Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Black Cobbled Streets & More Feathers.

 First dream before midnight was of 2 family trees...   going way way way back in time, I was in one of them.  A friend was making them.

Next dream is long.

The setting is in a medieval style market town, there is a wide main street with gates the ground is covered in black cobbles...    One end of the street seems more modern, the other ancient.  

It's night with a moon and the buildings are all dark and damp so everything shining and smooth looking.

The first part of the dream I'm at the lower older end of the street, there is a beautiful wrote iron gate also black set into a medieval style town wall.     I'm being initiated by witches, I'm me and my daughter I seem to swap between them.    We are on the far side of the gate away from the street and there is grass and wired hats and feathers, black fabric.   Witches, Wizards and lots of talking animals.   There are dragons there too small ones.
I have 2 familiars one is a talking monkey, it's hairy like a sloth and it wants me to carry it round on my back, it's  huggy :)   The other is a beautiful blue and green bird, peacock like in colour but a different shape... it wraps it's self round my neck, we are chatting about reality the wizards, that I need to follow my own path...  with the dragons I discuss tail eating cycles. :)

I leave the initiation threw the gate to head back into the dream street, as I'm walking threw I notice a pink plastic kids bowl with dog poop & pink feathers in it!  I realise I should pick it up and take it to a bin.

As I walk up the street a group of elderly people call to me, they are all dressed in black very old fashioned clothes, the Male is an undertaker, the female his wife she's larger than life it's her that calls to me saying 'Oh thank you, they are mine dear' indicating the plastic bowl containing dog poop and feathers!

I go over to join them and talk, they are very friendly... they are part of a revolution.  It has to do with a shortage of stone...  

They are making things change, they have a old wired coach with 2 black horses I think it's there  hearse.

I remember that I've left my dog tied up in the modern shopping area at the top of the cobbled street, here it opens into a modern street, I excuse myself to collect him before they lock up.   I walk up to the shopping center, I see my mobile phone on the floor it's been run over.... to my right there is a young sycamore tree they are cutting of it's branches.   Security let me into the shopping centre and I collect dog, and lots of kids all leave with me.   I head back into the dark cobbles streets.
I'm back with the undertaker and his wife, they are telling me about decentralisation of power...   there comment is 'Why would you only have your picnic in London'   

The dream starts to fragment, moving up and round like a spiral the cobbles from the street change, to look more like lizards bumpy scales and it's coiling around separating and expanding. 

I have no body now and am watching the street/ground come alive the cobbles now scales on smooth skin.  

I see a man with no shirt run threw a road block...      (I hear 2 females talking about their teenage boys not 'getting' it.....    I remember the 'streets are paved with shirts dream' 

I'm semi awake and go into a very very vivid vision.. 

It's starts like dream dust, but organises it's self into a tunnel of black thorns... it looks epic!    In the centre of the thorn clearing is a glowing white chest it looks like it's made of white glowing quarts crystal.   It opens.. 

Inside is white light, then it morphs and changes making amazing faces, animals scenes it's shape-shifting and pulsing It's just been born from the crystal. 

As I wake I get a message...    'Concept of work is out dated,  need concept of growth' 

Rest of the night I was underground with water and fire... it felt cleansing.

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