Thursday, 8 December 2016

Lettuse Paw

First part of the night I was sorting and zipping things up.  I felt like I was a cell that could divide but also go back into one. 

Code    101

Dream, I enter a old fashioned shop, it's got a plain wood counter with sweets on top, and papars below.  It seemed like a newsagents.  The floor is also bare wood, the light is warm and there is a big open window to the left with views of the coast line and sea.

I've gone in there to collect my dogs ball - I've been keeping it behind the counter there, we are going to the beach to play fetch.   While I'm waiting to ask for it I notice a couple in the shop with a dog.

The couple are in their 60's well dressed in country style attire and with them they have a pretty golden spaniel bitch,  she's delicate more of a working than show type with lovely amber eyes, she has on a green jacket.

As I look at her I notice the end to digits on her left for-paw are inflamed, the owners notice me looking and they say to me 'She has a sore paw'  

At this point the dog looks directly at me and lifts up her paw to me, clearly indicating she wants me to look.   

I find I'm dressed in my old green nursing uniform, I ask the couple if they would like me to take a look and they would.

As I bend down the bitch gives me her paw, I can see the inflamed toes were she has been nibbling them, as I turn her paw over it turns into the *soul* of a small child's foot.  

In the centre is a long split, the superficial layer of skin is raised and open but it is not a wound, it's more like the skin has blistered and then split, there is new tender pink skin cells below the old skin.  
As I look more closely I can see that there is something trapped between the old and new skin, I reach in and find shredded iceberg lettuce!
It's green and fresh... it's been tickling the sensitive new skin, and that's why the bitch has been nibbling her toes, I carefully remove the lettuce :P

The bitch is happy, I advise the elderly couple to find a little child sock to cover her paw while she's outside to stop more stuff getting in - her paw will be fine, but the new skin just needs to harden a little, once it's ready the old will fall away.

The couple thank me and I collect our ball from behind the counter, I see the elderly couple have a toy ball too - they tell me they have more dogs but only walk them one at a time.

I go outside the shop onto the seafront, it's a mild cloudy day with light breeze. 

It's high tide so the beach is covered in water, I need to wait for the tide to ebb a bit before we can play ball.  


So firstly the code,  1 0 1 this seems like individual, source, individual  So mirror perhaps.. a lesson looking into a mirror  (:P  they mainly are!)

The dream, dog = Unconditional love, loyalty.
Green =  Associated also with love & heart centre. 
Gold  =   Could be Alchemical  -  refining the soul. 

The man and woman and dog...  Is this me looking at the lovers Archetype?   The Male logical mind, the female intuitive and the Dog is being over-soul?    I feel yes...   The message above the Mirror?  So are they all me?  Yes!

So I'm giving myself a message.... what is it? :P

Hummm,  something is irritating?  Something is slowely falling away?  Yes... something old is in the process of falling away, it can't be hurried as the new is forming but not fully formed...   It was a 'soul'  :D  So It's a new layer of me...   I'm shedding a layer (This is consistent with the dragon dream from a few weeks ago, I had 2 dragon meetings, the first I was the dragon, I'd ate my tail turned myself out and shed a layer of skin and scales.... 
The outside in this dream seemed like the same place I was shown in a other dream, also a dragon dream (this was a black earth dragon...  she pressed her head into mine and sent me into 2 dreams.... the first threw 3rd eye the second was heart to heart.  )  I know this is linked to the heart dream set on the same coast

(This dream starts in a building...  in the building there is a beautiful unfamiliar woman she's got dark hair and eyes and rich soft skin, she has children with her..... 3, she was also one of 3.   Her family is estranged..     The father is missing but he's due back soon, I make them all cups of tea and leave them to talk.    Outside the room they were in is a magical world, I have no body and am flying round watching, it's a coast line with clouds rolling in.  It's like watching a film set but the story is being told with clouds, light, weather and nature... it's amazing to watch) 
(I need to think more about this dream)

The tide is full,   I can't play yet...   I'm telling myself I need to be patient, growth in it's own time, the new is forming and when ready the old will fall away easily :) 

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