Sunday, 26 March 2017

Toy's and Military

Many dreams..  

First I'm in mobile school based in a  caravan or trailer, I also have the ability to become formless black smoke and I'm checking systems.  We have finished and are getting ready to move/ separate stuff into 2 areas.

We find lots of 'stuff' not needed this is in the form of 'old' furniture and clutter.  This is being separated out and not being 'moved too'

Next I wake with chains of Love song from Erasure.  So it perhaps was that song on Thursday night.

Next dreams all seem to be related and odd. 

It starts on a beach, then moves over rocks and coastal protection walls, I have a strange hybrid catapilla it's large the size of my hand and wired looking with rainbow dots on it.  I need to keep it safe from some other species more predatory while it lays it's eggs   I take it into a building and find a glass tank were it can lay eggs in peace. 

First there are many other hybrid animals, in the room black and white cuddly toy and a toy goats head have been pinned to a wall in a symbolic way.
Next I'm in my main dream scape in a building that used to be an amusement arcade, I'm below ground level though... one and 2 floors down.   I'm working with a small team (I think perhaps old school friends) 
The area we are in is storage, and there catering supplies, and gifts (plastic buckets and spades, skipping ropes hula hoops and stuff.  We are looking for something, and have a specific amount of 'time' before we have to get out and reset an alarm.  For some reason I'm keeping track of the time...  we find what we are looking at and 1000's of gold identical crowns 'rein' down on us from above.   We all climb our way up & out resetting the alarm system as we go.

I woke again, but go back into a very similar scenario, also in my main dreamscape.  We have been militarised there is a command and control structure in place male me is there too(he swaps between being my brother and an old BF).  We are both in-scripted as part of this militarised collective and he's in his 3rd year called 'acclimatization'  I'm a year or 2 below him were the training is kinda fun.  He's really board with what he's being asked to do so I tell him we'll ditch it for now.   I'm fairly feral in this dream, I wear few if any clothes have long black deadlocked hair black nails and am aggressive and volatile.

We leave I can remote view stuff in the dream and I realise my Gran (Dads Mam) is unresponsive.   (She's dead IRL but I think I have some ancestor stuff to sort on this side of the family, it pops up in dreams now and then)   I mentally arrange from an ambulance to collect my unresponsive Gran from her daughters house and be moved to a hospital and me and male me go to her home to collect some things for her. 

When we get there officers meet us they want to know why male me is not training and I tell him we both had the same dream about my Gran and we are helping her.   So they leave us to continue, inside my Grans house there are loads of military officers too.  They are dressing young kids in inappropriate clothing...   (There is an accepted culture of child abuse paedophilia  - these kids are physically disabled and will be going into admin rolls in my mind I know they will be mentally abused rather than physically)   I notice that I'd rude and confrontational with the officers and this is accepted...   but male me is expected more to conform.    I root round my Grans old house (It's a cottage right on the north sea front.    In the dream though lots of 'stuff' has build up round it, I go into the kitchen into the pantry and see apples there (they are to make pie's) the 'Apples' make me irritable on behalf of my Gran (this is linked to a spell I cast I think :P )

We leave and try to get the train to the hospital, the entrance to the train station has been rerouted threw a shop, male me gets in but I'm distracted by another female when I cross the street the shop is shut... people wanting to get the train are re-routed round a massive long street.   Me and other travellers start running, I drop onto all 4s and run like a large cat the other DC's are freaked out by me.

I get to the station and it's got a wooden hut round it, a group of men have been asked by the military to protect it and they want us to wait outside... they are being ass holes assuming authority over people and I get volatile fast with a torrent of verbal abuse and threaten to rip the door of it's hinges if the don't open it instantly  - they do.  I barge in and the other DC's are great full to me there can get to the station again...   I wake up.   (Hummm,,   lots of personal dream symbolism here)

This is linked to these other dreams...

18 July 2016)
First night popper sleep again - strange but powerful dreams.
First one, I was in my Grans village. (Back in 2009 I had lots of awakening dreams set here, I don't recall dreaming about it since) There was a man there that I didn't know he was tall and wearing a khaki uniform his intentions or roll wasn't clear to me, he was fairly bossy. Everyone else knew him.
Interestingly when I woke this morning I remembered my Gran had a brother who died in a Japanese POW camp in WW2 long before my birth.
I'm still putting bits together with regard to 'relatives dreams' They are different from other dreams I have - I'm sure they all tie into an 'inheritance' that seems something to do with the shamanic ideas of 'ancestors' and how we are working not just on ourselves but that of ancestors also. Someone might know more about this that me :P I haven't looked into it to much as this feels like something I should let unfold at it's own pace.
Next my dreams was an energy type of dream.
Starting with voles and a 'ripple effect' (of love and care) the ripple was going out to different world societies.
I was working with them.
I remember what I was doing from other dreams too.

Last dream,

Dream mmo game,   I'm aware of me as a player and as an avatar In the game I'm made of pixels and everything else is too - My keyboard keys are stuck and I can't talk to the other 'players'  I can interact in the game though. 
Another Avatar changed his weapon into a giant wooden spoon and scoops me, I shrink and go up a chimney into a kitchen, I'm tiny and have to find 6 eggs and a mouse who's double my size. 

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