Saturday, 11 February 2017

Blue Boggat

First memory is in a coastal fort set in the sand dunes... It's daylight grey and windy.

We are invading this fort and 'we' are a grey haired warrior, a monk/priest in a brown robe and me, I'm a boggart (Or some kind of wired creature)    I'm trans-temporal and can shift reality's very easily  I'm fairly hideous looking, like a gargoyle face with bat ears and small pointy teeth, my arms and legs are long but my legs bow out so I'm much shorter than the others I'm with, my trunk is small and I've blue grey skin, no hair and a long tail that was pointy at the end.... My eyes are huge and I see in the dark.... I'm also nekid.

The fort we are in is filled with trolls or some other wired race (It was like a war-hammer type table top battle!)   They have old fashioned forged weapons and are patrolling the old stone battlements and I've teleported us inside.  We are there to kill a weaponised monster in a cellar under the main courtyard and I want to go alone, the warrior and priest are arguing I'm not strong enough. 

I wait until a battle starts with a group of trolls and sneak of to take on the monster.    It's a 2 headed serpent type thing, chained up in a basement it's being tormented to be set lose on a local populous or something, so we need to destroy it.   I take it on but the battle is not physical or magical it's sort of energetic, and I'm collapsing the cavern/cellar we are in with me in it too.    
Suddenly my Aunty Ann appears! (She died earlier this week from Dementia )  She tells me she'll take over, she's dead now anyway and to go out and port the others out now.  

I say goodbye to her and head back out to find the 2 guys, they are in the courtyard still finishing of the group that attacked, they are annoyed but can see we need to move as the fort is going to cave in.  I know were there is a portal so they follow me to a fresh water pool on the sea wall of the fort, we swim down and into the portal.

It comes out onto a hilltop in the darkness, the warrior has merged with me now and I have both his memory's and my own, I'm slightly less bow legged and a little more human like, (still bald, blue with tail and pointy ears ect)   The monk is now young and female, we both have brown hooded cloaks - she has no recall of the battle or the male monk.     It's cold and exposed and the path we are on gravely it's kinda upland grazing land no trees or bushes.   The warrior has been here before so I know that there is a lower path that goes to a bothy were we can shelter for the night so I guide the female down the hill.   My night vision can see other travellers with horses and mules travelling the busier track in the distance.  

We pass threw the edge of a large encampment with crude wooden tables and fire pits, it's a Viking raiding group that are far inland.   Their tables lit by torches, are filled with food and each has a beautifully carved wooden replica of a long ship in the middle as a kind of centre-peice.  The raiders are round a central fire so we hear rather than see them. 

We make it down to the lower track and I recall a more recent memory of the Warriors that the bothy is now an Inn.    The landlady is a woman and I have the warriors memory's of sleeping with her on his last stay there. 

We head down and into the Inn,  meby 12th century in style... very basic loud and smelly but it's warm lit by a big open fire and candles and there is food.   This inn is busy filled with peasant and travellers and someone is singing. 
We find the landlady next to rows of shelves filled with old pots near the back and order food and a room.  There is only a large communal bunk room under the eaves of the roof she has 12 straw beds but they aren't all taken so we can stay.
I tell her hello from a friend and ask her if she remembers the grey hair warrior... she blushes and I tell her he's a friend of mine.    She goes to get us bowls of stew and we turn to go find a table, at this point I realise something going to kick of... 

A group of modern people arrived they look jarringly out of place in this medieval scene, they are dressed smart/casual with jeans, shirts and white trainers.
 I grab the other female and push her towards the side door and out of the inn.   We get out into the open and I think we've escaped when one of the men grabs me, he's tall with well cut dark hair his shirt is pink/blue/yellow checked. 
He growls at me 'I HATE YOUR TYPE'    the female monk flees and the male pushes me round the side of the inn towards a stable face down into the hay and starts to rape me...   It takes me a second or two to shift but I leave that reality and find myself in the alleyway of a large city.

I orientate myself quite quickly this time I'm slightly more human looking I still have blue skin, large eyes and tail and my arms legs and fingers are long in proportion to my body.   Ears and teeth are still pointy too, I manifest some clothing and look around. 
I has the feel of an US city as it's in a grid lay out rather than the way our cites sprawl, It feels like the 80's. 
I pass a cafe with large glass windows and metal tables looking for staff so I take the job, I start straight away washing up dishes looking out onto an unfamiliar city street.   I've only been in there for a shift when I get a telepathic message from my home reality that a mate has been selected for me and I'm to meet and join him. 

I Finnish the shift and head to the meeting place, this is odd as I'm moving climbing threw peoples back gardens, over fences and log piles. 
I find my mate, he's also blue and wired looking like me....  we join our tails together to make a wired star shape and they fuse like that  - as we do so we become one person, but with 2 body's joined at the tail - we share the same memory's so we both know every aspect of each-other instantly.    We are telepathic so just two voices in one mind.  

He has a job to do in this reality we walk up to surreal strange cul-d-sac with white bungalows adjoined by pastel painted garages they all have neat lawns.
In the centre of the road is a large table and people are standing round all with brown envelopes.

They are completing end of year tax returns or something similar but the money is charitable and has all been donated.   My male has the receipt for the money that he has given.  The group want to know what he donated to as it was alot of money (As I have his memory's I know he gave it to an unpopular family with sever physical disability's and deformity's)   He is reluctant to tell them this and the conversation is getting heated with us being accused of keeping the money ourselves.  He eventually reluctantly hands the receipt that says says which family the money went to...    The group are disgusted, saying it's to much and the family didn't deserve it and the money could have been better used else where but I can see the difference he's made and know he made the right call.   We leave and I wake up.

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