Monday, 13 March 2017

Diffrent factions & Goverment Intervention.

Sundays dreams...

My recall wasn't good lastnight  -  In one dream Chelsea was with me though... and the pope!   There was an alien 'war' going on... but both sides were the same  - they had been mind controlled / confused into aligning with different factions but were basically fighting with each-other.    It was a hummm top down dream were I was observing from way above. 

Which is similar in some ways to the dream where we went in to rescue someone but they didn't recognise us, so we just went along with playing the roll of there enemy so we could get them out. 

There was also 3 & 4 leaf clover in one dream.

Last night.

First dream was a little hazy.... again it had a fire in it, I was lighting it I was chatting with people, I knew 'names' I shouldn't be able to know?  We were nearly ready to leave/go.

Next dream was similar but this time about forgotten words and codes... there was echo's too... I felt like I was jiggying stuff in my brain :P   Oh..... I also had a small red and black snake, it was nice but a bit freaky... in the dream it kinda exploded into 3 bits, it was icky!    I was also cleaning out a large toolkit for someone. 

- Last dream,

This was in my main dreamscape.

I grew up in a 'council estate'  So it was new build social hosing rented cheep from the government...  It was 'out' house in terms of you can decorate do what you want with it.   It was a big thing in the 70's in the UK... I was the first baby to move into the estate at 1 month old as it was being finished when I was born.  Priority was given to family's with kids so it was a fun place to grow up with lots and lots of kids!    Sooo In my dream last-night it was being renovated the dream was about the estate and not my house (So hummm my totality rather than my personality meby?) 

The whole estate had been flattened and was being rebuilt and modernised..   It was wired, as it was being rebuilt much more communally & ethically .. so we shared heating and energy.   There were fetchers like a laundry who provided washable nappy's professionally laundered to the houses that needed them... the dirtys were collected to be washed and seteralised to be reissued.    There was also shared communication and lots and lots of TV sets everywhere even outside on the buildings.   There was something a bit 'big brother' about it, but lots of care had been put into stuff to make it 'work'

In the dream is this larger than life red haired woman called 'Kathy'  she's humm  like a barmaid from East london a strong cockney accent and very direct.   I was chatting to her about nappies I was using as I was allready using washables...  she was explaining that it was good I was doing that, but the program wouldn't allow for return of the same nappies (mine were patterned)    There was a distinct lack of individualism.  I also had a young female friend in the dream who was pregnant.

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