Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Fairys, Trains and Ghosts.

First dream I'm in a school class room.  The building is very square with large windows, it's like a wired version of the Music art centre of my high school.   One wall is all massive windows looking out onto blue sky and grass.

The class is on soul retrieval, and the teacher has left the room.   I'm sitting on a desk near the back with a group of people explaining soul retrieval to them.  Outside the windows the sky and grass and lawn are full of 'ghost' type bodies.... they look like white outlines of clear people they are smiling and happy.

Non of the other students can see them, so I'm trying to explain to the others what they are doing.   I can tell that the ghosts outside are not carrying shards as they are clear and free.  

I get up and walk to the glass and place my palms on the window....  

I'm explaining how if they did have fragments we would touch them to receive them back....    I hold up my hands and press my palms onto the glass window,  as I'm explaining a young male ghost body with curly hair and a smily freckly face comes to the other side of the glass and places his hands were mine  on the other side of the window....   as we touch with the glass between us the other students can also see him.  They gasp!  I explain to them that there are 1000's like him all outside floating round. 


Next dream is of fairy's or shyphs or something... we are wispy like elements and small, just made of energy.   We are a family but we are separated.

Next is a wired Viking ship and another ship, they are warships battling each other...they keep flicking in and out like they are superimposed on each-other.... we are fighting but we know that we are both sides of the battle.


Next is this amazing fabric, it's printed like the sky/zodiac with star aliments.  It's being prepared for a young male.  

It's glowing like neurons, I know how to roll it to make a tunnel to travel threw but it's not time yet. 

Next an amazing city scape, I'm in a sprite type of light body...  small and elemental not solid kind of like fiery air, about the hight of a toddler.   
The city is huge, and industrial made of metal and smokey and dirty  - It's amazing to look at.
I'm standing on the top of a large red diesel train engine that's moving threw the environment to take in the view.

Last dream, I'm with other elementals...   they are weirdly solid, in a nice way.  I can push against them and they push back :)
They are in the form of 2 old school friends, they are all making camp fires.  I'm helping my female friend as she keeps falling asleep...   I move her camp fire into the ring with all the others. 

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