on tufty hair like Tintin.  He looks a bit like a comic character.  The rocket is crazy like a tin-can with a funnel on it.   He gets in and blasts of, in a pile of cushions.    The TV commentator then starts dancing a jig !
We ask him about the launch but he's evasive so me and my male aspect go outside to look.  

Outside is bonkers too, we are in a ultra modern city with bright blue sky there is a river flowing beside us and on the other side of the river a desert with pyramids they look newly built.   The riverbank on our-side is dark concrete.  We are the only people.  .

I scan the sky but see no sign of the rocket when I look back the pyramid I see a bus flying sideways threw the sky and then crash into the pyramids. 

It doesn't explode, and there seems no reason for why it's was flying threw the air, as I go to point it out to my male aspect I see a plane flying out of the sky and straight into part of the city, I point it out and we look in amazement!

As I look back I see another plane is heading straight for us like it's going to crash land we crouch down and it goes over the top of us.

We are telepathic and decide that might be better to find somewhere underground till we work out why stuffs falling out the sky. 

We make our way along the side of the river, but notice that there are landmines along the bank, so we go into the river to swim round them.  

Heading into a residential district I notice a basement door open and recognise the voice of one of my Mam's sisters. 

These 2 aunts are very old now and quite ill, in the dream they are in there 60's (one is my God mum that the old Ivy silver bracelet came from )
As we enter they are chatting and washing up dishes.

We go into the flat and they make us a cuppa, we ask if they have herd what's happening, they say no.   On the news they are reporting that people are vanishing or not turning up to work.   My cousin Emma also appears there she's a Dr  and doesn't seem to know what's going on either.

After the cuppa me & male me decide to go back and see what's going on.  It's still sunny and there are no other humans but falling from the sky are black smoking blobs.

At first they look a bit like  birds on fire but as I look more they are humanoid in shape.   They are dark and transparent like shadows, with faint black wispy smoke coming from them. 

They are falling, being pursued and beaten up by 1000's beings in light body's...    These are humanoid shape's transparent some with wing like shapes outs have outlines like Hindu gods or comic god heroes..     They are mainly gold and massively outnumbering the shadow body's and beating the crap out of them! 

They are all fighting in the sky, light vs shadow with the injured ones crashing down to earth. 

I remember feeling rather sorry for the Shadow people who were hopelessly outnumbered by the very aggressive gold light people.  

I wake up wide awake thinking WOW, that was odd!

(Hummmm  reminds me a bit of the Dino/Dragon battle but I was taking part in that)  

Last dream I was packing stuff up, and washing up to leave somewhere...  I had a tick list of stuff I'd done most of it and was marking it off.   Someone was watching me, I was aware they were watching me and we were both covertly observing each other :P   trying to look like we weren't looking at one another even though we were. 

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