Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Tall Tower and Distant Planet.

First dream I'm in a massive Tower (tarot archetype?)   It's thin with many storeys there is a squared of central spiral stair well and small rooms off it.   There are lots of windows on all sided too.
The rooms seem to be surgical in nature with surgical medical equipment.   At the top of the stairwell is also a series slides!  The kind of chutes you find at a water park, some have water others are frozen with ice and some just dry.

The tower has other people there to, my friend Emma from school who was a still virgin (I'm not sure why that was important but it was part of the dream) There was a guy who I had a crush on when I was about 10 called Peter....   there was also a race of bird/human hybrids in the tower too.

I had with me a toddler but not Zak and a small cute fluffy puppy!  In the lower floors of the tower a party is happening, the music can be herd  threw out the building.  The slides are fairly good fun and we seem to be climbing up and sliding down again. 

 I'm outside in an unfamiliar town, we are in a park lounging in the sun.  The group of people I'm with are part of a commune one female there is owner of a large black cat, she is asking me how to care for it. She's been keeping it indoors I tell her she can let it out but not to encourage it to come to us as we are to close to the road/traffic.

We leave the park to get into our spaceship.  

The spaceship, it's a typical flying-saucer shape fairly small and we are a little crew of 5ish people.

There are no controls everything is done by thought/manifestation, at first we move up into the upper  atmosphere of the planet with the park, they are using their upper atmosphere for storage.  
We hear a signal and head towards it but it's just an old car system  (there is a floating flying giant magnet with loads of old scrap cars stuck to it)    It's a car in the heap that's emitting the signal   (This is alot like the dream from 13th Oct The scrap metal piled in the sky)

We leave that planet to travel into space.

We have control over the walls so we make them transparent to enjoy the journey threw space, even the floor....  so it's like being in space but there is a solid ground to keep us all together.  We lay looking down and then up as we point out distant stars/nebula/galexys.

We find a planet to land on and land in a rocky canyon area, we leave the ship a little like popping threw a membrane, it parts to let us out, me and another female leave first.

The atmosphere is deep dark purple and the rock formations are amazing they look like lava flow with canyons and soft rounded shapes

The rock it self was beautiful!

It was kinda iridescent rainbow the whole place glowed as it reflected different coloured light, so the light was coming from the rock and ground rather than a source in the sky.

The mane life form was these kind of ghost like mushrooms, they were about human height and looked like they were made from glass or something...

amazing looking and very delicate but still organic.  A little like the ones above but more pointed and obviously much larger.

We also saw dino like creatures, massive one passing pretty close by walking past us, the vibration of there steps jiggling us as they were so large.


Last dream I'm making a Temple!  It's like a Mayan pyramid or a Mandel picture if it was 3D.
I'm aware that it's normal size but I'm huge! 
I'm a massive giant and making it seemed like a kid playing in a sand pit.   I'm singing as I make it and putting male energy into it, there is another female with me I can feel the male energy flowing into it as I pat it shape it and sing.    I'm knelt by it as I work.     It seems small to me but I'm aware it's the kind of monument that we have in our world still now. 

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