Friday, 3 March 2017

Animals Under a Castle

Dreaming of a castle, in the dream is was Bamburguh but it looked more like Dunstanbugh newly built ...
Anyhooo it was a beautiful sandstone castle/stately home.   
There was a family living in it but it was open to the public, full of antiques  and in the dream my mother had some connection to the original builders. 
I'm talking to a curator as we look out of massive windows onto lush green rolling countryside and I'm asking her about the rumours of the crypts under the castle. 

She's reluctant to talk of them, but I have ancient drawings with me about the castle design that match with the ones they have there so it's not easy to fob me off.   She calls for hummmm he was kind of a re-enactment type of guy dressed as an old guard.   He offers to show me, so we go out into the court yard inside the castle walls and he unlocks a way down into the area below.  I don't enter, I don't need to as I float my awareness down into the crypts above it to compare the several old maps..

The guard grumbles that the conspiracy theory's ruined the place.....  but as I look into the crypts I can see different reality's blurring/breathing in and out of each-other.   The prominent one for me is the cause of the conspiracy theory the crypts are filled with animals in a relaxed stasis  1000's of species of animals from all over the world stored her as a genetic safeguard or something.   They look alive and can move a little but they are frozen in time.   It was like an underground Noah's arc or something.   I tell him I know the claims were exaggerated to make it look improbable. 

This seems to be linked to the war & stonework dreams
Also the dream a few nights ago with regard to conspiracy people and the animals...
Likaly the last dream of this night too with the statue

Dream after that was about trying to empty a bath tub but the water going down the bath tap but up into the sink and all over the floor flooding the room before bringing down the ceiling in the room below.  

Oh... just remembered another part of my dream a new university in a massive white room with white desk and white monitors...   We were all playing the same MMO game and we each had a wired white mouse with no buttons I guess a bit like an apple one.

There wasn't quite enough gaming stations and a guy kept pinching my mouse when I did I kept tickling him so he couldn't play either.

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