Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Dreaming of Dreaming Group

Firstly I meet Guy.
The setting is like a barn...  or old coach house, but it's seems to be floating in the night sky.   It's got massive vaulted wooden beams and parts of it are open to the sky and stars.

It's clean and basic inside, with rows of beds were people are sleeping.   A few people are walking round.  I go up to a balcony, with alcoves, it's open too and I can see the sky, and the beds of people sleeping below.  Guy is there too.   We try to talk, but there are lots of little dark shadow entity's fluttering round us.  They looked a bit like the ones in the other dream that were fighting with the gold things.    This time they are smaller though, like little dark wispy fairy's or ghosts.   I realise we have more inner stuff to clear until we can talk properly in astral with less confusion. 


Next dream, is a journey to a dream school meeting, then it swaps to the Slak group... 2 people are getting married, and then another person joins.
I was reading her posts, I was confused this morning wondering wether it was real and then I remembered her name had been Sophia


She was telling us about old toys.. which seems to fit with the 2 dreams I had a couple of years apart about the earths toys.

Next ~

I'm on a coast line, with sand and the odd dark volcanic rock.   The see is calm we have a 4x4 that is driving on the sand but we get out and walk too as it's a nice day.  We are on our way to a big building close to the shore.

We pass threw A forest, with huge tall trees and a light canopy, there is lush green grass on the ground...   the whole place is green and sparkly I'm watching my Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys..    They are spreading out then calling to each other to run back together.  I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.

Find the house is like a stately home, it's huge and very fancy.  There are people I'm related to in there and also lots of other people.  It seem to be a kind of hub, it's taking deliveries and displaying them, it's almost fairy like in places, with huge outdoor markets with the same tall trees, the canopy's of them sparkle with tiny lights.

There are displays of fruit and veg, flowers and plants like cotton other plants that I'd never seen or heard of.... they all look beautiful and healthy.

Another dream, this is in a store/staff room in a huge education complex.   It's got leather sofas, an is very full of old furniture, in it we have something that look like Lego sets.   This part the scene also flits to my Aunty Shelia's house (were I found my 7 year old self shard)

Each set has 2 things to create in and if we have 2 sets the same we can use the 4 create a bigger single scene that becomes 1 that is very different. 
The grey Gul is there again. 

Dog run with a pack of white wolves or huskys..    They are spreading out then calling to each other to run back together.  I'm following a large grey gul bird overhead too.

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