Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Fire Pattern and Animals

First dream is hazy recall, I was with Jon Cress an old house mate in this shitty red car he used to have :P  We were driving it round inside a large shop crashing into stuff.

Second dream
Lots of animals  I was in this farmland it looked like late summer when the corn has been cut but the stubble still in the field, low afternoon sun and hedgerows green and overgrown.   It was like Northumberland but the animals were from sub Saharan Africa gazelles, lions, giraffes and stuff all wandering round these cut corn field's   I was there for a reason I can't recall

I passed lots semi famous conspiracy theorists in the field too :stuck_out_tongue:   They were all walking in the opposite direction to me... we nod in acknowledgement as we pass each-other I remember thinking  'Oh, that's David Wilcox'.... I kept on walking threw the fields and all of the animals were coming up to me and walking with me,  it was wired and cool...   I had my hand on a gazelles neck but all the creatures were making there way towards me or already around me...   as they reach me we lay down and I sleep into another dream.

In the dream dream
I'm performing a ritual making lines of fire in a square and circul shape that overlapped.   
It was in a hummm   I'll draw it.   The ground was dark wood boards with red rugs and I was drawing with fire, cutting a channel of it into the floor by thinking it, It flowed like lava but flamed too.    In the centre of the room was a pool long and thin with water.   There were candles floating in the water.
I was watching me from above too as the design was big covering much of the large room and I needed to see above me to to get the perspective right.   
The room had no walls, but 4 tall wooden posts on each corner of the square wooden platform  they were very high, possibly holding up a canopy but all was dark except for the flame lines and candles.     We may well have been floating in space, I could 'see' other stuff too....   it was a little like my void dreams but the room was in the void.   There were 2 other dreams 'playing' like films... these could have been to the sides or in segments of the fire.   One was of tracks and vehicles that were alive they could split themselves like cells into more and more carriages but were still one train/vehicle.... another had 2 black and white cat's fighting over raw stake cubes (Carry & Funnyface

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