Monday, 26 December 2016

Underground tunnles.

Dreams were dark again last night, it's new moon in a few days.

So first was a city, school...  at night and half submerged in water.  We were doing a puzzle game threw the city, competitive almost like a puzzle race course.

One bit that stands out is having to pass threw an underwater chompy machine/mechanism.    Had to time it right to swim threw without getting squashed, but the current caused when the mechanism closed made the timing really tricky.   We have wired shapes, they look like platonic solids but are malleable, they all have the wrong shadows... they don't fit the shape.

Parts of it reminded me of swimming threw underground tunnels. 

Zak woke me but back into same dream world. 

This time there is a huge network of underground tunnels and arches, they are all made out of old black bricks, they are like colliery bricks but that are stained with soot so are totally black. 

There are small dwellings in the arches, they remind me of railway arches on a smaller scale also made out of black bricks, the tunnels are lit with flame torches. 
It's all underground, the bricks are al lover... I'm delivering coal in a wheel barrow, the dwellings all have old stove heaters in, with chimneys that go up out of the tunnels to what ever is above ground. 

I'm also trying to rip out old carpets in some of the dwellings.

On the inside they are odd and old fashioned, kind of middle of the last century stuff... one of the things is a very old metal sun lounger which seems very out of place in a black underground tunnel.

I'm in a dwelling of my friends, helping her to clean and clear.  She has large storage cellars to the place, with food stuffs from al-lover the world, they are like old larders.  In another cellar is many many animals in cages, one is for me but it's not ready yet.   
It's a newly hatched turtle.   It's blue and purple it's shell is still soft.  It blinks it's black eyes at me and feels soft and warm as I hold it,  I give it back to her to her until it's shell is hard and I can collect it.   

I watch my friend climb onto a bike, her partner is there talking in German to her, he's helping her to balance the bike so it's good to ride.

I follow the tunnel in the cellar and come out past a large beautiful county  kitchen, I realise that Ann the vet owns it and she is the one that is caring for the animals.   

Hummm,  so thoughts, Ann is the one that was operating on me in the other dream.... the large kitchen she seemed to be playing the roll of matriarch which reminds me of the wired dream with the garage and different types of humans

The setting was very similar to the cobbled dark streets of this week too, that turned into a dragon.  

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