Monday, 12 December 2016

Giant in a City and a Thought Lake.

Gah... what a weekend.   I'm pooped :p

I had wired night of dreams again...  first few though was odd.  
They weren't dreams as such just chatting with people and looking down on dreams It was almost like watching films  but not cause they were dream worlds....  we could see time going both ways and were watching different outcomes too.  We were discussing the outcome of 'manipulation'   
Not like manipulating people but tweaking time/synchronicity s - and how that effected the outcomes.

I knew I was aware all night, but was also a bit weary so making myself write things down was hard work. 

I met someone in a garden full of cats and dogs... they were telling me it's important to speak our truth even if people hate us for it.   (I was confused though as our truth changes as we do) but he was insistent. 

At one point period pain was keeping me aware of my sleeping body - but I was also aware that my mind was with others  (bit like the group dream were we were co-creating in a void)
Anyhow   it was a strange stretching sensation - at the time I was very aware of both things, but when I woke to write it down the content of what we'd been discussing was gone :stuck_out_tongue:   I just knew that there were about 5 of us that we come together alot in the astral, I work with them... we around another 100 were waiting for something. (edited)
Oh...  Just checked out the other dreams...   they do all fit together,  it's to do with 'group mentality'

The dream, it was at first set in rooms in a hill with little bunks in, Mark was in it (I've a feeling he was playing the 'Wizard/magician' archetype
The rooms are very colourful... they are mainly for sleeping.   Mark is going to Belgium to play in a band... he's playing to children and angels...  
Next I take the place of someone working in a crystal and fabric shop, I'm helping people to pick the right coloured cottons to mend there fabric...   some might need wonder web though. 

Next scene is a city, it's changing and things are changing..     we need to change group think, there is a massive giant in the city too... the city has a strange wired battlement maze, half way along it is a dead kings body and an experiment is going on with it. 

I also had a vision showing me the horizon of our awareness.... and how if we don't bob to much and stabilise our horizons become much wider as we make less ripples...     I was like a point of awareness in the centre of a giant mirror like lake that was completely smooth so it reflected the sky.     As it was so flat I was aware for miles in all directions.

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