Thursday, 2 March 2017

City Wedding and Organising.

Disturbed night with ill kids. 

First dream I remember was in an aunts house, laying on the hearth sleeping... and keeping the fire going.  There had been a flood and stuff needed to dry out I was adding wood as it burnt down.

Next dream

Wedding of a friend I'd not seen in years, I'd been invited I didn't know her husband this time...     I'd been driven to the wedding by Ian in a car with no road tax, when we realised there was no tax I got out and walked rest of the way...  Zak was with me in a sling.   Wedding was in a reg office, with a spiral staircase up to it, I got there to late and people were moving on to go have a meal.  Dom was there and some others and he was going to walk with me to show me were the meal was going to be.   Next bit was wired like parkour street running hard though as I had Zak on my back.   We were going up and down brick stairs and threw buildings again (a little like the wind race)

When I get to the place were the meal is, the room is quite dark with lots of low sofas... Rachael and her new hubby are there on 2 of them, they are alone and in front of them is a large plate of cheeses.   It's wiredly formal.

Next dream

Large venue with a central bar/serving area.    First it's like a student union bar I come in with a phone and ask if there is a Natasha in the room, I have a call for her from her brother (he's psychic)   Next there is a children's birthday party with balloons and I'm arranging to get up early with the other mums, we are going to take kids and selves horse riding but stop for breakfast first... one of the Mums is making a fuss about gluten free restaurant??   (This was all quite odd...  I felt very remote from what was happening with the other DC's)  Next the dads are discussing buying a football club.   ??

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