Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Attack on an Island and a Renaissance Room.

Odd, after night before dream of sex, this one was violence!  Odd as they are not common for me. 

The dream is set in a cottage on an island in a storm!   The island is crumbling, as the waves bash it...  there is also a wall of twisty trees around it that I climb up and threw to get into the cottage.   My male aspect with me in this dream but he appears and disappears. 

I'm trying to climb up the tree/branch wall and my male aspect is on the other side... the weight of both of us is causing the branches to bend to much and I can't reach the next step so he (logic) waits below and I go alone.

The cottage isn't mine, and I'm there at the permission of the female owner who is absent.

I sitting cross legged in an empty room in the back of the cottage,  I'm remote viewing the whole cottage (inside and out) the and island and storm.   

I watch an older female come in, she hummmm  admin/employee of the house owner and is ment to be looking after it but she's abusing the trust placed in her and is discreetly stealing and sabotaging stuff in the house.  She's wearing a skirt suit,  is neat and tidy, fair hair pinned up in a bun. 

She's in the main modern part of the cottage. 

On seeing what she's doing I'm filled with rage and go to confront her.

I'm feral, small and straggly and wild I think I was nekid, I certainly had bare feet legs and arms. 
I don't even bother speaking to her...    I just jump her and attack  punching her in the face  over and over and slamming her head into a wall until she collapses.   

I then go back to the other room and sit down in a chair looking at the ground.    It's still dark and stormy out and the ocean is eating away as the island. 
I wait while police arrive, I'm remote viewing again and I see them surrounding the cottage with guns  loads of them..... clearly expecting a flight.    They see me threw the window and one comes into speak to me while the other point guns at me from outside. 

I remain totally detached and emotionless just staring at the floor, the dead body of the other woman in the room behind.   

The police man approaches me and asks if I killed the woman, I not mutely and let them arrest me.

- The dream skips and I'm with my male aspect again... we are on the deck of a ship in the sun the ocean is calm, we are heading to Greece or Italy and we have pasta.   We are sharing the pasta and it's good (I don't like pasta!)  We can taste the wheat and while we are eating it we are remote viewing the wheat fields in the sun where the wheat for our meal grew.

-  Next I'm just female me in a long long narrow room, it's like a a mix of a hotel room and an old peoples home with  a door at each end.  

I'm passing threw, it's visually incredible!  Renaissance style and there are 100's of old elegant women in there.

They are all 70+ and dressed in amazing ballgowns, there white hair is styled and filled with jewels and pins and there dresses are a rainbow of silks. 
They are draped on the posh sofas and chaise lounge's  placed  in groups around the glowing fires in the  in elaborate fire places.  They are being waited on by butlers.

I walk still nekid threw this bizarre room and out into the sun again where male me is waiting, we are walking together companionably discussing the law of attraction and if it's time to reset our intention.


Firstly like most of my dreams it was an enjoyable, it flowed easily and I felt I had a sense of purpose threw out it. 

The island and the storm,  this was invigorating wild and powerful I felt at one with the storm.  It was me and I was it.   Climbing up the twisty trees, this reminded me at the time of a fairy-tale like  the prince fighting his way into sleeping beauty.   I leave logic behind at this point so I'm acting/reacting on emotion and instinct, judging by the storm the emotion is strong. 

The cottage..  This is interesting It was almost like I was meditating in the dream, watching and waiting.    The cottage I guess is some aspect of my body, mind or immune system.   The owner of the cottage would be waking me.   The employee office type woman I kill also must be an aspect of me, one which is not helpful to our totality.     I'm in this dream destroying this aspect of me quite literally.      The police I guess represents the status quo of my totality come to see what's going on....     I've achieved what I set out to do and am passive with with my other beliefs at this time.

Soo,  I hop next...  I've achieved what I set out to do and I'm back with my logical aspect.   The storm has passed and we are feeding each-other so I'm in a balanced state and info/ideas/energy are flowing between logic/instinct/creative.    Not sure about why pasta or the field.

Next the long room,  well  lol -  this was surreal and visually very beautiful -  using guys interpretations I'm moving threw old female ideas perhaps..    All these beautiful traditionally ornate pretty feminine things....  yet I'm nekid and wild and happily walking threw them all observing them.     Perhaps I'm showing myself I'm moving away from more passive traditional ideas of feminine - interestingly they were all being waited on by men :stuck_out_tongue: 

Oh, and sat round fires (In dreams where I'm my higher self I work lots with fire - lighting them or keeping them burning) 

Last bit, I'm back with my logic again we seem to be deciding what to work on/with next.

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