Thursday, 30 March 2017

Space Station & Jokers House.

In a million possibility only one is clear,
the one that brings us closer,
the one that brings us near.

Looking up is endless,
but looking down we meet,
within the place that is our home,
we are all touching with our feet <3

First dream was of grey rocks, and changes speeding up.

Next was of a space station, it was huge and we floated inside.  The windows looked out onto space and various planets.   On one planet were massive giants in space suits.   I also ported to a house in India in monsoon time... the room was tiled and water was pouring in.   My yoga teacher was there showing me how to weave patterns big and small including flowers.  


First dream I'm in my Auntys Sheilas house (This is a secondary dream zone)   People are commenting on the water supply and why there is 2 taps and not a mixer tap, each room in the dream has a sink and a bath and there is another room with just a bath and more taps down stairs...  I tell them they are all this way, that there is 2 tanks. 

They comment that there must be 2 tanks too.   I tell them we like it this way, and they say it's not regulation or something.

--  I think this is energy flow, - & +

Next dream I got into a woods and into an ancient type of feast - animals roasting on a spit, large tables and torches lit for when it gets dark.  It had a Viking feel to it, then Suzie and Steve to local friends arrive, they have modern cheese cake and suzie has a bunch of baking trays.   

Oddly I met Suzie at school pick up tonight and she was holding 2 baking trays!  (Oh, it was her kids birthday.... she's brought cake into school for the twins birthday table.  -  Funny how that sneaked into my dream!

Last dream I'm flying over this amazing City, we'd been to a rave/squat party.   
We are flying threw what looks like terraces of Victorian houses but they are amazing 5-6 story's high (It was like a trippy version of a street I used to live on)   I know I'm heading to a house I know when I get there it's on the corner of a block and is awesome looking!   It's the hr before dawn and the light is magic. 

The block is called 'Jokers Terrace  it's an amazing looking impossible terrace of amazing architecture. 

The house on the corner is  'Jokers House'   It's written above the door in beautiful black script.   The house is 6 storeys high with floor to ceiling windows and you can see beautifully painted headboards of massive beds in the lit up rooms.    One is Alice in wonderland theme, another is like a chess board.  I am visualising the inside too as I look at if from outside.  I know it has beautifully varnished floor boards soft colourful sofas one room has a massive purple grand piano in it.     I know that I know the family inside, but I can only go in when the time is right. 

--   Hummm, last one is something to do with floor/joker archetype!

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