Friday, 10 February 2017

Alien Internment Camp, Mini Mummy and Strange Animals.

Bizarre Dreams. 

First dream we are a group of humans being kept by aliens.  We are on the alien's home world in a kind of internment camp, I don't remember seeing any of the aliens I was just aware that we were contained there and couldn't leave.  We were also being observes with organic cameras that were placed like CCTV but were actually eyeballs with eye lids that followed us as we moved about.   

Outside it looks a lot like a farm the ground is wet dirt with the odd bit of straw and there are large green plastic tanks containers on metal stilts that have to do with our food and waste. 

We sleep in a similar container too like a huge round plastic thing.    To enter or leave the containers there is a tiny hole that we need to squeeze threw it's very difficult going and takes alot of effort.  (This aspect reminds me of dreams of being born)    Our main activity as Humans was to sing we spend most of the time there singing.

Next dream.... also wacky.

This is set in my childhood home in the west facing bedroom. 

In this dream I have the dead body of my mother, it's mummified and long dead... it's also tiny!  About the size of a barbi-doll! 

The wrappings are partly gone, partly there and the body's semi decomposed.  I wasn't sure why it was out but I was trying to wrap it back up and put it back into this glass sarcophagus,  at first I wrap it in newspaper a bit like fish and chips! It's to bulky like that to fit in the glass though as I realise that it's probably not right for the mummification.   So I leave it and go to fetch some old clothes and rags.  When I come back my bro has unwrapped the packet thinking it was fish and chips and has now left it sitting on the bench complaining it smells.

I bundle the body back up this time wrapping it in cloths and put it back into the glass case.


Last dream.

I'm in a heated glass house, it's overgrown with plants and in it are strange hybrid animals.  There are massive furry bats, they have beautiful thick hair like minx and are the size of dustbin lids.   Fluttering round are huge butterfly's with wings like dinner plates.   I fly up to get a better view and look round.. the other DC are puzzled that I can do this, I wonder if I'm allowed to take photos and I see a DC with a massive camera so I assume I am.  Next animals I find are bright blue sparkling hedgehogs there spines are like blue metal.  After I leave I make a long journey down the coast, I have a strange live in vehicle it's like a retro caravan but very modern and doesn't need a separate vehicle to move it.    I stop/sleep at beaches and dance in the waves, the small white dog from last nights dream is there too, he's chasing gulls on the shore. 

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