Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Mountain-top Flight and Hybrid School.

First dream was around 1am

Setting was on the side of a small but steep mountain on a lovely day, there was an old school 80's bus parked on a track up to it and lots of people around.  Their guides too it was a busy mountain!    I was flying in the sky and trying to get others to join me. 

Some people wouldn't get of the bus, others were talking with their guides, some were clinging to the rocks terrified and I was chucking myself of the mountain and zooming around. 
I went into the bus to try and get some of the other DC's out and I broke the skylight open for them a few followed me onto the roof to try and fly I was showing them I could so they understood they could too and a few joined me in the sky.    I was also helping the guides too I think, I rememberer sitting with someone and manipulating time showing them 6months either way of their 'now'  depending on what they do 'now'.  I was talking with a guy who was concerned about 'protecting his investment' as something that looked good was now shakier.  I was scrolling time back to 6mths... then forward 6months so we could view 'past' and 'future' 

Second & 3rd dreams were also like school field trips.. 

In one we are in a large group on a big night walk around cliff tops.... we are a large mix of species, humans and reptiles and all kids of variations & hybrids.  We are testing who we can get on with and who we don't.    3rd dream was hazy, the main bit I recall was that we had 'consciousness' in a perti dishes  and were examining it :P

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