Thursday, 9 February 2017

Dog Tooth and a Water Train.

Wed Dream
I had one quite clear dream in the morning though that I'd gone to the USA to visit a friend who lived there.  In the dream she owned a health-food shop,  I'd been trying to find a very mild soap to help a child, she sold me some.
When I went back to see her again she had been arrested and her shop closed, her 2 twin daughters had been taken into care   (She'd been set up by the church to make her look like she'd been doing something eligal)
I was going to find her in a jail when I woke up.

In a beautiful sunny garden, a female dentist extracted a tooth and gave it to me when she gave me it it was huge! It wasn't a human tooth it was the upper pre-molar of a large bread dog or wolf.   It was clean and healthy.
I knew it was mine and could feel the gap were it was missing.

She gave me it to use as currency, I could get things by showing this tooth!  Dream hops to a city park, it's edged with wrote iron railings painted dark green, it's a large park and there is a wooded area where I'm playing with some dogs but we also seem to be camping/sleeping there  as I'm aware I have some bedding bundled up at in the park to.

There is a canal running threw the park and we go onto a barge...  while on there I notice that the surface of the canal looks like it's raining but it's still very sunny out, thinking about my bedding I go to the window to look for rain cloud's.
When I get close to the window I'm amazed to see a train make entirely out of water coming towards me on the surface of the canal the front of the train is a woman's face   (This is totally epic looking!  it's transparent and flowing and drips are splashing from it but the water is forming a train complete with woman's face :P )   Is the train reaches me the face smiles and says 'Toot Toot!'  lol :D

I get of the boat and stare after the water train, I notice that I can also see an old fashioned London double decker bus, also made out completely out of water.. this time the face is male.  
I run to the bus stop and get onto the water bus.   It takes me to a concert hall, then tells me 'Beeb Beep' as it leaves.

The concert hall is a little like a mix between an amphitheatre/school/lecture hall theatre.  On the stage children are performing - at one point I am up there with them singing and dancing, but I'm also in the crowd watching me too.   At this point the me in the audience is approached by a man with a small dog, he tells me he knows I dream and he's a dream annalist. 

He's friendly so I walk with him to his office it's brightly lit with posters and stuff around. 
I agree to write down the dream I'm currently having but all of his note pads are all ready full... I flick threw them all looking at his writing and notes all in the same dark blue biro pen, the books are A5 with blue covers like school excersize books, I'm surprised by his how neat and orderly his books are.
We chat for a while about dreams and how he is analysing them, I tell him about the elements and he's interested.

I tell him I'll go to look for some more paper and his small white dog comes with me, we look around but every pad we find is either already full of writing or empty and the papers is gone. They are the A4 cartridge lined pads now, but all I can find is the brown card backing some with a few sheets of used paper others with scribbles and doodles on.   I'm in a wide corridor with desks along one wall.

Another lecturer appears as dose a small female girl, she's climbed up into a window recess and is watering some plants there, her father has sent her for some food but she doesn't know were to find any think I knew her father was drunk and her mother had been abusing and sexually assaulting her ((This is quite hazy though- like I'm remembering the girls hazy memory's rather than experiencing them ))   she also has a small dog with her.   

The lecture asks if we are ok and I say we are fine just looking for paper and food.  The dog belonging to the dream guy is now standing next to the lecturer and he asks if it's mine... I tell him it's with us too and call it back over...  as it leaves he goes back inside an office with a large machine perhaps a photocopier and closes his door. 

Me child and 2 dogs set of again to find now paper and food, we end up in the back of a van and then climb down into the tired seats of the audience (who are now leaving as the performance is over) I notice the audience is  filled with people I know.   I say hello to them as I'm climbing all over the place with girl and 2 dogs now in tow.  

(Woken by an alarm) 

Vivid visions while dozing.  A Crescent moon waxing.   It was also eclipsed by 2 smaller objects though, so it looked like it had a couple of bites taken out of it. 

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