First dream is a errr I guess it was a race/game/hunt, we were in an unfamiliar town and the race was in and out of buildings and doors.... the town was really windy too so we had to struggle with draughts and doors not blowing of. The race was to find the 'One in the Many' It was really good fun, fast and blowy :D
Next dream is set in my normal dream zone in the newsagents... as usual it's got many storeys and the dream is taking part in a lower area mainly underground. It's a dwelling, but also very busy. There is a large central white room, to the east is what appears to be a tacky fake wooden bedroom unit, but looking closer you can see a cave network behind it. To get into caves you need to go threw what looks like a cupboard door. Thew the back is cosy space carved into sandstone bedrock. It's lit with modern up-lighting and there is a low bed area carved out of the rock with a stuffed mattress and bedspread. There are some candles in glass jars and a white porcine sink too, this is placed onto a levelled of bit of the cave and is functional. There is a long narrow passage in the rock that also leads round the east side of the large central white room and a storage area.
To the North of the central room is a 2 large double-glazed glass doors, they lead into a room that is for performances and functions, there is a secrete passage here too... only me and male me (who is my bro) know about this though. It goes down into a large square concrete room, in the dream we are hiding something here... hummm, it wasn't drugs but we were behaving like it was drugs. It's in a bag and it's small and white and plastic :P It's hidden here.
In the dream we are waiting for a performance male me has left and the main white room is full of people, I'm with an unusual group... I'm me in the dream but I'm accompanied by 2 tall men in dark suits and glasses they are like bouncers or body guards but they are my friends I'm aware the other DC's are suspicious of us, then another female arrives she;s a little older than me also short and sings beautifully.
We go into the performance room to watch a show and I lead, I go to the east corner and we all sit down... as the show starts we are looking onto a playing field of people playing basket ball with these impossibly high hoops... they kind of take off to jump up to them, then land in rope safety nets... at this point I'm just hovering awareness looking at the hoops and seeing the balls.
Last dream
I'm on a rocky sandy sea shore at low tied, the sky is light cloud, it has the feel that evening is approaching.
As I watch the sand a wired stone sculpture appears coming out of the sand and way up into the air .... it's a dolphin and 2 serpents.
The serpents are wrapped round the dolphin and the whole thing is massive and automated, it rises up out of the sand and the whole structure twists around it's self with the dolphin in the middle and then it dives below the sand again. I walk over the sand where it rose from, and the rocks change slightly so that I'm in a cliff like gully that leads to the sea, there are rooms and temples carved into the cliff walls.
Remotely viewing the cave rooms while I walk along the sand I can see wired black gold angular paintings/carvings inside them that are familiar to me.
The sea is round my ankles now and I'm nekid, I go out into the sea to swim and am joined by a massive alligator... (I duno how to tell them apart)
I'm stroking it and swimming with it I can sooth it with my mind so it's placid and doesn't attack. Some small kids arrive to play and I keep the croc with me.... as I watch back threw the gully there are kids playing on the sand.... the tide is out with me now and I can see the sand reverberating where the statue is...
I call to the kids to move as the statue is coming back, they don't know me so are scared to come towards me - so me and the alligator move towards them to scare them off and back to the safety of their parents.
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