Monday, 6 March 2017

Game Dreams.

Sunday nights dreams were odd.

I had dreams about being 'Me' in this life which is quite rare... 

In one....  I met 2 elderly relatives that I love like parents..  It had been there 60th wedding anniversary end of last week and I'd been really upset that I didn't get to meet them (or see them much now cause I'm 100's of miles away)   
In the dream I was in my yoga class and someone who looked like a young version of my Aunty Betty walked past the door... I excused myself from the class to go look.   Outside my elderly relatives Aunty Sheila and Uncle Eric were sitting in at a table, I rushed up to hug them and congratulate them.... It was so real. 

It felt like I'd met them all in astral :heart:

In another me and Ian were in bed... he'd woken me up as he'd read a live report about an alien invasion in a place called 'point pier' in Durban   (I'd had a dream before this about swimming in the sea in Australia)   we were looking at his ipad at a google earth type of map and had zoomed right in.

There were police launches and then we saw a lots of 'alien's' coming out of the water.  Long limbs glowing... with green bobbly brains.     We were totally transfixed then the channel cut out with a government screen-saver message and we looked at each other thinking...  'wow, did we just watch that?' 

In another lucid dream I was face to face with a cartoon horse/dragon..    I was very lucid and was challenging it.....    It was odd we were trying to deconstruct each-other??

Last-nights dreams.

Set in a cottage in a forest it's windy and rainy outside but we have the windows open, we are around 4 people and packing up to leave and sorting things into box's   -  I know I'm in a world in a game... and that it's also a book - we all have wired amount of eyes... some one and some 3.    I have the book, it's already written I've not got to the chapter called 'Ren' yet but it's not far.  I'm trying to decide if I should read first or play first but I don't want spoilers!    Both seem to go together so I decide I will play a bit then read a bit then play a bit.... the book is like a fairytale.   There is a fairy-god mother among the archetypes.    I'm keeping 2 small fires burning one in each of the 2 downstairs rooms, a friend Angus has just arrived out of the cold and I'm banking what looks like an old bread oven with a metal door...   I leave it open to let the heat into the room and another friend makes up a bed for Angus to rest in.    The fire in the other room is just on the floor, not even a grate or anything.   As I wake I have a wired thing...  I was ment to pick pick an avatar for something there was 2 choices but I thought of 'Teddy-bear' instead. I wake with 'first teddy Avitar' in my head :P

I felt wired when I woke and meditated a bit....  my crown and feet were buzzing and tingling, it was not unpleasant at all and I chilled out and went back to sleep. 

Next was visions no body... it was like watching being clouds interacting, dark ones and light ones.... It was like being in something balancing...  like if you poured hot black water into cold white water, I was swirling to reach balance.  

Last dream,

I'm in a futuristic grey metal city...  people are looking for each-other, there is a glowing temple hidden in a kinda multi-story car-park thingy.   It's made to look like something else like a fast food restaurant but some of us know what it is.   I can get in and out of it but we are not supposed to.... It recognises me and I can pass all the security, the floor is covered in orange dry fallen leaves   but there are no trees anywhere in the city.

I'm called for a meeting in a big building, it's full of work stations and classrooms.   At the desks things are being built geometric shapes mainly out of magnetic things.   I don't walk I float a foot or so above the ground... I'm talking telepathicly with the person I'm going to meet, I'm admiring the deep green carpet...  (it connects everyone and everything in the building to one network)   (In the dream I know this is like the hidden circuitry in this dream - When I reach the meeting it's with a guy I know, he is in the control room of this building I'm looking at the feed from the carpet. 

-  Hummm, Part of my thinks these dreams are influenced by reading 'The Game series' but my intuition is strongly telling me my dreams came first.....   I was chatting to friend this morning about body stasis dream I had months before reading the game books.  I realised chatting to her that the energy flow in last nights meditation matched the upside down triangle thingy from this body storage dream. 

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